
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

[System - Player Network Reward!]

"I heard about your… unruly behaviour, Master.

Safe to say, when the Jedi and Senate hear of your actions, the Guild will be questioned, and Vader will be complaining about the number of people wanting to join his newly formed Clan." London pouted through the video call with Arlo.

She was in her office, near the peak of the Grand Guild Headquarters which gained a great deal from the celebration party, as various business, corporations, Senators, and Jedi came to call themselves a support of the structure.

They all couldn't help proclaiming its importance to the people, while stating the whole Star-Void District should be in the Guild's control.

Funnily enough, this led to some Senators and lawmakers discovering some texts hidden in the laws of the Republic to help a motion that would pass the management and ownership of a District to a Grand Guild.

Not entirely for free, as the Guild would need to pay for it, which wasn't an issue as Yeixrian procured the credits.

Only problem afterwards was developing the whole area.

Viola took over the problem instead of London, but they were bringing out some of the facilities of the Guild building out for the rest of the people to enjoy.

Mainly the gaming halls with pool tables, pinball machines, arcades and so forth, with, bars, restaurants.

Everything had undergone a change to adapt it with it the times, but Arlo wanted a retro look.

So, the whole Star-Void District would get the same treatment.

Yeixrian and Kortana were working with the spawning Humans of the Empyrean Dimension to learn how they should set up the district.

There were plenty of people free and happy to help in Arlo's Hidden World, so why not make the most of them.

Kortana filled everyone in on what their task was, while also establishing a connection for them through to Viola and London.

They worked as the remote and 'off-world' Research and Development department of the Guild.

Until now, Yeixrian had the production facilities of the Hidden World working overtime, along with the Industrial Construction droids and drones.

Big changes were coming to Coruscant, and the people supported it greatly.

This came down to Yeixrian's release of a revolutionary product.

The Food Rubix.

It was developed through technology gathered from Kortana of her pervious Universe and cheap blueprints from the System Store on sale for a short time.

The few scientists at the Empyrean Research Institute currently developing projects of various sorts had discovered a method to creating a food synthesiser.

It looked a lot like a microwave, but scale to be a bit bigger.

All it would need is a power source and cartridges, no bigger than gun magazines, which would be filled of organic matter that the Rubix would process into all manners of food products.

Cooked or uncooked, it was up to you.

To increase the database of the Food Rubix, items needed to be recorded down for the system to allow their production.

Yeixrian was buying up all sorts of items from across the galaxy and have them transported to Coruscant for scanning so she could add it to the Food Rubix.

It was going to be set up in the Star Void District only, add bars and arcades to help reduce the stress on staff.

While this all was great news, London and Viola had to deal with the mess it caused in the public, as various companies and transporting businesses wanted a version for Starships.

Since the Food Rubix was announced to be only set up in Star Void District, all sorts of chaos and mayhem was saved, as restaurants and bars would begin to lose customers.

But even with the announcement of its restriction, Empyrean Consortium didn't have it easy, which meant the Grand Guild would be affected, as people cried out for the Grand Guild to mediate the Food Rubix grand release to the public as well.

With all of this going on, London felt quite refreshed to simple chat with her Master, because he treated her and the others as family over possession.

Something they greatly appreciate as conscious beings brought into the world by Arlo.


"Don't worry about the Jedi and Senate, London.

Once Gehai arrives, he will be healthy and ready to get to work immediately.

The Bacta Tank should bring him back up to peak performance, so don't bother with waiting for him to rest before meeting with the Senate.

By the way he will require one of the larger apartments of the Residential Block.

Soon enough, he'll be joined by others."

After convincing Gehai Fel'watt to join him and the Grand Guild, Arlo organised transport for him off Kessel to Coruscant.

It was to take him immediately to the Galactic Republic while resting within a Bacta Tank to recover his health.

Arlo had already gathered the technology of the Bacta Tanks and the unique fluid to enter the Empyrean Dimension.

The Bacta fluid saw itself undergo an improvement with greater healing properties and body Stats increasing ability.

Not by much, but enough.

However, Arlo wasn't returning to Coruscant, and he wasn't willing to spend time to go back, only for Gehai.

The Political spokesperson of the Guild could use the improved Bacta Tanks at the Guild after reaching the capital of the Galactic Republic.

Gehai, the Master Machiavellian and Statesman, also decided to trust Arlo with finding his family after giving their location to his family's location in exile.

They were on a planet called Iego, located in the Extrictarium Nebula among the Outer Rim Territories.

Arlo understood the planet was significant for a couple reasons.

Anakin would call Padme an angel when they would inevitably meet for the first time, of which he referred to Diathi, also known to be called Angels because of their appearance and nature.

The planet Iego was inhabited by them and the Maelibus, a species natively known to the planet.

Living underground and rarely surfacing, the species known as Demons.

Arlo never expected Gehai would send his family to such a place that might even cause his family to be mystified by the songs of the Demons and killed.

Thankfully it was a place that would solve the answer to the virus that would destroy Candoria and its colonies across the Star System.

Currently Arlo was heading there with the SV1 droids flying the Tempest through deep space towards the Extrictarium Nebula, in the hopes of finding Gehai's family.

This included the reeksa root, which was essentially for creating an anti-virus to the blue shadow virus that would take out Candoria.

Arlo decided that it would be ideal to gather the root first before heading to Candoria, as it would save him time and effort.

Most of all, if he saved Gehai's family and reunited them all, the politician would start to work hard in his favour, to the point that he would do mostly anything.


Arlo continued, "By the way, how are the so called 'Guildmasters' of the Top Ten Players Guild?

I've been wondering about them ever since I left Coruscant.

I was supposed to see how they were doing while I was there, but I had enough on my plate with sort out shit here and in the dimension."

"Trust me… *Sigh* I've been pretty pissed off with you about that Master." London stared deeply into the video call with Arlo.

Sensing the notes of anger and frustration in her eyes, London, felt guilty for leaving the task of their management on her shoulders.

It could be considered part of her job, but she still didn't want to deal with the task, especially if it meant dealing with the unruly Partisans who were spread across the Empyrean Consortium and the Grand Guild.

The 9 chosen Guildmasters were selected by Arlo and Viola because they wanted them to be of help later on.

Surprisingly, when she came across them after Arlo left Coruscant, they asked to create a Guild Legion.

It was a special ability offered to Grand Guilds where they could create their own army under the name of their Guild.

From asking their members to join the army and hiring others, it was up to the Guildmaster.

The best thing about it was the type of army the Guildmasters could create.

It could be a military force or even one that was focused on religion, made up of priests and priestesses.

Another could be made up of managers, administrators and so on.

London didn't expect it, but each of the Guildmasters were creating Legions focused on specific fields.

One of the Guildmasters, Bethorn Qui'Helcan, had already started working on creating a legion based on Assassins and Shadow Warriors.

Zian had approved the decided, bypassing London by contacting Yeixrian once he became aware of the legion forming.

He had eyes on various members within the Guild and outside of it as well to make sure nothing went wrong.

Zian gathered his own rewards from the System – Player Network after going through various Dungeons across Coruscant that Vader discovered and those he found on his own.

Each rewarded him with plenty of good items like a Creation Card for an Intelligence Squad of Uncommon Grade.

Because of the influences of Ezio Auditore, Agent 47 and Sam Fisher, he created a team of administrators, good with scouting and managing the creation of tools to be utilised out in the field.

He needed a network that wasn't located on a single planet and didn't require the constant need of Yeixrian to help him along.

Zian informed London to support the creation of the legions as soon as possible, with his newly formed Intelligence team being sent to London, so they could set up their own department and office within the Grand Guild Headquarters.

She found herself overly annoyed by the situation to the point that London thought about calling Arlo for a little support, but she backed off after discovering a gift was left behind by Zian as a small apology.


[System - Player Network Reward!]

[Issued to: Zian (Register Player)]

[Item: Player Creation Card]

[Grade: Mortal]


London was grateful for the reward, knowing much it would help her manage not only her responsibilities but the Intelligence team as well.

And she had the option to create the person however she wished.

Because they were essentially created recently themselves, they didn't have a wealth of memories and events to shape their personalities, so their Skills, Abilities and Preselected knowledge helped them become full rounded people.

However, to help, they would gain certain personality traits to make them unique.

London personally loved designing her own clothes, using Earth cultures and history for her concepts.

She also loved producing and performing her own songs, and others as well.

To be fair, London was well informed and educated to a great extent, which gave her many different abilities, from management of others to being a capable fighter and craftsman.

And truly the main reason she kept her sanity together after dealing with the expectant Guildmasters.

And worst of all… Zian.


"I've settled the 9 of them into a special group called the Council of Guild Chiefs.

They will report to me directly and their main objective is to create a Guild Legion of their own in the name of their previous Guild.

Also, as Guild Chiefs they are entitled to a certain number of resources, people, and credits.

They all happily agreed, and each of them decided to develop their own unique Legion, adding a greater range of depth to the Guild.

Some are working on developing their own Assassin Legion, another wants to focus on a Legion of qualified bankers.

Its both interesting and terrifying to watch." London looked exasperated from her efforts to deal with the former Guild Leaders, because it all meant the growth of Guild would be fast.

Maybe too fast for her liking as the Guild President.

Arlo retained the title of Guild Leader, however most of the authority rested with London, which allowed her to create the positions of Guild Chiefs and their council.

She also created the position of Vice-President, but right now, it would be reserved for someone later on.

Either a person they scout, or if one of them gained a high rated Player Creation Card.

However, London wasn't aware that Vader recently earned a Rare Grade, Player Creation Card.

He thought about using it for himself to organise his Clan, but Leon thought it would be best to ask the advice of the group.


"That… is much better than I expected.

Let them do as they please for now but keep track of their progress.

In regard to Vader, how is his Clan doing?

Has he figured out a name?

Please tell me it isn't Vader?!"


No, no!

I made sure nothing like that happened.

Actually… he went with Clan StarDraconic.

Leon also chose to create a group who would serve directly under him.

'StarKiller~' has been announced as the first Captain to stand beside him.

Nobody has become aware of 'StarKiller~' just yet, but it won't be long." London smirked as she felt back in her seat with her glass of wine produced in the Empyrean Dimension.

Yeixrian was able to seal certain land to speed up time, gravity, heat, cold and so, but within the range of the current level of the dimension.

For now, Yeixrian could a sealed warehouse to age liquor and other items going through the processing stage of the complete production.

Each day would be ten years in the warehouse, unless Yeixrian cut the connection of the ruling she placed on the land or building.

London had a couple bottles of 50-year-old red wine, which she enjoyed typically at the end of the day or when she was alone in her office.

Speaking with Arlo was one of those times, plus she came to realise he treated them all closely, so London behaved much like her honest self.


"Hmm… I figured.

Its good thought.

I expect him to pass on the tradition of 'Star' to everyone, right?"

"Naa… he said that it would be rude to you.

Because 'StarKiller~' is essentially Leon's student, he's gained the honour of 'Star'.

Leon suggested the entry level pledges would be recognised as Draks.

One they become full-fledged members they will need to take a test, that has yet to be created, which will gain them the name of Drahion.

Only the best of the best will be able to call themselves Draconic, but that also gives them the ability to fight against Vader himself and gain the 'Star' title.

They just need to defeat or draw against him."

"Not bad… not bad at all." Arlo had to admit it was a pretty rough scaling system but the incentives it would offer with the name change would push everyone who dared to enter Clan StarDraconic.

"Alright, well I am going to leave and get some rest before I arrive at Iego.

Remember to sleep well and tell the others I said hello."

"Sure thing, Master."

And thus, their call ended, with Arlo exhaling loudly out of exhaustion.


{Come on…

She did nothing to deserve that kind of attitude from you, Arlo}

"I'm not complaining about London.

She is doing great, Yeixrian.

More than great actually… *Sigh* I'm just tired and worried about all the events that are coming up.

Stark Hyperspace War will start in two years' time.

The Greater Seswenna raids are beginning to become a huge problem that the Tarkin family will get involved.

Candorian's need to be saved from the plague, along with the completion of the Katana Fleet and last but not least… Sith Plagueis is hosting the Gathering on Sojourn, where the rich and powerful of the galaxy gather each year.

*Sigh* There is a lot of work… too much, really." Arlo complained after reaching his cabin and crashed out onto his bed.

{… You can forget about the Katana Fleet.

I'll find its production site and create a hidden entry for myself to collect the ships at a later date}

Yeixrian heard about the sad fate that befell the Katana Fleet who died because of a Hive disease that spread out across the ships and killed the crew.

It all happened in a weird period of time where the ships disappeared into the unknown.

Arlo wanted to capture the ships and add them into his navy, which would be a great boost to his strength in preparation of the Clone Wars.


In relation to the Clone Wars, a group of scientists received all the data on the SPARTAN Project, which contain information on the programs from one to four.

Kortana also had her own knowledge and data on the program, including areas for improvement.

But more importantly, they grained the Primaris Transhuman creation data.

Arlo used the Solider Squad Creation Card and built 100 men and women Primaris Transhuman Warriors.

They had entered the Empyrean Dimension, allowing Yeixrian to gain a full scan of their bodies and its augments.

All the data was sent to Kortana and the scientists at the institute, who were going over the information.

A part of Arlo thought it would be ideal to head straight over to Kamino right away, however he held off, because there was no point.

Eventually if would be a smart idea to go and visit, but right now wasn't it.

But until then, Arlo decided to have everything ready to create his own elite soldiers.

Explaining his troubles to Yeixrian while laying on his bed, Arlo thought he might be able to doze off for a bit and sleep, but Yeixrian surprised him with a great idea.

{You don't need to visit.

Contact them directly.

If you can get through to them over a Holocall then why not get their input on the matter of the SPARTAN and Primaris Transhuman Programs.

It won't hurt to ask…}