
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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Balance, Is All That I Sense

"Stop that bastard!!

Even if you need to put down your life!"

A man heroically shouted to his warriors, only to find them dead moments later by the near 7-foot-tall monster that slaughtered through his entire crew.

After arriving at Coruscant with a large number of slaves that needed to be smuggled into Hutt Space, his crew and private landing pad was brough under heavy firepower and unbelievable strength from one man that crippled them.

It didn't take the man long to destroy a group of 40 people, who were all trained bounty hunters and warriors themselves but in front of the monster in black, gold, and red, nobody would survive.

"*Kohh… Khuuhh* It seems there is more darkness here than I was first led to believe…

*Kohh… Khuuhh* No matter… they all will feel my wrath."

Vader's cold voice reverberated out across the silent landing-pad that was covered in dead bodies.

Some of the slaves nearby who saw Vader fighting were petrified by the man's fighting prowess, but they also feared they were about to suffer a harsher fate.

But in fact, they had stumbled upon a time and place that would forever change their lives and those of the people they love.

"Follow me…*Kohh… Khuuhh*… if you wished to live." Vader said, leaving the landing-pad with several dozen groups following him.

Nobody wished to remain behind but if they did, they would have seen several dozen armoured people walking out from the shadows, as they quickly moved to clean up the area and collect the bodies for bounty.

"Star Vader isn't going to wait on us when he moves to the next location!

Everyone, hurry the hell up with the clean up so we can catch up with him and help out next time!"

"If you would shut up for once and stop acting as our damn cheerleader, we might be able to get this done on time!"

An annoyed warrior was sick and tired of his old boss behaving like a bloody announcer for any ears looking to hear something out of the ordinary.

The warrior wanted to end his former employer, but he knew that would anger Vader, so he didn't dare to take action.

All that was left in his disposal was shouting back, in the hopes it might help the idiot understand.

It worked… partially, as the older armoured man happily cleaned up the scene of a horrible battle, but all the while he wouldn't stop humming some bar tunes, he heard on Tatooine.

'To finally serve beside a worthy Mandalorian brother, let's just hope I'm able to enter his Clan before he turns into the next Mand'alor… ahaha, how absurd.'

The older warrior rambled to himself after witnessing the battle prowess of Vader.

He never once used the Force while battling but instead use this opportunity to develop his swordsmanship, accuracy, and balance.

Vader made sure to listen to his Master's orders to the point there were a few times a serious injury could have caused him to possibly die, but Vader pushed on and fought on, killing everything that challenged him.

His sword was made from Beskar Steel Alloy, as the Creation Card wouldn't allow Arlo to gain Pure Beskar so easily, unless it was a Legendary Grade, Creation Card.

Even then, as a sword, forged much like a Nihonto, it paired excellently with Vader's firearm that was a Rail-Burst Pistol.

It appeared like a bulkier SIG Sauer P220, with the capacity to fire as a miniaturised Railgun with the ability to disintegrate body parts into bloody mist.

Energy could be used directly as a weight force to rip through the enemy, but Vader was using small ball bearings that could easily be formed from metal filled into the pistols clip.

With the sword and pistol, Vader caused enough mayhem across Coruscant's seedy Underworld that was beginning to find issue with his actions.

Some groups started to form a battle to deal with Vader, while others decided to join the rigorous man of the sword, who spoke about the 'old way'.

Most people who were rather nearby Vader understood the quote was about the old school sword and pistol that operated in an old timely manner in their eyes.

They also figured Vader preferred fighting in an abnormal way to either train or for the sake of something, but definitely not because of some lifetime journey.

However, both sides were somewhat correct because Arlo wanted Vader to promote traits of Mand'alor, so the Mandalorians would begin to follow him in time and help stabilise the power structure of Mandalore.

Arlo wasn't sure if he should send Vader in to lay claim over the Darksaber, but for now, he was happy that Vader was just growing his infamy, even if it alerted certain parties on Coruscant.


All the while, Arlo used his last Player Creation Card of the Epic Grade and the newly Legendary Grade one.

The Epic Grade Card was used to create a spymaster, that was synonymous with Agent 47, Sam Fisher, and Ezio Auditore.

Arlo understood he needed someone to gather information and manage the shadows that would follow them around once they came into the light.

The person was named Zian in the end and asked to start the creation of their own hidden intelligence agency.

Yeixrian supported this idea heavily, but she understood it meant more work from her, which left her thinking about activating the data from the chip with the scratched out 'C'.

Using the Legendary Grade Card, Arlo created a young and powerful woman to lead the Grand Guild.

The Legendary Grade Card allowed Arlo to create a Player with a Midi-Chlorian cell count up-to 40,000, but the System notified him that it wouldn't wise because it would reduce the available skills and abilities that could be selected.

In the end Arlo reduced it down to 18,000 Midi-Chlorian cells and selected the Polymath Class for the future Guild Master.

Arlo wasn't able to give her the same number of Classes as he had, but it was possible to give her around 6.

Each of them was related to the guild and its management, both within its walls and outside in the galaxy.

Tycoon, Academic, Politician, All-Round Champion, Professor, and Administrator were the classes Arlo chose for his future Guild Master.

Named after the England capital, London StarCalibur Pentheos, her sea blue eyes, light skin and dark long black hair gave her calming charm that also seemed sensual.

She had her own unique beauty elegance that made Arlo reconsider if he should continue creating such beautiful people.

First Viola, and now London, which made Arlo wonder if he was in fact lonely and wanting a physical connection with someone.

However, the idea didn't stay long in his mind because he needed to readjust the authority of the Grand Guild.

Most of it went directly to London, but a portion of it remained with him if he needed to veto any edgy action of his new Guild Master.

London felt Arlo gave her too much control over the Guild, but he simply said it was both to see if he could trust her to operate without constant oversight and to work in the chaotic landscape of the galaxy.

Up until now, Viola managed both the Empyrean Consortium and the Guild, but with London taking on her new role without any hiccups, she quickly started to create several polices to help the growth of Guild Members and any business they brought.


London started recruiting more staff to help around the building but also for their own development to take on Guild positions outside of Coruscant.

She largely wanted to gather warriors, besides the 100 Primaris Transhumans, but since they couldn't take on missions right now, London saw them as useless.

Thankfully, when she got in touch with a colleague named Vader, he assured her that there would be plenty of people joining their ranks shortly, and he wasn't wrong when several thousands of people arrived.

There were all sorts of people, from freed slaves to business owners and young mercenaries who wanted a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

Every single one of them followed a lone man that stood at the front, shielding them from any danger that might threaten their lives.

Plenty of young warriors stood a couple metres behind Vader, as if they were his personal guard, which was incredibly daunting for anyone who saw the large group.

They couldn't understand how so many warriors of different backgrounds and clans could all walk together in harmony, but if you looked a bit closer, you would notice the respect they had for Vader.

Arlo picked up on this when he saw all the people enter the Star-Void District, which underwent a huge development to draw in more people to fill in the numerous shops in the mostly empty district.

Viola and London both figured it would be best to recruit everyone and have them take up some of the properties in the area around the Grand Guild.

Thankfully for them, Vader already sensed it had to be done, long ago.

He first went up and received his Guild Card and Data-Chip for the wrist Holocom, and moved over to the side, which kicked open the flood gates, as every person following Vader rushed to the counter.

The Guild Staff were able to keep up the registration, which brought in various sorts of people, from chefs to mechanics and teachers.

Some people were medical professionals who could perform complicated surgery without the need for droids.

Everyone was already being issued rooms and positions in the Guild by Yeixrian after she saw their personal profiles that formed together through the Guild Registration Crystal.

She sent most of the warriors to the Dungeons to be trained after they went through the Basic Guild Training Program to help bring them all up to a decent standard.

A few of the warriors, who were wearing Mandalorian armour, wished to follow their new leader, but Vader stopped them from following him to meet Arlo.

"*Kohh… Khuuhh* Go and participate in training.

*Kohh… Khuuhh* Improve yourself and rest while we are here.

There is more work to be done… *Kohh… Khuuhh* more to free."

'"Yes, Star Vader!"'

Shouted the Mandalorian clanless warriors who saw Vader as their new boss.

They saw themselves as the natural lieutenants of Vader because he was a Mandalorian himself.

None of the other warriors who joined Vader said anything about it because they understood the Mandalorian joined Vader first.

But it wasn't enough to stop them from growing to attain their own position beside their boss.


The Mandalorian lieutenants sorted out the warriors Vader brought along, with Guild Staff redirecting them to the Training Level or Residential Block.

Some people to search through the Guild Store & Services Tab of their Holocom and found all sorts of materials, from beasts Arlo hunted in the Dungeon to highly strong metal that came from the Empyrean Dimension.

All of it cost Guild Credits or Empyrean Credits, so there was various didn't methods to get a hold of the goods from the store.

One of the Mandalorian warriors who was a little older than the rest was utterly shocked by Beskar being advertised so easily and for a decent price.

Of course, It had natural restrictions, such as the Guild Craftsmen being the only people allowed to forge the highly sought-after material.

He decided to inform the other Mandalorian warriors around him, as their hearts and mind completely accepted the Grand Guild as their home and future.


"You've done well, Leon."

"It was done all in your name, Master."

"Hmm…" Arlo looked out at Coruscant from his personal apartment near the top of the Grand Guild Headquarters building.

The Force helped him to notice the many more people making their way over to the Guild Headquarters after news spread about Vader and his decision to align with the only Grand Guild of the Galaxy.

Some people who wished to attack Vader were left in a tough position because they didn't want to be the idiot to test the Grand Guild's patience.

A few people wanted to recruit Vader but now felt it would be impossible to offer him anything that could entice the ruthless Mandalorian.

"Leon… continue with the task I have given you.

I can sense the many different you've brought along.

Train them.

Make them all just as fearless as you.

In time, they will all be needed to lead our ambitions for the Universe.

They all see you as their Mand'alor, so ensure you lead them as such."

"Yes, Master, *Kohh… Khuuhh*"

Vader left soon after and went to meet with his colleagues.

London and Viola were made aware to meet Vader, while the Spymaster Zian, was busy dealing with the recruiting the right people for the intelligence agency.

He was already scouting for people across Coruscant, but it was hard to find people that weren't aligned to some hidden power of the Galaxy.


Vader and the others prepared for the huge celebration, which would see all sorts of powerhouses coming to visit the Guild, but also the time Arlo would leave for Kessel, Candoria and the Kuat Drive Yard.

His main reason for visit Kessel was to free the slaves and fix up the planet from its corrupt Monarchy.

Arlo believed if he could take over the planet and stop the cruel treatment of captured people, turned into slaves for spice harvest.

The drug had proliferated across the galaxy and caused plenty of deaths, but it was too hard to stop with Crime Families of Coruscant supporting the production of it.

Their wealth couldn't be matched by anyone, not even Arlo at this point who was making a huge killing through trading on the Intergalactic Stock Exchange.

He believed by taking Kessel, it would make a huge dent in the strength of the Crime Families, but Arlo also knew it wouldn't be so simple.

Besides, he wasn't willing to fight against the Crime Families just yet, since they would be needed to manage the underworld after Vader removed the darker elements of it.


Concerning Candoria and its colonies, the planet would be affected shortly by a plague that would affect every single person on the planet and the few who would try and escape.

Arlo wanted to save all the Candorian people and add the planet to his collection of worlds, which became an important factor for a Grand Guild.

They could be considered a form of its own government that ran co-currently with the Galactic Senate.

London informed her Master that gaining planets allied with them would gain them a seat in the Galactic Senate while being able to communicate with people related to the Republic and its enemies without any affect to its reputation.

This brought more danger to the planets in the Guild's control but at the same time it brought more opportunities to the planets.

It also allowed the Guild to oversee the development of the planets in their control as they would become the immediate governing body.

Arlo wanted to add Garos IV and Candoria as planets under the Guild's control, leaving Ossus outside of it for now.

It was a hidden planet wide base for his future empire that would appear one day in the future.


Kuat Drive Yard happened to be the simplest and easiest trip for Arlo because he just needed to sit down with the designs to create certain Starships with basic engines that could be replaced easily.

Currently, the Empyrean Dimension was growing but not fast enough for Arlo, so he decided to visit the Kuat Drive Yard and create a decent relationship for the Guild at the very least so Starfighters production could be left to them.

In due time, Arlo would have the Guild Planets begin their own production of Starships and Fighters but until that day came to be, Kuat Drive Yard would turn into a business partner.

Some of his design ideas were a little radical for the Force Universe, so the plan was to have them build some of the simpler ships.

Arlo expected the dimension to eventually produce Starships much like those from Star Trek, Mass Effect, Halo and further on.

But it would take time, and the current Arlo had plenty of it.



At the same time on Coruscant, Arlo decided to try something a little radical, distasteful, and outright stupid.

First, Arlo planted a Seed of Nio'dei in the garden of the Grand Guild Headquarters, which sprouted a tree, similar somewhat to the gigantic one on Ossus but this time it didn't fly into the sky.

Rather it was tamed and controlled to spread out across the garden levels of the building.

Improving the nature of the air quality, soil, plants, and a gate access to the Empyrean Dimension, it instantly became Arlo's favourite item.

The Seeds of Nio'dei wouldn't sprout a tree that would sprout into the sky.

It would be hidden away somewhere on a planet, that could turn into a Spaceport of the Guild.

In this case, it helped Yeixrian gain a firm foothold on Coruscant, but also it allowed her to manage the stability of a Void Clone from fading away.

The Void Clones on Ossus were still activate and hunting in the Dungeons or doing other tasks.

They were kept stable and alive by the existence of the Tree of (@#$) that acted as a regulator of the Void Energy.

Arlo wanted to the same across Coruscant and created several variants of himself to start touring around the planet to find Dungeons and new locations, but more importantly, a Void Clone went to the Jedi Temple.

It was made in the appearance of himself as a young baby that could channel the Force.

Arlo's naturally spiky hair and starry eyes with the knowledge of deaths wisdom set the baby apart from the others that were taken in by Jedi Temple.

To his surprise, a student that would fall soon to the dark side had actually picked him up and taken him inside to see his master.

Karae Nalvas was followed by some Temple Guards that wanted to take Void Clone Baby Arlo away but for some reason the Jedi Knight wasn't easily able to let go of the precious boy in his arms.

For some reason, the Force was repeating to him that he had to protect and watch over the baby.

Being the dutiful Jedi Knight that he was, Karae accepted the message of the Force, however he wasn't the only person to hear the call.

A Grandmaster sat in the Council Chambers with his eyes closed to sense the Force.

Yet when he opened them, his first words were, "… Balance he is, but more so ,a Guide, hrmm yes…

A guide for the galaxy, but not of the Jedi… hmm… I cannot sense more."

All the Jedi Masters listened deeply to the Jedi Grandmaster Yoda, who they all respected as the true power behind the Jedi Council.

"Master, if that's the case, should we really be taking the boy in?

If he will not support the Jedi cause, then what is the point to help his growth?"

Dooku asked his Master out of mere interest because he rather felt interested by the young boy.

So much so that he thought about teaching the child in the near future.

Yoda sensed this interest from his student and made sure to stop it before emotional attachments formed.

"Hmm, Student of mine, an unknown variable, the boy is, even among the Force.

Balance, is all that I sense."

"Then we can be responsible for turning it towards the Light.

I'm in favour of keeping the child."

"As am I."

Two Jedi Masters started a domino effect where all the Master's ended up agreeing to take in Arlo's Clone Baby, even if Yoda wasn't overly keen on teaching the child the path of the Jedi.

Dooku already started making plans in his mind to see the boy that alerted them of his arrival.

Someone who could communicate with the Force so easily had caused all the Jedi Masters to create plans to steal Arlo away from the rest so they could turn him into their Padawan.

It would still be a couple of years before they could teach him anything, however they would soon learn that Arlo wasn't a simple baby.


"Enough of this matter, we must discuss the Star-Void Grand Guild and their party.

We've asked to be invited to the party, which will be held tomorrow night.

I suggest we send some Master's along with a couple Knights to understand the nature of the people leading the Grand Guild.

I've prepared to send several dozen Lobbyist's along with our Master's but I hope they aren't the only people mingling with others." A Jedi Master said, making sure his voice was heard by everyone including the typically rude Yoda.

Jedi Master Teltor Skiton was usually asked to deal with matters that required communicating with others.

Most Jedi Masters weren't the best communicators, which left Teltor in a tough situation.

He would always find himself at parties and events to the point that he gave up and decided to hire lobbyists.

But the launch party of the Grand Guild was far too important for them to miss.

Teltor already noticed Yoda closed his eyes and decided to 'mediate' but he always suspected the green midget just wanted to ignore him.

He always suspected Yoda used his 'mediation' trick to fool others into believing he was busy with greater matters.

Fortunately, Teltor found a kindred spirit in the Grand Guild as they requested the Grandmaster attend if possible.

"The Communication Spokesperson for the Guild has requested Grandmaster Yoda attend, along with Jedi Knights, Padawans and even Younglings, so they can experience some of the facilities of the building.

I suggest we accept their request and sen-"

Calling on me, the Force is.

For urgent matters, I must leave."