
CHAPTER 13 Christmas Eve 3

  Narrowing my eyes and daring to turn my head, I rested my eyes upon the horizon. Oh, it actually did look quite nice. The distant rolling fields ahead, were cradled by the trees that were almost like ice sculptures, with a church steeple being prominent in the centre of the landscape.

  “It is a beautiful place,” I commented, finally unclenching my jaw.

  “See that lake over there,” he voiced, not tearing his eyes away from the distance.

  “Yeah, the one that looks like a huge ice rink?”

  “Yes, that one. I nearly drowned in there when I was younger.”

  “What?” I gasped. “How did that happen?”

  “One summer, my parents brought us up here in the summer holidays, and as you know, I was always quite fearless.”

  “Yes. I remember you swinging from trees and not having a care in the world.” I chuckled.