
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Complicated situation [Forest Survival arc]

"Even after setting up an ambush we still lost three of our men to the Rodriguez branch family, so as the young master it's fitting that you pay for their deaths!", the boss of the bandits said as he was holding the blade pointed to my neck.

But somehow I didn't feel scared as before, as I got a feeling that he did not want to kill me.

"But killing you like this would be boring" he continued, "as I'm a nice guy I'll give ya a fighting chance".

The boss of the bandits slowly lowered his blade and walked away from me.


He said with a wicked joy in his face.


I knew that he wanted to humiliate me as much as possible before killing me, but this was still a chance to escape and I couldn't let go of it so easily.

As soon as he finished his sentence, I looked back and ran as fast as possible without wasting any more time.

The wolves were already too much for me to handle and these guys are more powerful and faster than them, but still I got to try.

As I ran, I noticed that my speed was very low compared to before as I was already too exhausted from my previous encounter.

Even after all this there was something that was strange…

The bandits were not chasing after me!

'Did I lose them after running for a minute?'

'No, that's not possible given my condition and their strength, so why are they not chasing after me?'

'Well whatever it is, I will worry about it later as my first priority is getting far away from the bandits and recovering'.

While Christoph was trying to escape the bandits were busy plotting something else.

"Boss, are we not going after him?" said the swordsman.

"Cool down Larry, I want him to get some experience in the forest first"

"Experience?... Why, Do you want to turn him into a battle slave?" Larry asked in confusion.

"YES!, That's exactly what I'm trying to do!"

Hearing his words the swordsman was shocked for a moment but he soon came back to his senses and asked, "Are you not afraid of the Rodriguez family?"

"Why should I be?" The boss responded with a blank expression.

"They are one of the THREE SUPREME FAMILY, you do know the consequence of doing something like this right?" asked the swordsman while trembling with fear.

"I followed you everywhere, Even after you said that you wanted to ambush the convoy of the Rodriguez family since it cannot be tracked back to us because there are thousands of bandits like us"

Larry stopped midway through his sentence and walked towards his boss to grab his chest armor.

He gripped the chest piece tightly and looked directly into his boss's eyes and said, "But doing something like turning one of the members of THE Rodriguez family into a slave is trackable and our heads will be off our necks!, So are you asking me to commit a suicide?"

Hearing all this a smile came on to the muscular man's face and with a strong force he punched his companion's stomach and sent him flying.

However his motion was interrupted by a tree.


With a strong sound Larry hitted his back against a tree and he threw up blood due to the force of the impact.

However, as he was wearing enchanted armor, thankfully neither his spine nor his ribs were broken.

The tall man approached his companion who was coughing up blood thanks to him.

He grabbed Larry's head by his hair and looked him in the eye while saying, "Firstly, I don't like when someone questions me and second is the F*CKING FACT, THAT YOU JUST NEED TO DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD TO DO, IS THAT CLEAR?"

With a feeble voice Larry responded, "Y-Yes Sir".


The tall man released Larry and he fell on the ground unable to support his own weight after receiving a direct punch straight to his stomach.

"After two or three weeks of living in the forest, the child will have enough experience in combat. At that time, we will sell him at a high price".

Larry was still unsure and scared of this idea as he was having second thoughts going up against a powerful family.

"The Rodriguez family has lost majority of its control and is especially weak and vulnerable right now" said the boss to reassure Larry.

"But they are still powerful enough to completely annihilate the likes of us"

"Yes, but the place where we are going to sell the child is a region where not even the Rodriguez family can get access to"

"D-Do you mean you are planning to sell him to THAT place?" said Larry in fear.

Hearing this a smile flashed across the boss's face and said, "YES!".

"But what if he dies before we return to kidnap him?" Larry asked in concern.

"Then we have to accept our loses, plus we are still going to make a sh*t ton of money selling all the valuables we collected from the carriage" responded the boss with a pleasant tone.

Larry, deep down still didn't want to do it as he felt scared of the Rodriguez family and was sad for the innocent child who was going to live a hellish life because of them.

After drinking some healing potion the injury he received on the stomach was gone and the two men slowly began to head out of the forest.

While they were walking, Larry looked back on the corpse of his ex-companion knowing that one day the same is going to happen if he didn't obey his boss's orders.

But what else could he do, there was no one who was willing to hire him as he was not as powerful compared to the other swordsmen.

And if he said he wanted to quit then the boss would make sure to kill him, so right now he was in a complicated situation where he could not move forward or go backward.