
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

Player Network – Activated!

While Arlo sent out dozens of Void Clones, made to fit his rough appearance, and contained a small part of his consciousness to control them without any issue, he discovered all sorts of sites.

Besides the Eocho Mountains, Arlo Void Clones discovered a Jedi Academy that had seen better days, but also the remains of the Great Jedi Library and Colony.

Each time, the Player Network registered the places as new locations found by him, so it ended up rewarding him System Credits, Experience Points, and other gifts in certain cases.

Muntuur Stones, a Force Colony and Grand Library were the better rewards Arlo received from the System.

Yeixrian on Arlo's instructions set up each of the rewards within the dimension while also sending a small team of droids and drones to gather the artefacts that remained in the ruins on Ossus.

This saw more people spawning within the Empyrean Dimension, especially Force Users after the Jedi Colony was set up.

It allowed 250 Force Users of various ages and species to appear each day, which saw a few Masters appearing who immediately decided to help Ood Bnar with the education of the Force-Sensitive students.

In Arlo's mind, it still wasn't enough, but he couldn't care since his attention was on the Player Network Dungeons.

They appeared in several locations across Ossus, like the Great Jedi Library, which saw his Void Clone go through stages of monster hunting.

At first Arlo worried that the Void Clones wouldn't be strong enough to battle the monsters because they used only a part of his abilities, but after he entered the dungeon, his worries were for nought.

A Gate to the Dungeon was created by the System nearby the ruins of the Great Jedi Library but in a place accessible by anyone.

Arlo figured the Player Network function of the System was considering millions if not billions of Users instead of him gaining the ability all to himself.

Once a clone went through the gate, he found the monsters and creatures were things defeated by Jedi who used to come through to visit the building, but also the remains of what was kept at the library.

Using his Hyper-Eidetic Memory to remember the skills and abilities of his time as a Death Reaper, Arlo fought with his Death Reaper Scythe, that instant killed everything that came into touch with its cold metal blade.

The first few stages of the Dungeon were quite simple and not difficult to manage at all until Arlo came across a pack of humanoid wolves that looked very similar to Beastmen or Direwolfmen.

They wielded nothing more than simple medieval style weapons at first, but eventually Arlo saw them with blaster rifles and energy shields.

It still didn't matter to Arlo, who effortlessly swung his Scythe, and killed everything that came in front of him.

What he wasn't aware of was the heightened senses and strength his special species afforded him, which left him unscathed in the Dungeon run while carving through the monsters.

The combination of the StarDragon and Saiyan species with a human made Arlo quite impervious to weapons, even if they were particle beams from a blaster.

It also put him far ahead of any other race in the whole Force Universe because most came out to have stats at roughly around 10.

Arlo currently Strength Stat at this point was past 20, which made two times stronger than most people in the galaxy.

If you didn't train and managed a pretty average lifestyle, 10 would be there highest you could achieve, however it was possible to obtain larger Stats.

Of course, it wouldn't as be simple as Arlo had, where the System would help him progress along at a fast rate that can't be matched by others.

From what the System explained to him when he asked, some people could gain several hundred points in each Stat Attribute, but it required time and patience.

Some races didn't have the lifetime to reach that point, even if they wanted to.

The most a Human had in a Stat Attribute was 150, but Arlo expected his Intelligence and Wisdom Attributes would soon trump that.


All of the creatures Arlo fought against had Stats that were even worse than average humans, leading them to all die within a short while of coming across the human reaper.

He also saw the Death Reaper and Necromancer Lord Class improve, first by being advanced to Level 10, before one helped hastened the death of the rushing monsters but also reap their souls to join the Shadow Army of the Necromancer Lord Class.

The Main Arlo who was present at the new city of Ossus, Lym, quickly discovered new rewards from the System because of the Classes as a Shadow Knight and Death Reaper Creation Card of Rare Grade.

Neither were used and found themselves stored in the System Inventory.

Many different rewards came from the System all of the time, especially with the Void Clones discovering all manners of places across the entire planet.

At first Arlo loved it, but when he actually thought about it, this would have to him all across the galaxy.

Immediately, he started to wonder if there was a mute option, but sadly there wasn't.

Either way, Arlo found himself with plenty of gifts that could be used right away or during an urgent time.

Simply put it, Arlo considered the troubles of Ossus to be contained and handled.

It could easily be left to Yeixrian to manage through her All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix.

In fact, it was too simple for the current Yeixrian, who'd adapted the All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix with her own existence as a Divine Guardian Spirit that could easily operate outside of the Empyrean Dimension.

The Republic Credits previously in Arlo's control had already doubled and tripled through the constant investments and stock trades on the Intergalactic Stock Exchange Market.

Some of the powerful consortiums who had a vested interest in the Market couldn't help but feel curious where hundreds of thousands of credits moved around in an instant.

Most people couldn't handle the appearance of the Empyrean Credits since it began to hold up against constant intrusions to steal the money away through the Intergalactic Web Network transactions.

Arlo wasn't made aware of it just yet, but Yeixrian organised droids to start the management of several large warehouses to contain all of the products produced within the dimension and across Ossus.

There were large farms and processing stations to deal with the production of genuine milk from cows their meat as well as plenty of other animals of Earth.

They were constantly being improved by creatures entering the Empyrean Dimension, which helped develop their constitution, improving the quality of their final product.

It also helped the find strong creatures with potent enough blood to satisfy the unhatched StarDragon.

After marking the egg with his blood, it still didn't hatch, much to Arlo's annoyance but he continued to supply it plenty of blood.

Any creature he killed within the Dungeons found themselves helping its growth, while affecting the rest of the creatures and animals in the dimension, within reason.

No cow would be flying, nor could they run around at the speed of a thousand kilometres per hour, but they were stronger and much more durable than before.

This included the flavouring of the meat and quality of the milk, and skin if it was treated properly.

Yeixrian already found hundreds of customers who couldn't wait to try out the products being advertised by Xilan Produce.

Most people did it out of curiosity, because it was difficult to find fresh produce of certain quality and grade without paying astronomical prices to have it shipped across the galaxy.

Yeixrian wanted to create a transport shipping company in due time, but rather than relying on the Kuat Drive Yard or any other shipyards, she hoped to start production within the Empyrean Dimension shortly.

There was an outer space within the Empyrean Dimension that allowed such a feat to occur.

It was possible to create Starships on the mainland of the Empyrean Dimension, but it was best to do it in space, for time and efficiency reasons.

Using the designs gathered through the Intergalactic Web Network and the few ship components through the System Store, Yeixrian had the Main Arlo help with the development of several Starship projects that needed to be constructed urgently.

Majority of the projects were Cargo Starships, but Arlo didn't base anything of them off present in the Force Universe.

Based off the UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Carrier, Arlo believed they were designed perfect to accommodate the Cargo Starship lifestyle.

Arlo knew his ships needed firepower that exceeded anything else within the Force Universe but without the necessary people to help hasten along technological development, it was impossible.

This led to Arlo making quite the wild decision regarding his next set of actions.

Since it was 46 BBY and Jango Fett hadn't yet gone to seek out revenge against the person who destroyed his family and killed the person that raised him after the fact.

Arlo was aware the Death Watch group held Jango Fett's sister as a hostage made into an assassin, so he asked Yeixrian to get in contact with her through the Commlinks in her helmet that were connected to the Galactic Network or a splintered version of it.

Yeixrian only took a couple moments to find her, however her location and continual surveillance made it difficult for her to escape.

Arla Fett went through psychological and physical torture before being turned into a weapon of the Death Watch, but even so she still hadn't completely fallen under the weight of the abuse.

Roughly 26 years of age, Arla learnt to survive that it was best to join the group if it meant her torture would be done for.

And to her surprise it was, but it came with physical training that started to affect her deeply and for all of the wrong reasons.

She never took off her helmet, while refusing to communicate with the other Death Watch members because they might learn she was a prisoner who turned native.

In the eyes of most members, she was nothing more than a slave of their cause.

Arla sensed the hateful gaze of the older generation that new of her origin, but she never cared to stand up to them because it would only to lead to her being assaulted.

She contemplated killing herself to get away, but the image of her parents dying was still burned into her mind.

More than anything, Arla wanted to keep fighting and kill Tor Vizsla before finding her younger brother, if he was alive.

Just as she thought about her training schedule for the day, while groaning of the constant pain from the branding left behind by her original captors, the commlink to her helmet notified her that someone with an unknown account was calling.

Waiting for a few seconds, she thought about ignoring the call, but something told her to pick up, if she wanted to gain glory, not only for herself but her family, by gaining revenge.

It wasn't some unknown voice but Arlo's instructions to the Midi-Chlorians that he randomly asked them to do while walking around the city of Lym.



Unable to control herself, Arla started to stutter when she picked up the call, only to hear the voice of an angel address her with no malice or anger, but love and care.

{Hi, Arla.

We don't know each other, but we will soon enough.

I promise.

You've gone through more than enough pain and suffering in this lifetime, so now let me help you gain the strength to change your destiny and that of Clan Fett?}

"I-I'll do anything…"

Arla wanted to show aloud at the top of her lungs, but it wasn't possible with so many people around her in the common area of their hidden base near the Moon of Concordia.

She decided to continue listening to the angelic voice as a plan was laid out to escape the crutches of Death Watch.

It wouldn't be too easy for anyone to simply leave, especially during a civil war, but with Yeixrian guiding her, anything was possible.

They weren't going to enact the plan immediately, but in a short time, after Arlo made his trip Coruscant.


"I have to say… this was not exactly what I believe would happen while designing this bad boy."

{You forget the capabilities brought to you through your Rare Class.

As a Polymath, your enabled to accomplish greater feats than ever imaginable}

"Doesn't make it any easier, Yeixrian.

How is the Void Energy Academy in the dimension?"

{Not exactly booming with people right now, but besides the instructors and Master's that appeared, its drawing many different curious faces to the building}

One of the items Arlo received from the second Giftpack was the Host Body Energy Affinity Academy.

Because it was a Legendary Grade item, several dozen people also appeared with the building in the Empyrean Dimension.

This allowed the hidden world to register the Void Energy Users as its citizens.

The Genetic Hall could spawn Void Energy Users from now on as well as training them, but it wasn't so simple.

Only one person out of a trillion could gain a chance to gain something from the Void, but even then, it was only a chance.

However, the Genetic Hall enabled Arlo to spawn one Void Energy User every seven days.

It was a big problem at first for Arlo, but he quickly settled down after thinking his actions through.

In no way could the Void Energy Users leave the Empyrean Dimension and enter the Force Universe without alerting plenty of people.

All he could do now was wait for the perfect time, when they could enter the world without anyone ever chasing after them to learn of their origin.


"Anyway, how long till we arrive at Coruscant?"

{Within the next few hours}

Standing on the bridge deck of the Starship, Arlo monitored the display screen that showed him deep space while travelling faster than light.

In fact, the Starship Arlo was using right now was a heavily modified Andromeda Initiative Survey Ship, known as the Tempest.

The original version of the scout ship had no weapon systems built into the state-of-the-art machinery, but Esmond made sure to including some cannons and turrets.

It worked well with the new heavy armour of the ship, but all the modifications brought along by Arlo required other adjustments to be made.

This included increasing the length and width of the Starship, while also improving internal facilities and systems.

Utilising the Architect Technician and Academic Scientist Classes of the Polymath, Arlo discovered all sorts of finer details of the ship that could be improved easily.

From cargo space to room available for the eventual crew of the ship, the entire Starship exuded the peak of engineering in Arlo's mind based off the games he played before passing away.

The sleek and aerodynamic design of the Starship allowed it to operate with speed, stealth, and manoeuvrability.

Arlo set the ODSY Drive Engines to use the build up of static energy to affect other systems of the Starship, like the IES Stealth Systems to keep them operating longer.

He also set up the ODSY Drive to operate more efficiently, while reducing the need for a crew to manage its operations.

Eventually, Arlo expected to have a crew for the Starship but for now, he wanted it to be self-sufficient.

Yeixrian was currently controlling its operations without any issue, as long as it was connected to the Intergalactic Web Network.

Right now, its access to the Starship was restricted so nobody could infiltrate its closed circuited network, but with enough access to allow Arlo to use it.


Having left the bridge deck, Arlo went to the cargo bay to see if everything was stramped in properly.

There was plenty of space available for Arlo to unload products and items stored within the System Inventory.

Not wanting to let any of the produce and products be ruined before it was collected, Arlo kept everything stored in the System Inventory.

Thinking about what to do in the meanwhile, Arlo decided to relax in his Captain Cabin, while summoning two Player Creation Cards that remained in the System Inventory after he gained the rewards.

He knew it was time to use one at the very least, especially since they were about to arrive on Coruscant.

Activating one of the cards, the System Interface appeared before Arlo's eyes, much like a character customisation window, which allowed him to change every aspect of the person being brought into the world.

The Epic Grade nature of the Creation Cards allowed Arlo to build amazing people to support him while being loyal and trustworthy.

Thinking of the business created by Yeixrian, Arlo decided to create a Force-Sensitive Human with administrative skills and managerial abilities.

They would have the ability to form deals and contracts of cooperation with enough strength and power to protect themselves.

Arlo could set the Midi-Chlorian count of the individual, but it would peak at a certain point.

In this case, it peaked at 18,000, which would be enough to alarm the Jedi and Sith, but Arlo decided to reduce it to a reasonable 10,000 with room to improve while giving the person extra traits.

With platinum silvery hair and violet purple pupils, the light brown skinned women have a curvaceous body that screamed young and maturity.

Arlo even felt a little shocked by the woman's appearance when she appeared out of thin air after confirming her design in the System Interface window.

She wore a figure-hugging nano-fibre body suit that was coloured black with the ability to change colour and appearance as required.

It also offered shielding and protective measures to keep her safe from most things that could kill her across the galaxy.

Most of all though it contained communication systems and a wrist holo-display item that would allow her to access most networks and systems without any issue.


"Hello Master…" She kneeled before Arlo, who wasn't surprised by the action whatsoever, but decided to stop her from repeating it again in front of others.

"From now, you aren't to kneel before me.

A polite bow is all that is required, however if only necessary, otherwise do not bother with it.

I've named you Viola StarDrake Antheos.

Viola after your violet eyes… StarDrake because you serve a StarDragon… and Antheos from Xilantheos.

I might be your creator, but that doesn't make me your father.

Your middle name signifies our connection as a family, and do not ever forget that as an honourable StarDrake." Arlo's words left Viola stunned but also in agreement with her Master.

The man in question however thanked a close friend for their help.

'Thanks, with the words, Yeixrian…

I was freaking out with what to say next.'

{That wasn't special at all, and you missed half of the words I told you to say…}


Arlo asked Viola to work familiarising herself with the Empyrean Consortium and the companies in its control.

Yeixrian was automatically connected to any of the people formed from the Player Creation Cards, which enabled them to summon a System Window of their own.

It was largely more streamlined than Arlo's own version but most importantly it gave Viola the ability to explore and discover places that the System would recognise as 'found'.

She could also enter Dungeons and improve her skills, abilities, and knowledge a greater pace then any other person besides himself.

Viola left to the Research Space of the Tempest, while Arlo remained in his Cabin.

He remained in their until they reached Coruscant, which should have been problematic to enter from what he expected from the capital of the Galactic Republic, but there was nothing.

Yeixrian set everything up with the Planetary Traffic Controllers who allowed the entry of the Tempest ship to a decent landing pad with plenty of access for cargo transporters.

A droid guide organised by Yeixrian came to take the two away to the offices of the Empyrean Consortium, but the plan changed instantly after Arlo received a System Notification for 'discovering' Coruscant.




[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] […] […] [Done…!]

[New Location Discovered: Coruscant + 1,000 EXP]


[You are the First Player to enter Coruscant!]

[You have gained 1,000 Reputation Points and status: Friendly]

[Locals of Coruscant and those visiting won't see you as hostile, but neither will they go out of their way to contact you… for now]


- 1,000 System Credits

- Prime Coruscant Real Estate (Rare Grade)

- Partisan Squad Creation Card (100 Qualified Individuals) (Elite Grade)]



[Chain Quest Updated!]

[The First Steps to Gaining Lifetime Allies…]

[Description: Host has found themselves on Coruscant, an ecumenopolis city that spans across the entire planet, making it dependable on imports for food and raw materials.

Believed to be the original homeworld of humanity, it now is strongly corrupted by the various powerhouses that control not only parts of deep space through their financial strength but also their governmental connections.

This deep seeded corruption is also silently forcing along the Mandalorian Civil War without no end in sight.

They aren't the only galactic society being affected by the senate, but they are sure going through the toughest of times.

For some people that lived in the seedy underbelly of the planet, it's the only place they can call home with their poor circumstances.

Some included Mandalorians who've fallen on tough times and unable to leave the godforsaken planet while others like certain Twi'leks found themselves being smuggled into slavery.

Togrutas weren't any luckier, as their people also found themselves being smuggled as well.

Host's task is to infiltrate the Underworld of Coruscant and reduce the proliferation of slavery and smuggling from growing any further.]

[Rewards: Others will be based off Evaluation]

[Time to Complete: Finish before 'The Greatest Test an Apprentice Can Take…']



[Since Hosts has arrived on Coruscant and owns property on the planet, it is possible to establish a Guild through the Senate Governmental Office]

[To establish a Guild, Host needs:

- 100,000 Republic Credits

- 10 Founding Members

- A chosen Guild Master

- Two chosen Vice-Guild Masters


"Change of plans…

Turns out, we are establishing a Guild.

*Sigh*… Time to use up the Partisan and Soldier Squad Creation Card."