
CHAPTER 30 – Having a Ball 1

  The morning had passed quickly, and soon it was time for mine and Tess’s appointment at the hairdressers. The only problem was, was that I had to have another death ride with Tess at the wheel, in order to get to the hairdresser’s house. She drove like a raving lunatic, and I wondered whether when I turned up at the hairdressers, my hair would be as white as the flecks of snow on the ground.

  Stepping inside the salon, which was a conversion on the back of the lady’s house, we were greeted by Sharon, who wearing a black smock and with perfect hair in an up-do, looked more professional and put together than I ever could.

  “Girls, come on in!” she greeted, ushering us both to a chair. “Tess, you’ll be seen to by Ella today, and Emma, I’ll do your hair.” She smiled, ushering Tess over to another lady in a smock, before standing behind me as I sat in the chair, watching her talking to me in the reflection of the mirror in front.