
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Prime suspect [Murder at Apartment arc]

Countless thoughts ran across my mind at that time but the only thing my mouth chose to say was, "How the hell could it be me?"

"I understand that you are surprised, but please remain calm", The inspector told in an authoritative tone.

I chose to do what he said and wait for his explanation for suspecting me but to my surprise the inspector stood up and walked towards me.

He sat down on the table to my right and placed his left hand on my right shoulder with a strong grip to remind me who was superior here and proceeded to talk.

"The first reason is obvious, you are the last known person to make contact with the victim, the second reason is that you were highly influenced that night", he paused his sentences mid way to grab my head and turn it towards his direction and continued.

"The final reason being, you were angry with him that night and also made a comment that you wished he was dead along with his family"

I knew that there was no going back from this, since all the circumstantial evidence was pointing directly at me.

"But there were 2 of them and they also came through the entrance, I was already inside my room and sleeping during the time the old man was being killed"

I could tell from the inspector's face that he was not buying it.

"Mr George, do you have any evidence to show that you were inside your room during the incident?", at that question I knew that this was not going well for me since there is only one CCTV camera in the apartment and that was at the entrance, so in conclusion I had no way of proving that I was sleeping during that time.

The inspector took this opportunity of silence to add further points, "There are two entrances to the apartment, one through the front and one through the back. So it's highly likely that you could have gone out of the apartment through the back gate to call one of your friends and then return back through the front gate to kill him".

"Even if you say that I have no reason of wanting him dead"

"2 hours before he was killed, he laughed at you because your crush married another guy, isn't that enough", he replied quickly.

"How is that enough? Can laughing at someone be enough of a reason for wanting him dead", I was filled with rage as I knew that the police were trying to dump this case on me.

"As I have plenty of experience as a police officer I have seen plenty of murder cases myself where the person responsible for it had even dumber reason to do it than you", the inspector told with confidence, "But more than this, you were drunk that night and humans do a lot of weird sh*t when they are drunk, trust me".

I could not talk back to him as all the things said by him were true except for the part that I was responsible for his death.

"Well the case is still in its initial stages and there is plenty of time before pinning down on someone, so for now you can go, but remember as the prime suspect in this case you are not allowed to leave this city and you should come back here whenever you are called, DO YOU UNDERSTAND", he shouted.

"Yes sir", I replied slowly.

"Good, now get out of here"

As I walked towards the exit I saw many officer's staring at me as if I was a murderer.

I left the police station with a heavy heart and finally reached the apartment at night. I threw myself on to my bed and slept almost immediately.

The next day I had various thoughts in my mind as to what I should do to prove my innocence, who the actual killers were and which company should I join for a new job.

As I was busy thinking about all of my future plans a familiar sound got my attention.


It was my stomach yearning for some food in the morning. However I could not find any food nor leftovers in the apartment. So I headed out of my room to buy some food.

When I reached the entrance of the apartment to go to the nearby store, I noticed that there was already a new security guard appointed in place of the old man. Tears came out of my eyes as I remembered him.


Hearing the loud honk of a car snapped me out of my daydreams and made me look towards the direction the sound was coming from.

It was from an old corolla, green with a lot of scratches and dents, there were no rims and all the windows of the car were heavily tinted.

But the most striking feature was that it had no number plate.

Everything about the car was suspicious but the continuous honking made me approach it out of curiosity.

As I slowly walked towards the car I was expecting some random thugs with guns to roll down the window but to my surprise all I saw was a familiar face, it was the old man I met at the police station.

He smiled at me and said, "Surprised, aren't you"

"I sure am"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm inspector Benjamin Smith", as he showed me a badge as proof.

"Are you here because of the case?", I asked.

"Kinda, well you will understand when we get there", Benjamin replied.


"Yep, you're coming with me"

"To where?"

"That's a surprise"

I was not in a good position to question him any further as I was the prime suspect in a murder case and he was a police officer, so I chose to obey what he told me to do.

When I got in the car I remembered something important, "I'm hungry"

"Don't worry there's a sandwich in the back of the car"

After 5 minutes the sandwich had completely been transported inside my stomach and the silence in the car finally ended with the inspector saying, "We're here"

In front of me was a karaoke bar that I frequently visited.

I did not know what the old man was planning or I did not know what the future had in store for me, but all that I did know was the fact that something big was about to happen.

The current arc about the MC's life before he gets transported to another world will continue for about one or two more chapters.

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