
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

Leonidas StarDraconic...


Another night guarding this stupid gate…

Why the hell do I need to be here?

Nobody ever takes this path to the Underworld."

"Danico, if you don't stop whining, I'll go find the boss and tell him of your behaviour.

For fuck's sake man, don't you know that this isn't a place to complain.

It's an easy gig with decent pay.

Now shut up!"

A human guard shouted to his Balosar co-worker and friend, even though his expressed thoughts weren't wrong at all.

They indeed were stuck with the same old job to guard the same entrance, every damn day.

Over the last few months, they didn't care much for it, but as more time passed, the human guard, Kit, was beginning to find himself at his wits end with the ever-increasing complaints from Danico.

But before his companion could reply, they felt a sense of dread and worry that started crippling their bodies and mind.

All they were able to hear was slow and repetitive sounds of breathing that started raising in volume as it neared the position of the two guards.

Looking down in the alley, either guard was unable to keep their fear from spilling over and causing them to pass out.

The human guard, Kit, was stronger than most and kept himself standing but his friend Danico had already collapsed under the building pressure.

It wasn't long before Kit fell as well, but he still got a glimpse of the man's helmet as it finally appeared outside of the darkness.

Until now, all he could hear was the sound of heavy breathing through cybernetics, but once his eyes locked onto the mask, his only thought was, '… Monster'.



Earlier on, Arlo designed the second character with Vader in mind while creating the person.

Measuring up to 6 feet, 8 inches with the black armour on, Arlo made some adjustments to give the cape a hood that would cover the helmet easily.

It was made out of nano-polymer fibre that was highly durable and able to reshape itself at the drop of a hat.

Removing the iconic Vader helmet with its samurai design element, Arlo created two layers, with a thin glass encasing around his head first, before a metallic outer shell laid itself down.

The first layer looked similar in design to the Red Hood's helmet, but it disappeared under the outer helmet shell that appeared much like the Mandalorian design concept.

The iconic 'T' symbol was emphasised to conform to a sharper point rather than the simple and outdated design.

Its outer shell helmet curved itself to shape around the user's head with a medieval element giving it the perfect finish.

At first, Arlo wanted to engrave some symbols and patterns into the helmet, but the glowing red tint of the inner layer seeped through perfectly to give the user a deadly aura.

Enabling the option to regulate the colour of the inner layer helmet, Arlo worked to make them into once whole piece that could be removed and worn as needed.

The cape and black armour were updated to remove the regulator, which wouldn't be required to keep the wearer alive because the user would be fully fit and healthy.

Arlo designed everything to be removed and altered as please, with nano-polymer fibres and metals being used to give the user plenty of customisable options.

Adding tints of red to the cape with a hood and some gold as well to the armour, Arlo created a regal and soul-fearing person when they appeared out of thin air.

"… Master…" The imposing nature of the man took him by nature as it partly suppressed the whole room Arlo was relaxing in at the offices of Empyrean Consortium.

Already enabled to have plenty of Midi-Chlorians, Arlo decided to impart some knowledge and skills of his own to the imposing figure.

"From now on, Leon… your codename will be Vader and you'll become one of my right-hand men.

For now, I want you to clean up and control the Underworld of this planet.

Later you will be tasked to join a Guild I'll set up, but Yeixrian will make sure to alert of the necessary tasks.

All I hope, is that you try and not use the Force.

If possible, I wish to make you the beacon of the Mandalorian people.

Well, at least one of the many people that will rise soon enough to support our cause and plans for the future."

"Yes, Master." Vader stood up from kneeling and left the building after meeting with Viola for a moment, so they were familiar with each other at the very least.

After he left, Arlo started working on creating the Solider Squad as the Partians were formed already and working with their direct superior, Viola.

Each of them took on a role within the Consortium, while also taking on other positions to help build their Master's connections through the galaxy.

Created to be the best politicians and businessmen and women, the Partisan Squad had a mixture of species that typically found themselves on Coruscant.

They all had plenty of strength to keep themselves alive and well, but in all honesty, none of them would ever find themselves in a tough situation.


Currently, they were familiarising themselves with the business operations and connections they had and wished to develop.

The few who had finished their training with Yeixrian found out that the people of Coruscant were already going nuts over their produce.

One particular restaurant that served senators and medium to wealthy clients had found themselves in a peculiar situation where they were being inundated with requests.




"Screw that bastard!

Serve me everything you have, and I'll pay triple the price!!"




The staff of the restaurant were all visibly scared out of their mind as people rushed the service counter with all sorts of demands regarding the ingredients and finished fresh products.

Much like their boss, nobody expected the decently priced goods to take so good and cause such a storm in their restaurant.

It wasn't the only place going through a period of chaos since bars and other restaurants across the planet were going nuts.

Everyone wanted more, but nobody expected the produce from Xilan would be this good.

Some people already started ordering more produce immediately, with a few asking for express delivery immediately.

Because Viola was connected to a System and Yeixrian, she was given authority to enter the Empyrean Dimension as she pleased.

This was perfect for collecting produce and items that they would be selling or moving from their warehouse.

Noticing the incoming calls, Viola decided to unload a larger number of goods and produce.

The droids in the care of Yeixrian started to rush out and move the items to be sent immediately to the purchasing party, which effectively kept the Empyrean Consortium running all night long.

First, a team of the Partisans were organising the Prime Real Estate gifted to Arlo through the System – Player Network function.

Yeixrian quickly designed the outer appearance of the building and its interior, within reason of course, because Arlo wanted to turn the place into the headquarters of the Guild.

The Partisans thought about leading themselves over to the Galactic Senate Office so they could gain the rights to forming a Guild, but Viola wouldn't let them go.

After checking the Intergalactic Web Network, she discovered dozens of points that their Guild needed to be aware of if they wished to operate throughout the Galaxy.

They needed to organise a lobbyist, who would communicate with Senators and certain councils to further the operational goals of the Guild.

Most Guilds focused in one specific area like merchants, bounty hunters or mercenaries, but Arlo hoped to create a Guild that attracted everyone.

It was possible according to the laws of the Senate, but the annual cost to keep the Guild running would increase drastically.

Not only that, but the cost also to establish Guild – Quarters across the galaxy with the necessary equipment, people and knowledge would be astronomical.

Thankfully the Empyrean Dimension helped reduce their costs by a huge margin.

From supplying plenty of produce, materials, and possibly people as well, the Guild would be easily the strongest in no time, giving them plenty of say in the public's interest.

For now, though, Yeixrian needed to hasten up the process of their Starship development and construction but it's taking far too long for Arlo's liking.

He actually wanted to seize control over Eriadu Mining & Supplies, a company currently suffering from pirate raids.

The whole event was conspired by Darth Plagueis and his apprentice, Sidious.

It wasn't overly important in the eyes of most people, but for the two Sith's, it was a perfect lead up to their takeover of the republic.

Arlo remembered being told this narrative by his father on Earth who was a bigger fan than him of Star Wars.

What many people didn't know was the company eventually came back stronger than ever after the effects of the pirate raids once the Trade Federation lost its mining monopoly over the Outer Rim Territories.

Of course, Arlo wouldn't care for the Trade Federation to intervene with his work, even if they held a monopoly but he also had to think about the legal aspect of business operations when the public's attention was on the company.

Arlo had Yeixrian start a silent takeover of the company, which would become the backbone of his distribution network to move their products through the galaxy.

He wouldn't interfere with the work of the Pirate raiders beside increasing the frequency of their attacks through some silent funding.

The more people sold their ownership over the Eriadu Mining & Supplies company, the better Yeixrian could manage and operate without anyone questioning her actions or existence.


Back to the Guild rules and operations, the Partisans had to also find warriors and capable mercenaries to take on the Guild Tasks and Quests.

Right away, Arlo thought of the Mandalorians, but it wasn't possible to recruit them all right now, so he thought about the type of Soldier Squad to create that would benefit him in the short and long term.

Obviously, there was only one option and it happened to be the most potent one at that for the Force Universe.


Arlo remembered the Halo Universe and the games he played as a child back on Earth.

Back then, he always hoped to become a Spartan but after turning into a Death Reaper, he actually went and visited a world much alive the Halo Universe.

Watching over the creation of the SPARTAN-II, Arlo gathered over a hundred souls of children who died from the physical and mental pain.

To make the torment easier for the children, Arlo took on a portion of the pain, which invertedly saved more lives as the pain became manageable.

Watching over them until they mostly passed away over time, Arlo learnt they lived miserable lives that saw war and duty above all else.

At the time, Arlo swore if he ever got the opportunity to help them all relive their lives in a similar situation, he would ensure they got the ability to enjoy the efforts of their labour.

Thinking of the past because of his Hyper-Eidetic Memory, Arlo thought about using the Solider Creation Card to bring them to life.

Surprisingly, Yeixrian agreed with him and decided to help in the unique situation.

{If you're going to do the same thing, and create each person just like the Partisan group, then I suggest you combine a Recovery Spell with the Creation Card.

It might bring about greater results than you ever expected}

"… Is this your way of saying those children will regain another opportunity at life?"


"Then leave it be… they already are resting in peace, and I only can spawn 100 Soldiers.

What's the point of leaving behind the other 200 to fester in life after death.

Also… I thought it was impossible to use magic here.

Besides the Dungeons that are created by the System."

{Actually no.

You are able to use magic because of your dragon lineage.

Its possible because of your Body and Spirit Core that allows you to reconstitute the Void Energy you draw in.

But this also makes the power source of the spells stronger than usual, meaning its effect will be substantially greater.

And regarding the Spartan warriors… if not them, right now, how about this…

Why don't you create some of the Primaris Transhuman Warriors?}

Arlo was stumped for a moment until he remembered a time in the past when he spoke about the world of Warhammer 40K.

They were vicious and dangerous people that led wars for their Emperor against all sorts of chaos, but while Arlo loved playing the video games, he feared their introduction into the Force Universe would bring about too many eyes on their operations.

Only then, did it finally click to him that there was a method to use both the Primaris Transhuman Warriors and SPARTAN program, while keeping them hidden from the galaxy.

"Yeixrian... check my System Inventory for a data crystal chip.

There should be several different types, but one should clearly have '117' engraved into a part of the outer casing.

Also grab the one with a large 'C' engraved into it as well."

During his time in the equivalent universe of Halo, Arlo made himself present and download mountains of information for his own curiosity.

While living as a Death Reaper for eternity, he got bored quite easily so to pass time, learning was vital to him, especially when it came to something new and exciting.

The Halo Universe had many different things to offer Arlo in regard to technology, which unfortunately saw food as nothing more than sustenance.

Certain things couldn't be currently released into the Force Universe because of the System's intervention, as it far exceeded anything that was currently developed.

Thankfully for him, the two Data Crystal Chips were easily able to leave the System Inventory and enter the Empyrean Dimension to be downloaded by Yeixrian.

To her surprise, the All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix developed in an interesting way that her emotions and mentally improved along with her computational power.

But besides the increase in strength and foundational improvement, Yeixrian finally understood what Arlo was going to try and achieve.

{You're going to create Primaris Transhuman Warriors and then assess their make-up before we begin the production of our own, right?}

"Pretty much.

I'll keep the Primaris Transhuman Warriors within the Empyrean Dimension or on Ossus to train the up-and-coming soldiers in the Military Academy.

The scientists at the Empyrean Research Institute can start reverse engineering the Transhuman and Spartan program, giving us the best soldiers, an empire could ever ask for."

{What about the Guild then?}

"Recruitment and training…

The old-fashioned way…" Arlo smiled, as it dawned on him that he was moving too fast ahead with so much time still left until the main events of the Force Universe occurred.




[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] [..] [.] [Done…!]


[You are the First Player to establish a Guild!]

[As the First Player Guild recognised by the Senate, Host is rewarded 6,000 Guild Reputation Points with the Republic, its States and Subsidiaries!]



[Congratulation to Host's Guild to be recognised by the Galactic Governing Body!

[Due to location of registration, Host has achieved the recognition of the Galactic Republic and its citizens, which awards the Guild and its members with Friendly – Cooperative Reputation!]

[Friendly – Cooperative Reputation affords Guild members to easily communicate with citizens and businesses of the Galactic Republic and its associates]

[Please be aware, Reputation can be affected and lead to the Galactic Republic and its citizens to go against the Guild…]


- 20,000 EXP

- 20,000 System Credits

- Guild – Headquarters (Elite Grade) (Prefabricated Building)

- 10x Seeds of Nio'dei (Elite Grade)]



Several days had passed on Coruscant, with plenty of time for Arlo to organise several things before preparing to leave.

After discussing the creation of Primaris Transhuman Warriors, Arlo went with a group of Partisans to establish the Guild with the Galactic Republic Senate.

Arlo expected a long meeting and possible inspection from the Senate, but they couldn't care less and happily took 100,000 Credits.

The Guild was named the Star-Void Guild, with a sprawling StarDragon that contained the existence of galaxies across its body.

It was moulded into a circular shield with an internal trim of equal parts Crimson Sith Red and Holy Light Gold, with Platinum White and Void Black sealing the outside of the shield.

'Balance…' came to Arlo's mind when he saw the finished design of the Star-Void Guild.

It would go onto his Starship, the Tempest, and any other ships that would be opened and operated by the Guild.

The Senate accepted the Guild Symbol and allowed for the creation of the Guild, leaving Arlo with the duty of finding a place for their headquarters.

Thankfully he already had property, and it was in a great location with plenty of services nearby that would be vital for their Guild Members.

To their surprise it happened to be beside the Senate District with the Jedi Temple not too far aware either.

Arlo thought it would be difficult to erect the Guild – Headquarters gifted to him by the System, but it turned out to be easy, as the public would be subjected to an illusion for 24 hours.

They would assume the building was being built when in fact it was already done.

Praising his old friend again for his foresight and that of Yeixrian's, Arlo set up the Guild – Headquarters, only for it to shock and the entourage of Partisans, who found the facilities of the building to be more than adequate.

They actually loved the Guild building because it contained everything they wanted and more.

For example, the building had its own port, with plenty of room to expand, if need be, and it allowed for larger cargo ships to dock, but would need to be Light Freighters instead of the mammoth Epoch-Class Heavy Carrier.

It wasn't the tallest skyscraper on Coruscant, but it easily stood out as an attractive structure in the new district that appeared on the planet.

Arlo figured the System somehow interfere to develop enough land space for them to build their Guild.

But that's when Arlo made his first wild discovery.

Could it be possible to register more than one Guild?

To test out his theory, Arlo first asked all of the Partisans to register with the Star-Void Guild.

It didn't take long, and their own System Interfaces added a new tab that was set up for Guild Members.

People could communicate with one another and send certain items, within reason of course, if a trade was to happen between Guild Members.

Tasks, and Quests could all be selected from the Guild Tab, and even accept certain ones that would be sent to them.

It honestly was amazing, and Arlo couldn't believe he was in control of such a secure network without needing to do much but spend Credits.

He sent off a few teams to the Galactic Republic Senate Offices with plenty of Credits and unyielding hope that his theory was correct.

It turned out the receptionist accepted their application, and the System decided to alert him of the updates.




[Guild Member of the Star-Void Guild is creating their own Guild: Golden – Void]

[They wish to retain their membership with the Star-Void Guild while creating their Guild, meaning a partnership can be organised]

[As Guild Master of Star Void Guild, do you wish to cooperate with Golden-Void Guild?]




Arlo didn't wait and quickly accepted the System Notification with his eyes focusing on the System Interface.

Soon enough, the requests came pouring in until the 10th request activated a new notification that awarded him with a Guild-Headquarters.




[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] [..] [.] [Done…!]


[Host has assumed controlling leadership over the Top 10 Guilds!]

[For unlocking a substantial Hidden Player Achievement, Host has been gifted various items from the System]



[Host is the First Player to create a Grand Guild of the Force Universe by forming a controlling partnership with the Top Player Guilds!]

[Grand Guild – Star-Void – and its partnered Guilds have received 6,000 Guild Reputation Points!]

[Grand Guild – Star-Void – and its partnered Guilds have achieved the Reputation Status: Respectful - Cooperation]

[Guild Members will be treated respectfully if noticed and watched closely by those threatened…]

- 250,000 EXP

- 250,000 System Credits

- Guild – Headquarters (??? Grade) (Prefabricated Building)

- Guild Staff, Trainers, Managers, Maintenance Crew (??? Grade)

- Player Creation Card (Legendary Grade)

- Guild Orbital Space-Dock Station (Staff, Trainers, Managers, Maintenance Crew Included) (Legendary Grade)

- Greater Krayt Dragon (Epic Grade) (Growable)]



Yeixrian took the Greater Krayt Dragon Egg away into the Empyrean Dimension to record its species Genetic Code but to also improve the state of the other animal species.

She also started utilising the System Credits to develop other parts of the dimension and Ossus, especially with the Primaris Transhuman warriors to be created soon enough.

In the meantime, Arlo used the Unknown Grade Guild – Headquarter which drew in the land reserved for the other 9 Guilds established by the Partisans.

The area was supposed to be known as the Guild District but after Arlo achieved a Grand Guild, the entire district was named after them.

Star-Void District used the colour scheme of the Guild and their design structure, that Yeixrian built to revolve around humanity and its collective history.

It was predominantly seen in the megastructure of a skyscraper that stretched into the sky, easily overshowing everything nearby.

Of course, nobody besides Guild Members could see the complete building as the public was blinded by the Illusion Charm of the Systems, but Arlo could easily tell that his actions would kickstarted some significant change to the timeline of the Force Universe.

For now, all he could was wait and see what his rash actions had done.


Arlo summoned the Guild Staff, Trainers, Managers, and Maintenance Crew after asking Yeixrian to fly over the Tempest and park it in their Hanger Port.

There was the option of summoning the Guild Orbital Space-Dock Station that would remain in space around the planet, and sending it there, but Arlo found it easier to park it at the Guild Headquarters.

The grand size of the building also translated to greatly improved facilities that saw plenty of automation being added to the huge structure, as the Hanger Port was set up for heavy repairs and Starship modifications.

Best of all, one of the deeper levels of the Grand Guild Headquarters housed Dungeon Gates.

It turned out, any that were discovered by Arlo and his Guild Members would automatically add a bypass gate at all of the Branch Headquarters set up across the galaxy.

A small fee would need to be paid to activate the Dungeon Gate, with part of the fee going to the individual who discovered the Dungeon and the rest to the Guild.

Arlo planned to send the Guild Members to the Dungeon to train and develop, since nobody could die in them.

They would lose experience and strength before being kicked out of the Dungeon for a specific timeframe.

There was also the option of managing the difficulty of the Dungeons on entrance but that was up to the person who would enter it, knowing of the consequences.

They would also be alerted to the best difficulty for their strength and aptitude.

That information would be gathered during the joining process, which was made fairly easy as the Grand Guild Headquarters helped tremendously in this aspect.

When someone would join the Guild, they would need to place their hand on a crystal orb that would gain all of their personal information and store it safely, away from all eyes.

In return, the individual trying to join the Guild would receive a small data-chip they could sync with their wrist Holocoms.

From that point on they had gained assess to the Guild's Private Communication Network, that gave them the ability to trade, buy and sell with their fellow members.

The data-chip would act as an encrypted version of the System for Guild Members but set up to react to the spirit of each person, meaning the wrong person would end up with the data-chips.

This also meant they could discover and access Dungeons, which greatly helped relieve most of Arlo's worries about them feeling odd and out of place at the guild.

Those who would be registered as citizens of the Empyrean Dimension, automatically had accessed to the System – Player Network, so they were already a huge leap ahead of others in the Force Universe.


While waiting for the construction of Guild Headquarters to finish Building, Arlo toured around the huge megastructure that contained all sorts of goodies.

One of his first finds was the laboratory and research centre for Guild Members and Staff who could use them as they pleased.

A part of Arlo wanted to dive right in and stay inside the particular section of the Guild, but he didn't dare to because the Engineering Workshop was right up the next few floors.

After the Guild Staff and Crew were acquired through the System as a reward, they all moved to their respective positions around the building with Yeixrian guiding them.

Arlo felt excited to see them working, especially those in the labs and engineering workshop because they liked to conduct their own research and development without being provided direction.

While continuing through his self-tour of the building, there were plenty of facilities like the Empyrean Bank, toilets, conference rooms, shops, bars, and restaurants.

It all was top class and of the highest luxury, with plenty of room for it to be considered a small world of its own with the huge number of amenities.

A large part of the building went to residential apartments that could be permanently bought by Guild Members or leased out.

There were various sizes for short- and long-term visits, as to best utilise the available space.

The Guild Headquarters also had plenty of area reserved for training facilities, workshops, greenhouses, and shooting ranges.

Arlo knew the future Guild Members would scream and cry to get the most out of the trainers and mentors because they were incredibly strong and powerful.

Each knew mountains of information and skills they were ready to pass onto others, especially those who were part of the Star-Void Guild.

To be fair, it was extraordinary, and Arlo couldn't find any fault with the building whatsoever.

It seems like a lot for Viola to manage but the pervious Guild Leaders of the former Top Ten Guilds had now turned into Guild-Chiefs that reported directly to Guild-Leader.

Technically they were Viola's lieutenants, meaning their responsibility wasn't small at all.

Arlo already knew Viola appreciated the extra help, especially with the establishment of the Grand Guild, which shocked the Galaxy.

It also made Arlo reconsidered the deployment of the Guild Orbital Space-Dock Station around Coruscant, because it would cause more eyes on them.

Currently, Viola was inundated with Senators, Lobbyists and corporate business who wished to form some sort of connection with the Guild.

Empyrean Consortium announced themselves as the first sponsors of the Guild, while also being a member of their Executive Board to help with business matters and legal issues.

Yeixrian did it to cover the tracks of the Empyrean Consortium, so it wouldn't appear all too connected and operated by one person.

But instead, it sent a small chill down the backs of the financial figures who operated out of the Financial District, because it was the first time, they ever heard of a Grand Guild being formed.

The InterGalactic Banking Clan were the worst off from the announcement, since they expected, the Guild would come to them for funds.

Furious by the huge loss to their Clan, they decided to find everything they could about the Empyrean Consortium but in the meantime, they hoped to get an invite to the grand opening of the Guild Headquarters.

It was organised to be held in a few days times, and made to be a huge celebration, which ended up alerting all sorts of businesses and shops to prepare for a grand celebration.

Viola managed and oversaw all of the work that needed to be done in preparation, while Arlo focused on producing the Solider Squad finally.

Neither of them knew though, that Leonidas StarDraconic Vader had caught the attention of several figures who were hidden in the depths of the Underworld, watching the man in Void Black, Crimson Red and Holy Light Gold crushing slavers and their smugglers.

Even though Vader was aware of their presence for some time now, he never stopped them, nor did he let them know that he was aware of their existence.

Vader was sensitive to the Force, especially as more and more people died by his hand, further improving his strength and power as the System Levels would increase.

The Epic Grade nature of his creation card also meant his progress was faster than anyone could ever imagine.

Even Arlo wasn't aware of it just yet, but it wouldn't long because Vader was told to appear at the grand opening party of the Guild.

And this would also help Arlo find an answer to his problem of finding reliable warriors for the Guild.