
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Stats and points [Forest Survival arc]

Looking at my current stats I couldn't help but pity myself.

Deep down I knew that I was definitely going to be weak considering the condition of my body, but even I didn't expect it to be this low.

But I quickly snapped out of my pointless thoughts and tried to analyze each and every stat.

<Host, would you like to see the details of every stat?>

'Sure', I thought almost immediately.

Reading my thoughts the blue screen that was before me suddenly disappeared and four new screens appeared from left to right.

Each of the screens contained information about POWER, MANA, INTELLIGENCE and VITALITY respectively.

<POWER: It raises the strength of one's muscles, bones and increases the hardness of the skin.>

<MANA: Increases the ability to control mana particles and capacity to store mana.>

<INTELLIGENCE: Makes learning things more easy. Increases the speed of neuron signals through synapses which gives the ability to think faster. In addition to this your sixth sense increases which multiplies one's reaction speed making it easier to dodge incoming attacks.

<VITALITY: Raises your stamina, resistance to poison and diseases and decreases the amount of time needed to heal wounds in the body. VITALITY can also decrease a person's aging and extend life span. If the stat is increased to a certain extend, then they will always remain young.>

Going through each of the stats, it appears that the stat I need the most is POWER.

One of the hardest things that I had to deal with was being in a weak body and POWER seems to be the perfect stat to overcome that problem.

Reading the explanation of INTELLIGENCE stat I understood how I was able to dodge those ferocious beasts.

But the problem was that I didn't have any additional points to invest on stats.

"How can I get points to raise my stats?" I asked the system.

The four screens that was before me, now combined to form a single small screen that displayed the following,

<Points can be gained by doing anything that is difficult or it can be attained by obtaining knowledge from someone or something.

Drinking first grade elixirs can also give you points.>

As I was reading, I noticed that the system was very vague in describing how points can be earned.

Doing something difficult is subjective and it also makes earning a point much harder.

However, the second way to obtain points does not look particularly difficult since I can read books or ask questions to someone knowledgeable.

But what caught my attention the most was the third way.

"System, what do you mean by first grade elixirs?"

<There exists five grades in elixirs,

(Author's note: Reading all of this is not necessary)

Fifth grade: Made by an alchemist who does not have much experience or talent. The consumer can get +1 point on any one of their stats for a short period of time. This time duration can extend from 5 minutes to 30 minutes depending upon the alchemist and the quality of the material used.

Fourth grade: Made by an alchemist who has 5 to 10 years of experience or has an average talent. They give +2 points on one of their stats for 5 minutes to 30 minutes depending upon the alchemist and the quality of the material used.

Third grade: Made by an alchemist who has 11 to 40 years of experience or a high level of talent. Its effects can last for an hour and give +1 point to all the stats.

Second grade: It can only be made by an alchemist who has at least 20 years of experience and has the highest level of talent. Its effect is temporary as it lasts about a day and gives +2 on all the stats.

First grade: It cannot be made by humans as it is naturally formed and can only be found in extreme climatic conditions. They give +1 point to all the stats of the consumer permanently.>

Looking at the effects of first class elixirs I got a faint idea that it was expensive and to confirm my doubts the system also displayed a message agreeing with my thoughts.

So right now, the only way I could earn points was to do something that was difficult for me.

As I was busy thinking about the hardest task for a child, another message popped up in the system.

<You have 2 new notifications>

'Display the first one', I thought.


<You have received 1 point for escaping the pack of wolves, Congratulations!>

Reading the message, a sense of happiness surrounded me as I got a glimmer of hope surviving this dangerous forest.

I immediately increased my POWER stat as strength mattered greatly in a place like this.



IQ: 2


Available points: 0>

At first there was no sense of change in my body at all.

I checked everywhere for the smallest trace of muscles, but all I could feel was a normal child's body.

'Does this even work?', I began to doubt the system as time passed without any changes.

However, I started to experience a burning sensation in my chest which soon began spreading to other parts of my body.

After some time, I felt like my whole body was on fire!

"SYSTEM, WTF IS THIS?... STOP THIS!" I roared as the pain became intolerable after a few minutes.

<Host, experiencing a burning sensation is quite normal as your body is undergoing several metabolic and physical changes simultaneously>

I had no time to read all of it as I was busy rolling around the ground like a mad man.

After what felt like an hour, the sensation of burning began to subsidize and I was slowly gaining back my consciousness.

<Host, congratulations on undergoing your first transformation!>

<Would you now like to look at the second notification?>

Sorry for the delay.

Retr0vancreators' thoughts