
CHAPTER 31 Having a Ball 2

  I had been jealous before, but now I felt quite sorry for Dawson. I wondered whether his parents knew what she was like, or whether I should warn him. Then again, the bearer of bad news never came off as the good guy, and as much as I liked him, I wasn’t getting involved. I could potentially be viewed as someone who was sticking their nose in where it wasn’t wanted, and over the past few days, Dawson had been good to me. If he was in love with her, he wouldn’t take well to me telling him anything bad about her, and I didn’t want him to hate me.

  After a while of sitting in the chair, Sharon stepped back and grabbed a mirror for me to view my hair from all angles. With my blonde locks in glossy, bouncy waves, it looked gorgeous, and was the most pampering that my hair had had in ages.

  “Wow, thank you so much, Sharon,” I commented, checking out my hair.