
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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Virtual Reality Head-Gear

Back on Iego, Lulai agreed for a Branch Headquarters of the Grand Guild to be built within their city, much to the annoyance of the Cliffhold City Council who were still debating over the issue for several days without a conclusion.

They became more aware of city Watt and its inhabitants who started to grow in numbers as the land in its control also grew.

At the same time, Arlo established a Jungle & Residential Bio-Dome in another area of the planet, where an Arlo Void Clone discovered a large red forest.

The trees were called Iegtrok and only native to the planet because of its climate that change the composition from a softer wood into a steel-carbon alloy hybrid that had a hint of gold.

Surprisingly, the roots of the tree were buried deep into the ground and acted as support for the massive network of underground caves made by the Maelibi.

They also acted as fertiliser to the roots once they died, as a way to replenish the land they lived on, but this in turn made the Iegtrok Wood one of the toughest materials known in the galaxy.

But it wasn't known by anyone, not even the C.I.S when they took over Iego, rather the news came out centuries later after an enemy from outside the galaxy came to invade.

At that time, the Iegtrok Trees would be cut down and crafted into weapons to battle the enemy that could negate the might of a Lightsaber.


Arlo opened a gate to the Empyrean Dimension and brought out a few droids to take away some of the trees so they could be produced within the Hidden World.

Part of Arlo wanted to use the Iegtrok Wood to make training swords and weapons for trainees within the Hidden World and outside of it, but there was no point to all of this work.

Why might you ask?

Because he knew that releasing that sort of material into the galaxy market would cause people to go wild in their attempts to the find the source.

Aware of this, Arlo made sure the Bio-Dome would only bring over materials from the Hidden World to develop the planet, while also allowing droids to come out in droves to protect the planet from any invaders.

Some of them had already moved over to the city, Watt, and took up guard at the Guild Building that was being constructed.

Because Arlo couldn't use a Prefabricated Building to set up the Guild Building, Construction Droids were left with the work that also saw them connected to the larger Grand Guild Network that was set up through the System Interface in a tab.

This allowed the building to contain all the necessary facilities that could be found even on Coruscant.

However, a main component to the Guild Building on Iego was the educational academy being constructed to the side for children and the youth.

Arlo decided to help increase the educational level on the planet to increase the progress of development in his absence, even if he would technically be present in a Void Clone form.

Cliffhold and other locations around the planet hadn't yet come to a census in regard to the Guild, so until they agreed to fully endorse the Star-Void Grand Guild, Arlo made sure his Clone would watch over the people.

He'd captured several Maelibi, and other species to take over to the Empyrean Dimension so more of their kind could be spawned at the Genetic Hall, but work in his favour.

Arlo asked the same of the Diathim, but after they entered the Hidden World, they came to find the place to be a better environment for their species.

The same could be said for the Maelibi, who wished to bring over their brethren.

Arlo never minded their decisions, because new additions meant more cracks on the StarDragon Egg, that had yet to hatch, but continued to grow in size from consuming resources and the dense rampant energy throughout the dimension.

Their addition meant a larger number of people working to support his goals for the Force Universe, but at the same time it also meant more work needed to be done.

Loota, the Mayor of Cliffhold, had to be told of his departure from the planet while also being filled in on the Guild and its operations out of the city, Watt.

He also relayed information pertaining to a Clone of his that Loota could contact on the planet if required.

Lulai remained behind for her people but made sure to contact Gehai about their safety and wellbeing, which helped the Senator of the Grand Guild relax and focus on his work as he trusted StarKiller to protect his loved ones.


Meanwhile, once the Tempest left the planet and started making its way towards Candoria to stop the Blue Shadow Virus, Yeixrian decided to inform Arlo about their quick pitstop along the way.

{Its time, Arlo…

The transport ship with a small team of Death Watch members will intersect with our route to Candoria}

"… Is she on board?"


"Understood, prepare the SV1 droids to stun only and make sure we don't harm any systems of the ship.

I want this to be a quick and easy pick up."

Arlo said while resting in his Statesroom, while beside his personal computer set up, as he went through the reports of Kessel's development with Noinean and Ossus progress under Ood Bnar leadership.

On Kessel, a new source of Coaxium was found, only for it to be analysed and registered within the Hidden World.

Yeixrian set up its production within the Empyrean Dimension as it was known to help boost Hyperspace Engines of a Starship through the galaxy.

Known to be highly expensive and sort after, Noinean decided to keep the location hidden from others, while Yeixrian prepared plenty of it for Arlo's use and those of the Guild.

It also went onto the market through the Empyrean Consortium, but large sales weren't conducted of the fuel source as 100 milligrams of Coaxium would be worth around 60 million credits.

Besides that, Kessel saw its deserts slowly create Bio-Domes, much like the one Arlo established before leaving.

As more people came to enjoy the tourism aspects of the planet that were advertised on the Intergalactic HoloWeb Network, some people decided to make it their new home after witnessing the beauty of the world.

The influence of the Humans spawned in the Empyrean Dimension were from Earth, so their ideas actually brought a new wave of interest from across the galaxy who wanted to experience the thrill of amusement parks, aquariums, and major gaming arcades.

Of course, that wasn't all of it, as majority of the people wished to experience the might of the Virtual Reality HeadGear.

Known to be created by the Empyrean Consortium, they were reserved for use by the Grand Guild, the Star-Void District, and Kessel, meaning it was impossible for now to buy the equipment and take it home.

Whole reason was to draw people to Kessel, especially the Virtual Park, which was a massive mall like structure with plenty of rooms and shops to accommodate the players that would dive into the vast Virtual Simulation World.

What Arlo didn't expect to find was the type of games actually happened to be those he played back on Earth.

Age of Empires, Assassins Creed, Elder Rings, Dark Souls, and much more were being added daily to the vast library of the Virtual Simulation World, but not all were released immediately.

Yeixrian and Kortana made sure everything was perfect before it was release so nobody could hack into the game for their own pleasure and affect another's experience.

One of the reports contained a video clip of several players who decided to try out Age of Empires.

Unlike the 'God view' style of the game, the players would get to create a character who would act as the lone villager before growing into a governor or King of their land.

Watching the video playback, Arlo noticed the player would need to move about and position certain buildings to be built by moving themselves to the location.

Only after they had enough people under their care, it would be possible to give instructions to others about building certain structures.

Yeixrian decided to add other elements to the game so there were creatures and monsters to hunt which would reward the character with better options to production better weapons or blacksmiths.

Honestly, there was plenty of rewards to gain, but it depends on the character's personal effort.

At times it could also be a small quest to save a small village that hadn't been found just yet from being invaded by monsters or raiders.

This all added to increase the raw explosiveness of the wars that would go down between players.

Wars between different players could range from a one-on-one fight to a colossal battle with each side containing no less than 100,000 people.

Watching one of the videos, Arlo noticed four players decided to build up their armies to a point that it couldn't be sustained anymore if they didn't go straight into battle right away.

400,000 soldiers of various cultures and equipment styles left everything out in the battlefield, only for it leave 1 man standing at the end of it all, covered in blood and guts of both foe and friendlies.


"Don't you think it's a bit violent with the blood and guts, Yeixrian?"

{Not at all.

The players age will be taken into account when deciding the level of realism.

So far, the players who've had the opportunity to play the more gruesome version of the game than the censored have found it to be remarkably enjoyable.

Plus, the NPC characters are made to not feel all too real, as our first trials in the Empyrean Dimension left some people terrified after they heard the cries of their people dying while begging to live}

"Yeaaaahhh… none of that please."

Arlo didn't bother to ask anymore questions on the matter and for good reason as Yeixrian hadn't explained the more realistic versions of the games were being used for the military divisions to help the soldiers prepare for warfare.

Until now, Arlo never mentioned using those in the Hidden World as warriors or soldiers but as a wider variety of people registered with the Grand Guild, their genetic code was recorded by the registration crystal and passed onto Yeixrian.

This helped expanded the number of people spawning each day within the Hidden World.

Now it was even possible to spawn Humans from various aspects of the galaxy, but they weren't the only species within the Empyrean Dimension.

And as more people spawned each day, Yeixrian couldn't send them all to the Research Institute, when they wished to participate in warfare.

For that reason, Yeixrian started to use the Virtual Reality HeadGear as a means for them to express their skills and abilities.

The results showed the soldiers were improving as the enemies became harder and more difficult to manage.

She decided to set them up to play Halo, from the first game in the long running series, which saw Wookie soldiers shredding apart the Covenant with brutish methods, whereas the Twi'leks word in a gracefully and proficient manner that allowed them to take advantage of the terrain.

Many would die once they tried the harder difficulty settings but even so, they would repeatedly go out and try again to beat the game as MasterChief, the fearless Spartan.



{Its time, dear…

Make those bastards pay…}

'O-Oh my God…

I'm doing this….

Wow, finally!' Arla Fett couldn't help but feel elated that she was about to be freed, even though she felt it would be hard during Hyperspace.

What she didn't expect was her Guardian Angel shutting down the Hyperspace Engines, bringing the Starship to a dead holt in the middle of deep space.

As the engineers and droids tried to figure out what cause such a major malfunction, Arla decided to follow the plan she was told, and entered one of the cabins beside the other Death Watch members.

She was being sent to Coruscant to guard some politician, but along with her, another four members of Death Watch were sent along, but none of them were good people.

Each of them had hurt and tormented Arla since she was captured and turned into their slave.

Knowing they report back her escape to Tor Vizsla, Arla decided to end their lives with a poison bomb Yeixiran helped her craft that would dispense the toxic air into the cabin without anyone noticing.

Within a couple of seconds, it would begin to affect the four Death Watch members, first paralysing them before succumbing to their deaths in under a minute.

There was also a small charge on the cabin window Arla was currently in that would help her escape into space, having already made the necessary adjustments to her suit to survive long enough in outer space for someone to save her.

A part of Arla couldn't believe her luck and the Guardian Angel who connected to her personal Commlink had helped her so much till now.

But it was for the best, as she wanted nothing more but to reunite with her brother after escaping, so she could support Jango's battle against the Death Watch.

Yeixrian knew Arla wouldn't directly be sent to Mandalore straight away but would be sent to Empyrean Dimension to rest and recuperate for some time to get her mental health in order.

Only then would be okay for her to meet with her brother once.