
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

Iego: Part 1


It has come to our attention that you wish to use our services?"

A Kaminoan man answered the call with a gentle voice and smile that came through on the holographic body-presence call.

"Yes…" Arlo chose to remain as quiet and allusive as possible, so he didn't appear to friendly and easy to manipulate.

"You must know, we do not help just anyone…

Not without benefit of our own, not with a purpose.

Are you aware of this?"

The Kaminoan scientist and serviceman barked at him, making sure he showed his professional side at the same time so if the client was legit, they wouldn't scatter aware because of the rudeness.


"Then please enlighten me as to why you have called.

Will you like some help with a body augment or would you like to take advantage of our genetic and cloning technology?

Otherwise, please end this call."

One last attempt to get a dig into the man with an altered voice behind a mask, the Kaminoan sternly looked on at the man, wondering if he would say something more than 'yes'.

"… I have knowledge on body augmentation and genetics.

It is based around humans, but they don't work well together.

I've contacted your people to help solve this matter."

It could be said that Arlo said to much, but he knew the Kaminoan scientist was interested the moment 'Genetics' were brought up.

"… Before we begin any further business cooperation discussion, allow me to introduce myself.

I am Lama Su and I am a statesman of the Ruling Council of Kamino."

"I am StarKiller, student to Star Vader.

Besides that, all you need to know is that I'm enquiring about a method to improve the strength of my Clan."

At the mere mention of Vader, the Kaminoan scientist Lama Su's eyes widened because he'd come to hear about the Grand Guild and the man know as Champion to a StarDragon.

Knowing this, the Kaminoan Statesman decided to ask about the Guild, after all, if he could get them to establish a Guild on their planet, maybe their efforts could be recognised across the galaxy to enter the Republic on their own terms.

"May I enquire if you are part of the Star-Void Grand Guild?"

"Yes… I am."

"Then please, out of possible future cooperation for our planet and your organisation, would the Grand Guild discuss the prospect of building a Branch Headquarters on our planet?"

Arlo didn't know what to say because he never expected this situation.

In his mind, the Kaminoan were going to join Count Dooku in the future.

They'd already sided with Hego Damask, the Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, but that didn't mean they couldn't organise a deal with another organisation.

Even their communication so far wasn't too in depth to say they had secretly sided with the Sith.

Besides, making a connection with a Grand Guild was much more valuable to their people as it would give them greater recognition across the galaxy.

Arlo didn't mind helping out the Kaminoan but nonetheless he was accepting of the fact that they would want to know the Grand Guild.

"I can manage that on behalf of the Guild, but once I'm done sorting out some other matters.

Before we begin our cooperation, I'll contact the Guild President.

She may wish to discuss the forms of discussion to a greater extent."


Until we meet in person then, Goodluck on your jounry, StarKiller."

"Thank you, Lama Su."



"Tor, just let us send her away.

At this point, she is nothing but out pawn.

What if she goes on a mission to guard some senator prick?

We will know if she is worth our time in the end."

"*Sigh* Fine… have it your way.

Send the bitch away, but make sure to have someone watching here…

Get out operatives in Coruscant to keep an eye on her."


Tor Vizsla was currently resting in his own room at a Death Watch hidden base.

After killing his rival and enemy, Jaster Mereel after he became the leader of Mandalore, Tor found his heir was far more cunning and vicious in the heat of the battle.

So far, Death Watch lost a great number of people to the Jango Fett and the True Mandalorian, it was manageable until more and more clanless Mandalorian decided to disappear and move towards Coruscant.

Tor couldn't figure out why, but he somewhat believed the news of the Grand Guild caused them all to move.

Even for a moment, Tor felt like sending someone to register their organisation with the Guild, but he wasn't sure if it would be a good idea for the people.

The Grand Guild was being inundated with people wanting to register with the organisation, as the results of their efforts came back to help them all develop into highly proficient and trained people.

A couple who preferred science of warfare had registered with the Grand Guild and already release a simple anti-virus serum to help space travelling Species and Races to survive without any harm being done to their anatomy.

The couple started working at the research facility in the Grand Guild Headquarters with various teachers and trainers looking out for them, as they became valuable assets to the organisation.

Tor didn't want that to happen to the Death Watch members he might send to join the Guild because they end up staying there instead of returning.

He even came to hear about the Mandalorian known as Star Vader, who turned into a Knight for a poor, slaves, and weak.

Most of all, the Mandalorian people around the Galaxy wanted to associate with the man and his clan, StarDraconic.

There was a part of him that didn't want to send the girl on a simple guarding role, but he figured that it might be a good idea to also send her into the Guild.

After all, she was expandable trash.




[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] […] […] [Done…!]

[New Location Discovered: Iego + 300 EXP]


[You are the First Player to enter Iego!]

[You have gained 300 Reputation Points and status: Unknown]

[Locals of Iego and those visiting will see you as an unknown person to be weary of]

[!¡! ALERT !¡!]

[Reputation of Grand Guild across the galaxy enable's Host to utilise it!

[Guild Reputation Status: Respected & Addressed]

[Locals of Iego and those visiting will see the Guild and its members as respected people who may come to their aid when asked upon]


- 300 System Credits

- Reeksa Root (Uncommon Grade)

- Construction Droids design schematics (Uncommon Grade)]


shorter chapter than usual

PhantomMedjaycreators' thoughts