
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

Bring The Rain...

'Hehehe… you thought it was possible to escape.

What a fool!

I'm not the only one that's had enough of your antics.' Teltor thought to himself as he watched Yoda mingling with various people during the party at the Grand Guild.

The day before, when Yoda tried to leave the meeting, Jedi Master Tyvokka stopped him.

The Wookie Jedi Master of the High Council wasn't one to accept the poor behaviour of Yoda, especially when it came to the Grand Guild, which affected the course of the future.

As a highly Force-Sensitive User, Tyvokka sensed great change appearing eventually, but he wasn't aware if the Grand Guild would be the main component to this or just a piece of the puzzle.

He recognised that Yoda needed to go to the party and sense if the guild was good news or something bad.

In the end, Yoda couldn't get away from the party and Teltor set him up to lead their group of Jedi to the event.

Funnily enough, the startling size of the Grand Guild Building was enough to cause the whole group of Jedi to wonder if their Temple could do with a major update.

Most of the buildings on Coruscant preferred to make the most of the space they were given, and this meant giving up architectural design style on the exterior.

However, Yeixrian worked with Arlo to design a city with architectural styles from Earth that could be brought into the advanced future.

The Gothic, Renaissance, Neo-Futurism mixed with Arcology set the Grand Guild Headquarters apart from anything that was ever seen on the capital of the Republic planet.

Staff of the Guild led the young Padawans, and Younglings to enjoy themselves in the gaming lounges while the older Knights and Masters went on to the reception room near the top of the building.

The building easily contained 200 Floors from its ground floor, but its unique architectural style instantly drew plenty of attention from across the planet even some sources from around the galaxy who wished to meet with the architect.

Most people thought the party at the Guild building would be the perfect scene to meet the rich and powerful, but it wasn't exactly that.

Rather the guests were digging into the food that was brought out.

It caused Senators to fight over the smallest items like shrimps, while a corporate executive was ready to short a rival's business if he didn't give him the can of Coca-Cola.

The Jedi couldn't understand why this was happening but after they had a taste of the food on offer, they also succumbed to the madness and fought for each plate they could get their hands on.

Teltor was punched by a fellow Jedi Master as they fought over the last bar of chocolate.

Hell, Yoda was the only one to thin things through and used the Force to steal food from others while he hid himself in the corner of the room.

Giggling like a small unruly child, Arlo's eye twitched as he struggled to witness the Jedi Grandmaster behave in such a deplorable way.

Seeing things getting out of hand, Arlo decided to send Vader ahead with Viola and London to greet everyone as the Guild Staff and Management crew tried their best to maintain some sort of peace and order.

As the turbo-lift opened, Vader stepped out and caused his presence along to send a chilling shockwave across the entire reception hall.

The Jedi all freaked out and felt like they came across a dangerous foe, however they picked up that he was annoyed at them for their behaviour.

Especially in the presence of Viola and London, who also walked out of the lift, looking stunning and eye-catching.

One Jedi Knight subconsciously lost control over his jaw as it collapsed in front of his Master, who was furious at him for lusting without any control.


"Haha oh my… it seems everyone is quite happy with the dishes we've provided."

London slyly said while moving to the stage to introduce herself and begin the celebration.

Viola followed her closely and laughed a bit loudly that it was easily heard by everyone in the room, making most people feel a little embarrassed by their actions.

"Now, now, I can see that everyone still hasn't had their fill, so we've organised a dinner as well for everyone to enjoy.

To the Guild Staff, please bring out another round of refreshments for everyone.

With that out of the way, I would like to introduce myself.

I am the Guild President, London StarCalibur Pentheos.

To my right is the gorgeous Viola StarDrake Antheos, the President and CEO of Empyrean Dimension.

And this helmeted gentlemen to my right is Leonidas StarDraconic Vader, Star General and Advisor to the Star-Void Grand Guild while also being a member.

Together, we serve as Champions to a StarDragon."

London, Viola, even Vader were smiling as they witnessed everyone turn pale with fear, shock, and horror.

It was known that Dragons existed across the Universe, but it was near impossible to discover one.

There were Dragons of all sorts that existed across the Force Universe like Krayt Dragons, but they weren't considered True Dragons that could move through outer space without the need for technological advancements to help them survive in the vacuum of space.

StarDragons were considered the rarest and most elegant True Dragons of the Force Universe.

They were rarely heard from and whenever anyone saw a True Dragon, it was believed to be the greatest blessing.

However, if you were lucky enough to be selected to serve them, nobody would ever reject, with plenty of Jedi and Sith joining StarDragons as servants.

But this was the first time anyone, especially those in the Galactic Republic, to meet Champions of a StarDragon.

It was a status unheard of by the Galactic Society, but they instantly knew it was much higher than being a simple servant of a StarDragon.

Everyone in the room wanted to get on the better side of the three people, especially the Jedi, but it wasn't so simple.

They needed to behave and not try something underhanded in the hopes to give themselves a little edge, unless they wanted to face the wrath of a StarDragon with the capability to remove them from the life energy of the Force.


"… I would like to kickstart this celebration for the opening of our Grand Guild Headquarters, which could only be built on the capital of the Galactic Republic.

Please… enjoy yourselves and get to know everyone that's present.

And thank you for coming." London stepped down from the platform and instantly found herself being led by Guild Staff to meet with specific guests.

Similarly, Viola experienced the same thing, leaving Vader near the platform, but the staff didn't dare rush him, because they knew he was a terrifying man.

"S-Star Vader… if you wouldn't mind, please follow me.

Several Jedi Masters wish to meet with you, as well as the Ambassador to Mandalore."

"*Kohh… Khuuhh* Very well… lead the way to the Ambassador first."

Vader followed the Guild Staff along, while everyone chose to clear up the area around him by a couple metres, giving him plenty of room to walk freely without interruption.

Soon, he came in front of the Ambassador, who wasn't wearing a helmet to protect his identity, but maintained a Beskar plated armour underneath the robes of a Senator.

"… I-I'm not exactly sure how to address you, Sir." Said the Ambassador, even though he wished to use title 'Lord', it would definitely be foolish to do so.

"*Kohh… Khuuhh*… My warriors called me Star Vader.

You may… *Kohh… Khuuhh*… do the same." Vader's heavy breathing was daunting for anyone to hear constantly as it added to the mystery and aura of Vader.

The Mandalorian Ambassador could sense the dread emanating from the man, but more importantly the aura of a fearsome warrior broke through.

"Star Vader… have you heard about the problems on Mandalore?

Our homeworld is still fighting endlessly over the path our people take.

Is it possible to request your aide or even that of the Grand Guild's to deal with the situation?"

"It is possible… *Kohh… Khuuhh*.

We would need land to create a Guild Headquarters *Kohh… Khuuhh* for our people to join the war.

However, for immediate relief, I've sent my Apprentice to help *Kohh… Khuuhh*… until I arrive, he will support the war efforts beside Jango Fett."

"Ohh, well that's wonderful to hear!

May I know the name of this Apprentice, so I can inform the government figures of the True Mandalorian group."

"*Kohh… Khuuhh*… StarKiller."




[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] […] […] [Done…!]

[New Location Discovered: Kessel + 300 EXP]


[You are the First Player to enter Kessel !]

[You have gained 1,000 Personal Reputation Points and status: Friendly]

[Locals of Kessel and those visiting won't see you as hostile, but neither will they go out of their way to contact you… for now]

[Star-Void Grand Guild position as Guild Lord overwrites Personal Reputation Points…]


- 300 System Credits

- 1x Automated Spice & Mineral Mining & Processing Facility (Uncommon Grade)

- 3x Jungle & Residential Bio-Dome (3km Diameter) (Uncommon Grade)]



"Finally made it here… *Sigh*… Still feels… weird to be doing this, Yeixrian."

{Ohh, please.

I know you've been dreaming of this moment ever since I asked you about it, who knows how long ago now.

At least you can live out your weird fantasy, StarKiller~}

Yeixrian couldn't stop herself from laughing after seeing the dreary appearance of Arlo's clothing.

Made from Beskar that was produced and mined inside the Empyrean Dimension, she helped Arlo create a suit of armour that was made similarly to the Augmented Reaction Suit.

It was based off the purchased designs of a Common Grade Powered Armour Suit that was being sold in the System Store.

It went for 10,000 Credits but it provided the technology along with the designs, making it fairly easy to recreate with their current materials.

The problem was the strain it put on the body and mind for someone without augments to adapt with the sudden hit of G-Force.

Because the suit also utilised nanotechnology, the suit could easily scan items and recreate it through the Battlefield Logic Adaptable Electronic Weapon System.

Arlo knew it couldn't create a Lightsaber but it was able to form blasters and rifles easily.

However, he made a startling discovery during his research of a power source that could fit into the ARS Suit.

Kortana, an Artificial Intelligence Arlo downloaded from the Universe that felt similar to Halo, became active and helped him with research and development.

It also provided support to the scientists at the Empyrean Research Institute, however Kortana support Arlo to a greater extent to create a Fusion-Plasma Reactor to power the suit that was eventually renamed into the Nano-Star Armour.

Arlo wanted to eventually make it purchasable for the Guild Members but not just yet and a weaker version of his personal Armour Suit due to the upgrades it had.

Nobody could match its dreadful power and strength easily, which easily set Arlo up to be unchallenged in any damage he dove into for now.


Arlo designed it to showcase his muscular body shape, much like the Crysis Nano Suit armour, with plating over mass regions of surface.

In the end, Arlo's armour looked like a Spartans Armour with the Crysis Nano Suit melded together, but leaner and toned to the body shaper to a greater degree.

The helmet was shaped out of tough nano-fibre glass with self-repairing properties to be moulded out like Vader's present helmet with the inner layer and metal plating on the outside.

But Arlo chose to free open the space around the eyes as the HUD visor to look around.

It also went a little down the bridge of the nose and down towards the chin.

Compared to Vader's Crimson tint, Arlo chose an orange, golden hue that help reduce his image as a threatening individual.

The gold and dark black shades of the armour already made him look terrifying however Arlo asked the Midi-Chlorian to make the aura around him seem less threatening.

For the time being at least.

He needed to reach the throne of the Yaruba Family of Kessel and declare his intentions to save the planet from slavery and cruelty.

But first he needed to record everything and have enough evidence to present to the Senate, because it was inevitable for them to learn about the change of planetary leadership, especially if the Guild was to take over.


"This is the Royal Security Force of the Yaruba Family!

Identify yourself immediately, otherwise we will fire upon your Starship."


These guys have no humility whatsoever, but that's what happens when you deal in slaves…'

Arlo felt a little stunned by the attitude of the Royal Security Force, but he wasn't surprised because they wanted to protect their slave mines.

It was quite obvious for Arlo to realise this, but it wouldn't easily be understood by others.

"Reply to the idiots.

Tell them I'm visiting on behalf of the Star-Void Grand Guild.

They should be aware of us by now."

"Yes sir, indeed."

Arlo looked on at the droid crew with a confused expression because they appeared like an updated version of the B2-Battle Droid series.

It was a new droid Arlo developed during his time on Coruscant that he named the SV1-Mosaic Droid Series.

They appeared more like the BX-Battle Droid Series, but with nano-fibre technology and Durasteel, to give them more of a bulkier body shape but with enough manoeuvrability to fight and perform a range of tasks.

From repairs, cargo transport and manning Starships, they were capable of quite a wide range of tasks, but most importantly, they were connected through to Yeixrian and Kortana.

They helped take over a large number of positions that would typically require some sort of person to step in, but the droids performed faster and moved with greater agility that Arlo approved of the decision to acquire droids over people.

Arlo expected the droids to participate in any battle that might happen on Kessel, especially with the Royal Security Force being on edge with his arrival.

{Yeixrian, make sure everyone is ready to move in an instant if it's possible.

I honestly don't want to waste too much of my time here.

We still need to visit various places across the galaxy, especially the outer rim}


Goodluck, Arlo}

The ramp came down for the Starship, just as Yeixrian ended the communication with Arlo, who activated his helmet to form.

The nanotechnology of the armour helped it built around his head within a couple second, which was plenty of time for Arlo to walk down the ramp.

He noticed the large number of Royal Security Forces taking up positions around him from all sides of the SpacePort.

His HUD System notified him of each person through their body heat signatures and but also naturally by sensing everyone through the Midi-Chlorian.

Nobody was considered a threat, but the firepower was enough to cause him a headache.

Thankfully, he still possessed a few Creation Cards from upgraded his Classes to Level 10 at the very least.

He had a Shadow Knight and Death Reaper Creation Card of the Rare Grade that hadn't been used just yet.

Arlo also received one for the Assassin, Academic Scientist, Monster Lord, Architect Technician, Ace Ranger, and Merchant Classes once they reached Level 10, as well as an Elite Grade, Creation Card with for the Polymath Class.

Completely aware each card would offer him someone devastating, and highly dangerous for the Force Universe, Arlo held off from using any of them right away.

The three he had already used caused enough mayhem by announcing they served a StarDragon.

Arlo was made aware of the fact by Yeixrian who had eyes on the party.

She knew Arlo understood the value of a StarDragon and the consequences of revealing such information.

The Guild already saw a massive increase in people trying to join, which left the staff and management to make some adjustment to the recruiting profile.

People were thoroughly checked to find any tarnish on their record, while also screening them face to face.

It was quite insane, as the Grand Guild already caused a huge shock across the galaxy.

Informing them about the StarDragon connection was just the little nudge the people needed to rush the hottest place for employment and protection.

In another part of Coruscant, it caused the Crime Families to gather and discuss the next steps they should take, now that man known as Star Vader announced himself as a Champion of a StarDragon.

Most of the family heads of the Crime Families were close to breaking down because they lost a large number of credits within the last week alone, and it was caused by one man.

He had an army that follow him around everywhere, but they only scavenged the remains, leaving nothing behind, not even bodies.

The Crime Families just assumed they wanted to keep up the mess before the Coruscant Police Guard came to investigate, but rarely ever did that.

In the end, half of the planet's underworld had collapsed and fallen into Vader's control.

It could be seen as too quick for some, but nobody actually realised that Arlo was supporting him with Void Clones.

Through the Player Network, Arlo created a Duo-Partnership that allowed them to share rewards and experience from the kills.

Arlo set it to give Vader all of the rewards and experience, which was possible, as long he received one reward as a minimum.

He ended up received a few interesting rewards but nothing that he would use right away.

The Vader Void Clones caused plenty of problems around the planet's underground in places that stocked up on resources, credits, and hidden facilities, leaving the gathering of people to the actual Vader.

All of the Crime Families had connected with the Pyke Syndicate to help deal with Vader, but they were easily dealt with as well, leaving them wondering what to do next.

They eventually came to a census, through the guidance of the wiser family heads, that it would be good for everyone that they follow along with Vader's new version of the underworld.

It never disappeared, even the part that Vader control.

All that happened was better management and control of what entered and not.

It mostly turned into illegal casinos, bars, brothels, drug hubs and even deep virtual experiences, where the person's consciousness would dive into the virtual world of the Intergalactic HoloWeb Network.

For some people, it was the only way they could be intimate with their companions, who might be on the other side of the galaxy.

Of course, there were plenty of other things to do and see but sex honestly sells above everything else.

Especially in a galaxy with all sorts of species and races.


"Its an honour to meet a member of the Star-Void Grand Guild.

May I ask sir, what brings you here to our homeworld?"

An aide to the King said with a smile, yet he found it hard to keep up appearances in front of Arlo's startling height.

He was around 2 metres tall that was lean and insanely muscular because of his unique race.

However, to everyone, Arlo just appeared to be a really tall person with a godly physique.

Arlo tried his best to seem nice and friendly, however it was impossible with his body size, so he gave up trying to accommodate the locals.

Soon enough they would be under the management of the Guild.

"I'm here to meet with your King, on behalf of my Master, Star Vader."

Just the mention of the Champions of a StarDragon, caused the advisor to sweat heavily.

His King wasn't one to meet with people unless it was absolutely necessary.

Most of the time the bastard would indulge himself, which the King considered part of his job description.

The advisor didn't know what to do, as the last person that brought a guest before the King saw his whole family turn into slaves for spice mining.

In the end the King decided to message the staff of the Queen, in the hopes she would help.

Unfortunately for the advisor, the Queen wasn't interested and nor were the children of the Royal Family.

Not knowing who else to call, the advisor received one instead from the Generals of the Royal Yaruba Armed Security Forces.



"So… You're obviously not the King." Arlo said as he mentally told Yeixrian to send out some drones to record the atrocities being committed across the planet.

He had a feeling that a battle was imminent, and he wouldn't have the time to explore the planet.

Sitting across from three men in an overly dressed meeting room that needed a better interior designer who understood colours and what they blended with.

The three Generals were similarly dressed in all manners of decorative medals that filled up their jackets to the point it wasn't possible to see the fabric on the chest.

Each of them tried their best to appear imposing before Arlo, but they failed when the Force tried to make them feel that he wasn't a bad guy.

But Arlo's height betrayed him.

"… Is the Grand Guild looking to step up a branch here?"

Asked the general to Arlo's right, across from him on the table.

"No… not at first.

But now… you're King's actions may have change my decision."

Arlo didn't want to threaten them, but he couldn't hide how annoyed it felt to be discarded to chat with some random Generals.

His voice frightened the General who asked the question to the point he clutched his seat and gritted his teeth.

"I-If that's the case… would you meet with a certain person and take him under your Guild's refuge?"


It didn't take a genius to figure out what the discussion might lead to, but even so, Arlo attentively listened for the moment he heard the magic word.

"Our people have stagnated… into something unpleasant.

This individual we hope you might save is the leader for change…

A… Revolution."

And there it was, the magic word.


Arlo figured the Generals became disinterested in the leadership style and behaviour of the royal family after being around them for decades.

His assumption wasn't wrong about the Generals.

They were furious with their royal family for constantly using the native people as slaves if they did one thing wrong.

Their own predecessors were sent away as slaves because they couldn't stop an uprising in time.

Only a handful of Royal Guards were harmed and some property, but the King decided to go all out and massacre several villages and towns out of retaliation.

None of those places had anything to do with the uprising but they were randomly selected and that was it.

Their lives were forfeit.

At the same time, more people joined the resistance, because they lost loved ones or have enough of the miserable living conditions.


"I'll help.

So will the Guild, but we will want to oversee the protection, development, and management of the planet.

Spice will continue to be mined but we will set up laws and administrative departments to manage the planet, so corruption and external influences don't lead it astray.

In terms of profit, we will take 70 percent of the overall net profit, but I can assure you that will be reinvested into the planet.

You can in have it in writing.

If everything works out well, the Grand Guild will support the efforts to increase the population and their presence in the Galactic Republic as well."

Arlo's requirements were pretty decent and the decent in the middle of the three decided to pass on everything to the leader of the resistance.

Just as the signal went out, Yeixrian grabbed a hold of the message and followed it through the Intergalactic HoloWeb Network.

Soon, she found the individual leading the resistance and it happened to be a slave camp leader.

His name was Noinean, and a former slave who was able to free himself and turn into the warden of a slave camp in the span of a year.

Noinean use to serve the Royal Family until he heard the Crown Prince fancied his daughter.

To stop anyone touching his family, Noinean sent them away off planet, but they were hunted down and killed by bounty hunters hired by the Crown Prince.

From that moment on, Noinean wanted nothing than revenge, and started planning how to crush the Royal Family but with time he came to understand it wouldn't be so easy without some help from an external force.

When Noinean saw the message from his former student, the slave warden was overjoyed and excited to see some progress to free his homeworld from the grasp of the Royal's.

The deal proposed by Arlo also caught his attention, which he accepted with an increase of the spice profits to 35 percent as a minimum.

Arlo didn't mind and agreed with the deal before he got in touch with Yeixrian to see the progress of their own plan.

'Is it done?'

{Evidence has been collected and a report is being compiled for a news article to be published anonymously on the HoloWeb.

Also, the SV1 droids have been dropped off nearby the various slave camps.

They are all waiting on your command to begin the attack}

'Bring the rain…'