
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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Galactic Senate

"Fel'watt Tribe huh… it seems you've done well without Gehai being around, Lady Lulai."

Arlo said while sitting across from the current head of the Fel'watt family and wife to Gehai.

He'd come to find them while exploring the planet, Iego, as the Council of Cliffhold discussed whether joining the Grand Guild would be profitable for them.

But in the case of the Fel'watt Tribe, the decision rested with the head of the family, who in this case was Lulai.

She took over the role once Gehai sent the family away from their home world.

Though, Lulai wasn't one to appreciate the work that was required with the new position.

Especially after she met with the man that called himself, StarKiller, Lulai felt it was time for her family to leave the godforsaken planet.

"Mr StarKiller… everything we have here was all sorted and organised by my husband before our exit from our home world.

Of course, we tried to bring along more facilities to erect across the planet but its difficult with the Demons easily being able to manipulate minds through their singing.

In the end, we've working with cities, towns, and villages to create a distribution network for resources found through mining and refinement."

Lulai led Arlo through the city of Watt which was largely populated by members of the Fel'watt House and those in connection with them.

Of course, the local populous of Iego had come to take up residence within the city, but it was largely populated by Humans.

Arlo even found several people who were Force-Sensitive, who happened to be training in abnormal methods to help develop their skills and abilities.

Knowing that they would require a proper instructor to progress as Force-Users, Arlo came to decide his future plans for the planet.

"Gehai seemed to be aware of the lacking natural resources and tools on the planet that your family would require to survive.

Thankfully, this also helps the Grand Guild as they wish to set up a Branch Headquarters here and turn it into a production region to create Starships, as well as other equipment.

As the head of the family and city, I truly hope you would allow the Guild to use the city of Watt as our main base of operation."

Arlo didn't bother to look over at Lulai because he could sense her emotions.

She was glad that her husband was saved from slavery and worked for the Grand Guild, however it also worried her that her family may find themselves in another dire situation.

Knowing this, Arlo decided to speak up again before Lulai could.

"*Sigh*… I can understand your thoughts, Lady Lulai.

What might happen to your family if the Grand Guild came upon dire times, or if they challenged the wrong person?

I can assure you; the Force is in our favour.

So much so that it wishes for us to train the Force-Sensitive children in your family."

"D-Don't tell me you'll take-"

"We aren't like the Jedi.

Rather we believe in the balance of the Force and to achieve that, the children should know love and affection from their family and loved ones.

If you allow the Guild to set itself up here, I can assure you that they will live here and only ever visit the Branch Headquarters to train and develop their skills."

Arlo saw the pain and grief across Lulai's face that he figured she had already lost someone before to the Jedi, and never heard from them again.

To experience such pain again was heartbreaking, especially if it were your own child.

Arlo decided to give Lulai a hug as he could see the grief in her eyes, only for his actions to cause the majority of the people in the city streets to feel utterly stunned.

Some people started to whisper to one another as they'd come to learn about the tale of StarKiller, the man who brought the crazed tribes under control through might.


"Psst… when the hell did StarKiller gain a nice side?"

"Who knows…

I've already questioning everything I heard from those bloody travelling merchants.

How could Lady Lulai allow such a monster to hug her?"

"Ohh shut up!

Fucking men.

Can't you see her face?

she's close to bawling her eyes out.

*Sigh* I sometimes must ask myself; how do your wives cope with such shitty husbands."


An older lady said to her two repeat customers as she smacked their heads while heading over to Arlo and Lulai.

As she neared them, Arlo had let go of Lulai, who'd thanked him for his compassion.

"Lulai and You, come and follow me.

Sit down and eat something instead of walking and talking.

Now come along, the both of you."

"Yes ma'am…" Arlo said firmly, while following the imposing grandmother figure who held a small pan in her hand.

For some reason, Arlo felt comforted by the nature of the grandmother figure as it reminded him partially of a person from his time on Earth.

But we'll come back to that later on…


Arlo and Lulai sat upstairs of the restaurant ran by the grandmotherly figure.

Her name turned out be Granny Fel, who was the nanny of Gehai and raised him after his parents passed away at a young age.

Nobody ever dared to question her, as it would be similar to questioning the leadership of the whole Fel'watt family.

Even Arlo had to praise the woman for her resilience to survive in the harsh climate of Iego.

She made her own living with Gehai gone, even though everyone would gladly help her to retire, Granny Fel couldn't care what others had to say and did her own thing.

After making several dishes for Arlo and Lulai to enjoy, Granny Fel asked about her child, having always seen Gehai as her own after raising him alone.

Arlo explained everything that had happened until now and where Gehai was currently, much to her relief which also helped Lulai decide the Grand Guild could set up a Branch Headquarters as soon as possible.

Their main hope was to restrict the planet from external interference, especially so with Gehai taking up a role in the Galactic Senate.

After taking a flight from Kessel to Coruscant, Gehai landed directly at the Grand Guild Headquarters, with one of London's staff helping him move into the residential block of the building.

Once he'd rested, showered, and eaten something, London and Gehai met up to discuss the next course of action for the Guild.

Already ahead of the game, London contacted the offices of the Supreme Chancellor Kalpana to organise an Emergency Senate meeting.

She'd met the man during the opening celebration of the Grand Guild Headquarters, only for him to try and hit on her repeatedly.

He knew nothing would come of it, but as a man with power, Kalpana hoped he might be able to create some kind of personal connection with London.

Unfortunately for him, she wasn't interested in him whatsoever.

But she left a lasting impression on the Supreme Chancellor, who easily accepted her call for an Emergency Senate Meeting.

London provided him with some information that stated the Grand Guild had gained a planet under their control and management.

Gehai would discuss the main points of the cooperation between the Senate and Guild since Kessel wouldn't be exactly joining the Galactic Republic.

Rather, the Grand Guild would gain a seat in the Senate, which was important for Arlo's future plans.

London was made aware of Darth Sidious, who also went by his public persona of Senator Palpatine.

Somehow, she predicated he'd already started to turn over the Senators to his side.

She hoped Yeixrian could enter the closed network of the Galactic Senate and find out if the voting system was being manipulated.

Of course, it would be pointless to make any major moves right now but gathering evidence would be beneficial for the future when it would inevitably be released to the public that he is a Sith.

For now, though, Gehai had to further the interests of the Grand Guild, through requests and being able to establish Branch Headquarters.


When time came to join the Emergency Galactic Senate, Gehai went over with London and Noinean, the new Governor of Kessel, who'd just arrived on Coruscant.

They waited around in the reception area of the Senate building with a couple members of the Grand Guild acting as security.

Star Vader decided to send some members of his Clan to help out with the protection detail, because he wasn't able to make it himself.

He had a meeting with the Crime Families of Coruscant, which left him quite busy and unable to attend.

Viola thought about going but London said she wasn't needed.

In the end, London, Gehai and Noinean entered the Hoverpods of the Senate chamber as Kalpana announced the reason for the emergency meeting.


I have called this sudden meeting because I was recently informed about Kessel, which was previously controlled by the Yaruba Royal Family, has now fallen under the jurisdiction of the Grand Guild and inadvertently, their management.

Guild President London StarCalibur Pentheos contacted my office with news and evidence of Yaruba Royal Family using slaves to mine Spice for illegal trade.

I'll allow Lady London and her selected representatives to speak on the matter so the Senate can better understand the full extent of events that occurred against the Yaruba Family, leading to a complete end to the monarchy."

Kalpana sat back in his seat within the Hoverpod as the Grand Guild's own moved into the middle of the vast open space.

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor Kalpana.

As the Chancellor has said earlier, I am the Guild President London, and today I have come forward with information related to the illegal actions of the Yaruba Royal Family.

From slavery, trafficking, and even mass murdering, all done to maintain their complete control over the System and its wealth.

Unfortunately, the citizens are paying the price, much like the new Governor of Kessel, Noinean, who is seated to my right.

To my left is Gehai Fel'watt, a former slave and representative of the Grand Guild in the Galactic Senate.

They've both experienced the harsh conditions of the planet and how it affected the lives of their people to the point countless revolutions have risen up, only to fall harder by the might of the Yaruba Family."

London decided to sit down as Noinean decided to speak up about his experience.

"Good evening, everyone.

I am Noinean, the current Governor of Kessel, a former slave, and General of the Yaruba Royal Family army.

Born into a poor family, I worked harder than others to attain a position within the Royal army, all in the hopes to make life better for my family and those around me.

Unfortunately, I learnt eventually that the whims of the Royal Family supersede everything, which led to the deaths of many people I cared for.

I tried to rebel but, in the end, I was caught and turned into a slave, only to fight for my freedom once more until I could figure out a way to remove the Yaruba Family.

Thankfully, a member of the Grand Guild helped remove their influence after witnessing the atrocities they committed.

Since then, the Grand Guild has brought prosperity to our planet and much needed supplies for the people who starve and die from hunger on a daily basis.

Now they shout and scream with joy at the ability to gain whatever they need without having to fight over the smallest amount of scraps."

Noinean felt his words should be enough to convince the Senators, but sadly for him, there was one person in particular who wanted to question the Governor of Kessel and more importantly, the Grand Guild.

"I am Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, and I have to wonder, what stops the Grand Guild from using Kessel much like the Monarchy that was their before?

Would the next generation see them in the same light as the current generation?

Who knows how many people the Grand Guild will dispense for their own ambitions if not controlled and monitored?"

Though he spoke meekly, his soft body posture and calm voice was enough to sway the minds of many Senators.

London looked on at him without expressing any visible emotion but internally she was ready to kill the Sith with her bare hands for daring to even suggest the Grand Guild would do such a thing.

What she didn't expect was Gehai being the perfect antidote to the man known as Darth Sidious.

"The same can be said of your own homeworld, Senator Palpatine.

Ever since King Tapalo joined the Galactic Republic to increase the wealth brought into the monarchy, it's been ridden with exploitative and corrupt dealings, resulting in Plasma mined from Theed being sold off nearly 30 times its original price.

Do tell, a project you personally endorsed has led to an increase in criminal activity across your homeworld?

In the case of Kessel, the Grand Guild has rooted out any Underworld network and set up that might try to exploit the planet and system.

And all this is thanks to StarKiller, the student of Star Vader, Star General to the Star-Void Grand Guild.

He worked hard to dismantle corruption and filth from Kessel, can the same be said for your homeworld, Senator Palpatine?"

Gehai's sharp and stern words were enough to cause Palpatine enough distress that he treated immediately and apologised for his comments but not before Kalpana caught on.

Though he chose not to say anything for now, Kalpana decided to make some enquires about Palpatine and his operations.

In the meantime, though, Gehai's comments were enough to push the meeting ahead to allow the Grand Guild to gain a permanent seat.

This meant Gehai would represent all the systems under the control of the Grand Guild unless they sent their own individuals to speak on behalf of their worlds.

StarKiller also found itself in the public eye with media promotion his efforts on Kessel, instantly drawing more people to sign up with the Guild, all in the hopes to possibly try out for the StarDraconic Clan