
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Misclick! [Forest Survival arc]

I ran towards the river to look at my muscles, however there were no apparent changes but I could definitely tell that my body has gotten faster and stronger.

The soft skin on my body has now developed into a much tougher one and the pain caused by the wound on my hand was also gone.

'So this is how it feels to get a transformation, huh', I thought to myself.

I jumped, rolled and ran to test the extent of my new body, and sure enough I could definitely feel it.

All the movements that were difficult for me to do have now become much easier.

'If this is how you feel after getting a POWER enhancement, then how would it be with the rest of the stats?'

<Master, would you like to see the second notification?>

When I saw the second message displayed on the system I got my hopes up by thinking that it was another reward of points, but it was even better!

<The God have decided to give you three blessings from which you can choose one>

'Whaaaat? I can only choose one!'

Even if getting to choose one blessing was great, my greedy mind wanted a little more.

<Apologies Master, but you cannot choose more than one>

Well, I already knew that this was going to happen, so I wasn't depressed about it.

Immediately a large blue screen emerged before me.


STARTER PACK: Gives you 20 points on all your stats immediately. Can only be used once.

STEAL: Lets you see and steal the blessing of other people after you have killed them. Can only be used once.

FAST PASS: Gives you the ability to learn and advance skills faster by 3 times. Every time you earn points by doing something difficult you also get an additional point through this blessing. Can be used throughout your life>

The first blessing was eye catching at first, but the more you think about it, the more unappealing it gets.

By now I definitely know the value of a single point and getting twenty points on all of my stats immediately was a massive benefit for my survival.

But the biggest problem with this blessing was that, after the initial gain of points, it doesn't give me anything.

Reading through the second blessing, I got a giant red flag.

The first problem with this blessing was that, I won't know the blessing of a person and can't steal it from them until I kill that person.

And if their blessing was bad then killing a person would have been in vain.

In the first place, I am not sure that I could kill another person anymore.

I did it last time because I knew that they were not good people, but can I kill an innocent person purely for obtaining a good blessing?

If I did that, then there wouldn't be any difference between me and the twin brothers.

Even without all of these disadvantages there was another big problem. This blessing can only be used once…

If it could have been used throughout my life then this would have been an OP ability, but the fact that I can only use it once makes it really worthless.

The third blessing however was a no brainer.

This was by far the best blessing by reading the description.

It does not give you an initial boost or a quick cheat like the others, but this blessing is more like an investment.

If I concentrate on doing difficult things like hunting and training everyday, then I could grow faster than anyone.

As I was about to choose the third blessing a fly started to disturb me.

I waved my hand and tried to make it go away, but to no avail it just kept on flying closer to my ears.


The humming noise it made near to my ears made me extremely mad, but I kept my cool and moved to a different location near to the river.

It seems that the fly really likes to annoy people because it began to follow me.

Fearing that my blessings would go away if I did not choose it quickly I raised my hands to click on the third blessing.

As my finger was just an inch away from the screen the fly flew towards my face.

At that moment my finger accidently touched another blessing and it was all over!

<Processing the blessing Master has chosen>


<New blessing has been selected>

I cursed at the fly multiple times, chased after it, but realizing that I was only wasting my own time and energy, I decided to stop.

Crying and deflecting the blame on something or someone after you have done a mistake is pointless, I had already realized that through my first life.

The only thing I can do now is to find a solution to overcome this situation or to accept it and move on with my second life.

'System, can I get a refund?'


'Can I get a second chance at choosing my blessing?'


Realizing that there was no possible way to salvage this situation I decided to look at the blessing I had received.

'Can you display my current blessing?'

<STEAL: Lets you see and steal the blessing of other people after you have killed them. Can only be used once.>

"NOOOO!!!", I let out a huge cry seeing the blessing I wanted the least.

I moved closer to the screen and read it multiple times as I couldn't believe it was real.

The sadness I felt at that moment was overwhelming.

I wanted to find a good way to use this blessing but no matter what I thought of, it wasn't practical.

If I ask someone what their blessing was before killing them, to determine whether I should kill them or not, they might get suspicious.

And more than that, I cannot kill a person for my own personal gain.

At that moment I had only one question on my mind,

'What do I do with this shitty skill?'