
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The twins [Murder at Apartment arc]

The car stopped in front of a karaoke that I frequently visited.

I looked at Benjamin to give me an explanation for why he stopped the car here.

"Do you know that the entire department is trying to make you the scapegoat of the recent murder?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah? -Wait, WHAT!" I was surprised at the fact that the police were trying to trap me but more than that, why did he tell me that?

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions on your mind and I will answer them" He reclined his seat a little, as if he was going to tell a long story.

"Do you know that the police already know who the culprits behind the murder was?"

"Really, if they know it, why are they trying to ruin my life?"

"Well, catching the culprit is not that easy since they are the sons of a politician"

Now I began to understand everything, the police might be getting pressure from the top to dump this case on someone innocent so that the politician's sons could escape from the case.

So this means, I will be sent to jail no matter what.

But the more I thought about it the angrier I got, since the people who actually did this were living a very comfortable life and I would not be able to do anything for the old man.

Reality can often be depressing, but I never thought that it would be this bad.

At this moment Benjamin looked at me and said, "It will only be a matter of time until they forge evidence and hire people as eyewitnesses, so you probably would not be able to win in court either."

"Are you trying to say me that my life's f*cked?"

Benjamin had a sad look on his face when he heard those words and he went quiet for a moment and said, "You know, when I joined the department I thought that I would catch a lot of criminals and put them behind bars."

He paused and continued, "But little did I know that most of the big criminals were hiding within the government, so you could say I was never able to achieve my dreams"

"After 2 months I will retire, but when I look back all my career was, was just a disappointment. So before I go I wanted to do something real"

"And is that the reason why we are in front of the karaoke?" I asked out of curiosity.

With a smile on his face Benjamin replied "You catch on quick"

He opened his phone and searched John Miller and Arthur Miller on social media and picture's of two twins came.

Their profile was full of pictures of them having fun with girls and alcohol.

It was easy to understand what sort of personality both of them have with the amount of information that was before me.

Then he showed me a picture of both of them standing next to their father and sure enough, their father was a well known politician.

Even after all this, there was just one thing I just didn't understand, "You told me that they committed the crime, but do you have any proof?"

Hearing that, Benjamin smiled a little and said, "You sure are smarter than you look, I thought you would have just trusted my word" and took out a selfie of both of them standing and having drinks on the road to the apartment at night.

"This is all I have as proof, I know it's hard to believe but it took me great effort getting my hands on this photo as the police were trying to wipe out all of the evidence that led to the twins".

The selfie was indeed taken at night near the scene of the murder but it still was not enough to prove that the twins committed the crime.

"So this is the only evidence you can show me to prove that they were the killers?"

"Oh, you misunderstood, you see even though I don't have that much evidence on the twins committing the murder of the old man, I have plenty of other evidence of them doing various illegal activities ranging from drug deals, r*pe, human trafficking and even smuggling."

With that, Benjamin started to show me various photos and videos that disgusted me.

"If you have this much evidence can't you just submit it to court or post it on the internet?"

"The moment I submit these photos and videos anywhere they will go after me and my family" He replied with a depressed tone "Even if they are arrested, they will get a VIP treatment inside the jail and probably will come out after some years"

Benjamin let out a sigh and relaxed on the seat of the car.

"The only punishment for these types of guys is death" Benjamin said with a heavy tone.

The atmosphere inside the car suddenly got heavy and I got a little scared of how he was making such a serious remark about death being a fitting punishment for them.

"Wait, you're not asking me to kill them, are you?"

Benjamin looked directly at George's eyes and said "If you kill them you will go to jail and if you don't kill them, you STILL will go to jail. What do you choose?"

Holy sh*t, this guy is CRAZY!

Is he aware of what he just said right now? Does he want to be arrested by the police months before his retirement? Lots of such trivial thoughts came to my mind at that moment.

But I soon remembered the promise I made to myself days ago, that I would change my life.

'I don't want to hate my past for not avenging the death of the old man while in prison'.

Whatever choice I make, the end result will still be the same as I will end up in jail either way, so it was obvious which I was going to choose.

"It's decided then", Benjamin said in a cheerful voice as he saw my face filled with determination.

"Don't you think the sons of a famous politician will have guards and stuff? I enquired.

"Oh they have those" as soon as he said that half of my soul left my body.

"But don't worry, they don't keep a guard around them all the time, Sometimes when they want some privacy they choose to have no guards around them", the inspector reassured me.

"So, is it one of those days?" I asked with hope.

"Yep, the twins are in 4-C at the karaoke enjoying themselves with drugs, women and alcohol", Benjamin spoke in an angered tone and then he looked at me and said, "I'm sure you will locate the room since you are a regular there".

I wanted to punch the living hell out of that old man then and there but I held myself back because I could see myself in Benjamin, we both regret our past and are desperately trying to change it. This made us connect in such a way that I could not hate the guy.

As I walked towards the karaoke to murder someone my heart kept beating like crazy.

The only thing that I thought to myself at that moment was, 'Sh*t, just what mess did I get into?'

One more chapter until he gets transported...

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