
CHAPTER 14 Christmas Eve 4

  With that, and abandoning the last of our coffee, we started the journey back to the cottage. Being careful not to fall over again, Dawson offered his arm out to me once more, and I gladly accepted it.

  Getting back to the cottage, we slipped off our coats and decided that it was best to get changed before everyone else arrived, to be prepared for the night ahead. Heading upstairs and into the right room this time, we all split off to get ready for the Christmas Eve dance.

  I was quite looking forward to seeing what this dance would be like, yet one thing I did want to take off, was the scarf that I was using as a cast. I wanted to look nice tonight, and as kind as Dawson was in strapping my wrist up for me, I could put up with a slight twinge in the wrist department, if it meant not being in receipt of anymore questions of how I’d hurt myself. Looking back, I was mortified that I’d fallen in front of him, so any reminders of that had to be erased.