
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Wrong Hostage? [Murder at Apartment arc]

As I walked towards the building I began to doubt my resolve to kill people.

Sure, they deserve to die after what they did, but still, can I do it?

Millions of such doubts crept upon my head, but at the end of the day I knew that if I was not willing to do it, I would just end up regretting it later.

It was better to be in jail after taking revenge than regretting about the past just like every other time.

Finally, I entered the building and got a room for myself.

As I was in the room, I began thinking what the next course of action should be?

Should I just go ahead to 4-C and kill them myself or should I wait and come up with a proper plan, no if I wait, they will leave and I will lose this opportunity.

After 5 minutes I came to a conclusion that the best thing to do was just to go ahead and just kill them in their room without any plan.

Even if I came up with a proper plan, lots of cameras in the bar already captured my face, so they are just going to suspect me straight away and being a prime suspect in another murder case is not gonna help either.

No matter what, I'm going to get caught anyway, so might as well do it directly.

I entered the lift to go to the third floor, and it was such a weird feeling.

I was a regular here, but this was the first time I was getting this nervous, getting on a lift that I have entered hundreds of times.

But before I knew it the lift opened up and I was already on the third floor.

I slowly walked towards the room the twins were in, my hands began to shake, my eyes began to go a little blurry, I could hear my heart beating like crazy and my head was going light.

'Sh*t, I think I'm losing consciousness'

But I managed to pull myself through it and regained control of my body.

As I was in front of 4-C, I took in a deep breath, prayed to god, did a little warm up and opened the door.

Upon opening a huge puff of smoke greeted me, I could smell the alcohol without even entering the room.

But what really caught my attention was that the two twins were busy having s*x with a woman that they did not even hear me open the door.

More than that, it appears the two of them were having s*x with her against her will since she was struggling to get off of them but failing to do so at every attempt since both of them had a strong grip on her and she was gagged to not scream.

I immediately grabbed the beer bottle near me and approached them stealthily.

One of them saw me and shouted, "ARTHUR, LOOK OUT!".

But it was already too late for him as the moment he looked back, I smashed his face with a beer bottle I found near me.

It appears that the person who I just struck was Arthur, so the other one who shouted must be John.

Arthur was lying on the floor, groaning in pain after the bottle hit his face. He put a cloth on his left cheek and pressed on it desperately trying to reduce the bleeding.

The girl who was being r*ped saw this opportunity to take her clothes and escape from the room, but before she left, she looked at me and said, "Thank you".

Although the voice was soft and weak, I still managed to hear it.

At that moment warmness embraced my heart, 'Is this what doing good things feel like?', I thought to myself.

However, my happiness was short lived as John took this opportunity to grab a gun and shoot me.

Fortunately it appears that he is not good with guns and was only able to injure my shoulder, but even if he did miss the vital points it was still painful as hell.

"DIE YOU MOTHER F*CKER!!!" John shouted as he started shooting recklessly.

As his hands were weak, he was not able to handle the recoil produced by the pistol and his aiming was no better than a blind man.

Still one bullet managed to hit me in my stomach and I was bleeding a lot.

As I looked around me for a cover, I saw Arthur who was trying to stop the bleeding on his head and it gave me the perfect idea to buy some time.

I quickly ran to him and used the broken beer bottle as a knife and placed it near his throat to use him as a hostage.

Arthur was unable to react to any of this as he was distracted in stopping the bleeding and didn't see me coming.

"Throw the gun away RIGHT NOW! or I will kill your brother" I threatened John.

But to my surprise instead of throwing the gun away, a creepy smile spread across his face and he said, "Old man, you really chose the wrong hostage".

At first I wanted to punch his face for calling me an old man but then I thought about the meaning behind his words and I finally understood, this guy doesn't like his brother.

"I'm sorry Arthur, but I always was jealous of you… , how you were able to run the business so smoothly and how father always acknowledged only you. I wanted to have all that too, you know?" John paused and picked a beer bottle near him.

While still pointing the gun at us he started drinking.

But finally Arthur spoke out, "You… , you… both of you, I WILL F*CKING KILL YOU"

"Sorry brother, but the gun's on my hands and I always wanted to kill you. I was trying to find a way to kill you without anyone knowing and lucky for me, god has brought this old man in front of me to hand over you to my hands" John responded in an arrogant tone.

Knowing that my time was up, I started to feel defeated.

It was a familiar feeling that I always experience throughout my life. As I began thinking about it, tears started to come out of my eyes.

"Bye bye Old man and my sweet little brother. I love both of you SO MUCH", he said in a hypocritical tone.

But the moment John pulled the trigger a sound was heard.


At that moment, everyone knew what happened... THE AMMO WAS FINISHED!

John was surprised and scared of not knowing what to do and I took this opportunity to kill off Arthur and ran towards John.

My abdomen and shoulder were getting more and more painful but I endured it and ran at him at full speed.

I stabbed his chest with the sharpest point of the broken beer bottle and gave it a twist inside his abdomen to make sure that it really hurt.

As life was escaping from John's eyes I whispered to his ears, "This was for everyone who died because of you"

After 5 minutes I was lying in a pool of blood with two dead bodies.

I heard some police sirens downstairs, "I guess they called the police", I said to myself.

My vision was getting blurred and I was losing control of my body.

I immediately knew that this was it, and felt a little happy, knowing that I was able to avenge that old man along with many others who died because of these brothers.

My eyelids were starting to feel heavy and were struggling to be kept open.

But at some point I gave in…

Hey guys, so with this, the first arc of the series [Murder at Apartment arc] is finished. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Starting from the next chapter a new arc will begin which is going to be the actual start of the series. So ones again, thank you for reading all the 7 chapters and patiently waiting :)

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