
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


Stepping off a private jet, 5 level 1 nascent soul realm bodyguards stepped out and went to stand around the private jet. there Alex stepped out with Eve walking behind him, his red armor was eye-catching. You might question, when did Alex get the power to change his armor appearance?

remember, it adapts and evolves. The Armor is always adapting, but when Alex has a breakthrough the armor evolves and gains a new ability. Normally, adapting didn't mean gaining a new ability, but evolution normally came with a new ability. Changing the armor form and color was a basic power I had gained,

Alex looked around and saw many Chinese people had come to get them. the summit meeting was something that seemed to be important, and with how these guys were carrying themselves, it seemed like they were calling for help.

"Greeting Dragon Warrior. The summit has already begun, please this way." a middle-aged chines man said to which I just nodded. We all flew into the air, something which shocked the middle-aged man as he couldn't sense my cultivation. I of course had the power to hide my cultivation from others. would it not be dangerous if I didn't adapt and evolve to be able to hide myself in many ways shapes or forms?

Anyways, we quickly arrived at where the summit was going to be held. we entered the huge mansion and went towards the room where all of the powers worldwide were being held. As the United States and China were the only clans that were united under one person, the others instead sent 5 people to speak on behalf of their lands. these 5 people belonged to the top 5 powers of their lands

To say the least, as soon as we entered, all eyes landed on me. everyone sized me up, surprised by the fact this was my main body. I looked around, sizing up these powers. China, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, South Korea, France, Saudi Arabia, Africa and so on.

Out of everyone here, those that brought the lowest people to speak were me, the United Kingdom, China, and Heaven Overlord... the Heaven Overlord was the new name of Japan, such an arrogant name.

Those who brought the most power was Africa, due to its size and current condition, and how many of its resources have been taken over the many years. it was only normal that the fight for resources there had increased many times over.

of course, I was using the Almighty so I could see things that others were not seeing. South America was already united. they were just leaving this fact hidden. they had no choice but to unite. It turned out that deep within its rain forest, some wild beast had been getting ready for the day they would go to war with the humans. even before Qi, the Rain Force was a place filled with many mysteries. the mystery was simple, someone had been secretly controlling the animals for millions of years, awaiting the return of Qi.

"I thought you were not going to make it Dragon Warrior." sitting around the huge round table, the clan leader of the number one ranked clan in China said calmly. From the Yang clan, this man was known as Yang Dong.

"We had some technology difficulty, so we only got the summits late," I said calmly while going over to take a seat in the seat behind the World-Seizing Empire flag. my flap was simple, a hand with earth floating above it. to say the least, this flag led to everyone here throwing daggers at me.

"... since you have arrived. I would like to move on to the main subject. the wild beasts in China are working together with ants. this is a matter that we all have to unite to deal with before it gets out of hand." at his words, everyone froze in shock. Ants, what was so big about them?

well, what do ants do all day? They work until they drop dead. ants are united, and focused, but those simple solider ants or worker ants are not the main problem. It was the Queen who sat around giving birth and eating all of the time.

The Queen Ant, if it keeps eating and growing would one day evolve to the point that it can give birth to children that gain bits of the ability of what it eats. Physique, talent, intelligence, and so on. The children would be born with it all mixed, what was more dangerous was when it gave birth to the king. the King Ant which would be a fusion of everything the Queen Ant had eaten,

"Warned you to stop seeing them as nothing more than food, would all of the wild beast be so united in this battle to the death?" A clan leader from Russia asked calmly, he was from the Armstrong family, and his words hit the nail on the head.

the main reason that all over the world, only the wild beasts in China were going all out in their battle to destroy China was because of this. but China couldn't be blamed, due to its history, they had to explore to survive

The wild beast was enraged, how would you feel knowing that you would be eaten alive? boiled alive, cooked alive, and so on? On that note, Crabs seem to have disappeared worldwide... that could mean trouble soon.

"Talking about it like that is pointless, have you tried taking a step back or what?" I asked calmly. even I had to take this matter seriously.

"Of course... but they are not listening." Yang Dong said calmly, making everyone frown. then this was a battle to the death, the wild beast would go up and above until China was no more, even going against their bloodline instincts, and working with ants.

"There is something you not telling us... if you want help, you should cough up everything." a blonde-haired woman said calmly, the queen of Heaven Overlord, she was a stunning beauty with charm rivaling Alice. She was a Japanese woman, and her blue eyes were... eye-catching... Her name Hana Yukimura. the youngest person here, in her 20s.

Yang Dong glared at Hana, japan and China never liked each other, so he was enraged with her words.

"Let me guess, you took over the wild beast inheritances ground. you took them, leading to their fear of death going into overdrive." I said calmly while standing up to leave.

"If this is created from your greed, fix it yourself. I'm sure you have the power to fix it, you just want to use us. that way, the damage you can suffer is minimized. China will take a huge blow dealing with the ants... don't worry, I will land a helping hand when things get out of hand." I said calmly, making Yang Dong's face drop, he glared at me seeing how everyone else was standing up to leave.

"Well, since all of the powers are united. I would like to take this moment to speak to you." Seeing that everyone was about to leave, I spoke up.

"Might as well make this moment worth it... so, as many of you might know. I have taken over my land. both wild beasts and humans, I'm sure your spies have seen that much." I siad calmly, leaving everyone awkward for a moment.

"indeed... your land seems to be filled with many capable masked people," Hana said calmly, to which I just shrugged slightly.

"Well, what can I say if my son likes to play dress up... anyways, I want to hold a tournament," I said with a smile, making everyone's eyebrow raised slightly.

"Do we look like we have the time for such games?" An African man, a branch sect leader from the Adam and Eve Sect in Africa asked with narrowed eyes. Adam and Eve Sect had a branch within all human lands.

"Don't be like that... As Africa has been mined of all its good, and been swallowed in civil wars pushed by those who want to suppress it, you should be interested in what I have to say." I said making many eyes twitch slightly, shocked by the fact I could speak such a secret like it was nothing.

"Well, I believe we could all pinch in to make the rewards worth wild... I'm willing to put a Core Densing Pill of 76% purity up. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th place would get a pill, although only first place would get the 76% purity pill." I said calmly, making everyone raise an eyebrow.

"like someone capable of making such a pill would be alive today." Yang Dong said with a snort. Indeed, the alchemist of today's era can't create such a powerful pill. even those 3-star alchemists were only able to make a pill of 40% purity if they were lucky, the Pill Densing Pill was considered one of the harder-grade pills to create.

"We have a powerful alchemist who had awakened... well, awakened is the wrong word, as he ate the death fooling pill, and went into slumber," I said softly, causing everyone to freeze. the Death Fooling Pill, a pill that lets one fool death. taking this pill, one could enter a state of death. they can trick the heavens, leading to their life force being protected. taking this pill along with entering slumber, one could awaken even after millions of years of slumber with a good amount of their strength remaining.

"As for who, he has no interest in fame. He just likes money. something I went up and above to ensure he would be working for me for some time. I only speak this because he told me that, starting in March, he would no longer be held by the contract and would be looking to form a contract with all of the powers worldwide. first place would also be rewarded with the opportunity of asking him for any pill so long as they cough up the herbs needed." I said leaving everyone's face dark... well, almost everyone. Hana's eyes brightened slightly, she would be more than happy to form a contract

Everyone understood what my words meant, at this moment the number one power was the World Seizing Empire. They all either go all out in getting this alchemist's favor or allow this empire to remain in the first place.

"well, thats all I wished to say. I will be holding the tournament in Michigan, all world powers can only send 3 people, and they at most can be at the core formation realm or below. well, I should get going." I said calmly before leaving, but I was stopped by Hana.

"well... before we do anything. how about everyone here become my dog?" She asked with a gentle smile. at her words, everyone's eyes went lifeless. She smirked slightly, it took time, but after measuring that she had a stronger willpower than everyone here, she realized she could take over everyone.

"Interesting, so you also came with your main body," I said calmly, leaving Hana stunned. She looked towards me, and just saw me looking at everyone who was getting on their knees like dogs. Complete and absolute control of them, and I sensed it went as far as affecting their main body.

"How are you not affected?" She asked in confusion, not understanding how this lower lifeform was not affected. did it not have a mind, allowing it to bypass its mind control? Whoever she saw as a lesser lifeform would fall under her control unless said person's willpower was stronger than hers. that was willpower, not mental strength or anything like that. Their minds can be light years stronger than hers, but if they had weak willpower, they too would kneel to her.

"Like yourself, I have a system," I said calmly, causing her to freeze in shock. she looked at me, unable to speak for some time. but this made no sense, even if one had a system, it didn't make them immune to her ability.

'system, why did she get 5 things when I got 4 things?' I thought calmly, to which the system said nothing for some time before speaking.

{host was the first person to get this unique type of system, and went on to have the highest chances of getting the abilities you might call 'Broken'. but due to the host gaining truly 'broken' abilities such as [Almighty], [The End] end [Endless Nine], the system thought it should be balanced out by taking your 5th choice, Technique,} the system said, leaving me speechless. So, I was nerfed.

Shaking my head, I went through Hana 7 abilities.

[6 Six Eyes]- Gives one perfect energy control down to the atomic level. allows one to see through items, gives one 360-degree vision, powerful eyesight, and so on.

[telekinesis arms]- You would be able to generate telekinesis arms which you could use for many things. the strength of these arms and amount would depend on your mind's strength, they also move as fast as you think.

[Duplication]- From God Of High School. allows you to clone yourself, the amount of clones depends on your mastery, it can range from 1 to over an Infinity.

[Murasame]- From Akame Ga Kill!. known as the one-hit killer, Once the sword pierces the skin, a poisonous curse will spread through the victim's body, killing them within seconds by stopping their heart. Murasame's trump card is a performance enhancer titled Little War Horn, that strengthens its user with the power of its poisonous curse.

[Limitless]- This technique is broken into many parts, but the 4 main parts are known as Infinity, Blue, Red, and Purple.

Infinity- brings the concept of infinity into reality. this makes it so that all attacks that try to hit you only hit the wall of infinity. It makes you untouchable by most attacks unless they have a way to get past this ability.

Blue- Blue is a technique that increases the energy output of the Infinity and generates the power to attract. This is achieved by amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality. This forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect.

Red- Red is a technique that reverses the effect of Blue and brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel. This is achieved by flowing positive energy into the power of Blue, creating a repelling effect rather than an attractive one.

Purple- Purple is the fusion of both Red and Blue. It represents motion and reversal, a fusion of convergence and divergence that collides both infinities to generate an imaginary mass. The effect takes the target out of reality, instantly erasing everything the technique hits without exception.

Note that the Limitless is useless without control on the atomic level.

[Control Devil]- The power to control everything you see as a lower lifeform. there is almost no limit to this ability... but your mind and target minds.

[Limbo]- From Naruto. this ability allows you to create Limbo clones. clones that could affect the real world, yet the real world can't affect them. they are also invisible, so when they move to protect you, people would think you have an invisible wall around you. they can't be affected by normal means, making them untouchable.

She also had an Inverted Spear of Heaven, which she took off the body of someone she killed. honestly, her power was overpowered. Sadly, I saw her future. leading me to adapt and evolve to counter her.

I snapped my finger, and a strange power was released which made those under her control freeze. I had gained the power to break her mind control, but I didn't break it right now, instead, I just left everyone's mind blank.

"How did you do that?" She said in shock and disbelief. I smiled slightly while my armor slowly disappeared, revealing my appearance to her.

"I adapt and countered your ability... what do you say your kingdom joins mine?" I asked calmly, making her eyes narrow, but her pupils shrank when she saw something. I used Limbo, and within a parallel space, clones of mine appeared, crossing their arms and smirking at her.

but it didn't stop there as more clones kept appearing, quickly filling up this whole space. her legs went weak seeing this sight. she was surrounded from all sides. but was this not the power she was looking for?

When she got the chance to pick a second ability after killing that guy, she picked Limbo, hoping to be able to create more than simple 4 clones. Thanks to her [Duplication] ability, she wanted to use them and be able to create hundreds of clones. clones which could affect this world, yet no one in this world could affect the clones.

"I copied all of your powers and abilities, even those you have yet to get your hands on. From your curse sword, 6 eyes, and so on. everything is now mine. I evolve to be immune to them and also counter them. this is my power, so join me and become my conquer... in return, you keep your free will." I said leaving Hana standing there for some time, 

"... that's cheating." She said weakly, just how was she to fight this? what power was so broken? this was like trying to fight a hacker, how was she to win? her fighting spirit was destroyed, there was no way she could win.

Go to war with me? wouldn't I just break the control she put on her people, leading the world uniting to fight her? 

"... you're unwilling to accept it but don't want to underestimate me. so, attack me. I have sealed off this room, just avoid destroying stuff. You need not worry, It's below me to lie to those I see as below me." I said sighing as my pride took a step higher with the [Control Devil], that ability just pushed me to look down upon others.

Hana knowing this weakness of the Control Devil stepped forward and went on to attack me with everything she had, trying to do something. but everything she threw at me, did nothing to me.

"... impossible." She said, her mind racing to think of an anime ability that could do this, but she found nothing. Murasame cut me, but the curse was of no effect. Her Limbo clone attacked me, but I just slapped them away. she used purple, but it had zero effect. she tried everything, even trying to use her telekinesis arm to shake my organs or something, but they couldn't even get past my evolved skins.

She fell to her knees, the realization of defeat hitting her greatly. just what was going on, she couldn't understand how I could just adapt everything like that.

"I submit." She said through slight tears. she thought she was the main character but she realized she just ran into the main character...