
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

System [Forest Survival arc]

As the two bandits were leaving the forest Christoph was still busy trying to find a source of water.

He was thirsty, tired, injured and hungry, but his will power to survive was more than enough to make his body move despite all the problems.

Soon it was sunset and Christoph started to get impatient.

'At this rate I'm definitely going to die of dehydration' I thought to myself as I was walking down a slope aimlessly.

Being thirsty and hungry made it harder to walk as I was constantly thinking of burgers and pizzas.


As I was about to take a bite from them in my dreams, I tripped on a stone and started to roll down on the slope.

Each time I was completing one full rotation, my left hand screamed with pain as it was injured because of the wolves.

To make matters even worse, there was a huge rock at the bottom of the slope and based on my current trajectory, I was surely going to crash with it.

Predicting the potential accident, I took the knife I had on my right hand and stabbed it in the soil to decrease my speed of descent.

My plan hopefully worked and I safely landed on the ground at the cost of my knife, but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make for my life.

I was now lying flat on the ground looking upwards to the skies and all I could hear now was the sound of my own heavy breaths.


Slowly I closed my eyes for a quick rest since my body very much needed it.

As my vision was gone, I began to concentrate on my other senses and soon started to hear a faint noise of a water stream!

I immediately looked around me to spot a river but all I could see was trees and more trees.

Closing my eyes again I tried to find the sound of water I heard previously.

It took me some time but I was able to find it again.

After a few minutes of walking towards the direction of the sound, I stopped.

A big, wide smile came across my face as I was standing before the place I wanted to reach all this time.

"Finally! I found it"

I shouted those words out and ran towards the river.

Without wasting a second I got on my knees, dipped my hands in the river and started to drink the water.

As water reached my dried throat, a strange sensation of refreshness was felt and all I could think was how sweet the water was.

I continued my celebration of finding a river by repeatedly drinking water without a break until my stomach was half filled with it.

Quenching my thirst, I got up and that's when I noticed the reflection of my face on the river.

After getting transported into another body I never once thought of how my face looked, mostly because I had other things to worry about.

But after seeing it I got to say, 'this kid will definitely be extremely handsome in the future'.

He had the same red eyes and black hair that complimented each other like his mother, but the red shade in his eyes was a little bit brighter compared to her.

I touched my face to check whether it was actually my face or not, since I could not believe that I was transported into such a handsome body.

'This might just be the only good thing that has happened to me ever since I woke up in this body', I thought to myself.

For two minutes I stared at my new face and thanked the gods for giving me a chance to not be a virgin in this life too.


Suddenly I heard a sound that was similar to a bell.

(Author's note: The informations displayed by the system will be enclosed in angular brackets)

A blue screen appeared before me out of thin air and produced a large sound which scared me and made me fall on the ground.

"What the f*ck?", I shouted.

As I was confused and scared at the same time, something was being written on the blue screen.


<10%... 20%... 40%... 70%...>

< ...100%>

<Initializing completed!>

<Syncing with the host…>

<Host body accepted!>

<Hi host, How may I call you?>

'Is it asking me?', I thought.


'Wait, Did it read my mind?'

<The system designed by the god have the capability to read the host's thoughts so that communication can be made possible without talking>

After reading what the A.I wrote, I immediately remembered all the trash webnovels I had read in my previous life and how I wished to be a hero who had the same cheat skills as them.

Back then it was impossible, but now it's reality!

As I was enjoying the luckiest day of my life, the A.I continued.

<Host, How may I call you?>

Without thinking I thought of a straight answer, 'Master'.

<Okay master, Do you wish to see your current stats?>

'My stats? What does that mean?'

<Stat refers to the numerical result of one's strength>

It didn't take me long to understand what the A.I was talking about as I was already familiar with the concept of measuring strength by numbers like in RPG's.

"Open my current stats" I said out loud.

The blue screen that was before me shrunk to about fifty percent and displayed some texts and numbers.





Available points: 0>

Hi guys, I'm sorry to inform that the next update will be on 18th June 2023 due to personal reason's.

Retr0vancreators' thoughts