
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


The common people were not the only ones who had it hard with the return of Qi, even those with extreme talent had it hard. I was born into the Yukimura. a powerful clan of swordsmen. I was born with the Heavenly Yin physique. An extremely powerful physique that allowed me to instantly become one of the most talented people in Japan and even the whole world.

On the night Qi returned, I was born. Born with Heaven Grade talent, the clan had kept a close eye on me. I was taken from my family which didn't have a high standing within the clan and was put under the supervision of others. I still remember the words they told me back then.

"You would be used to duel cultivate with the talented airs of the clan, I'm sorry Hana, but this is sadly the fate awaiting you." So I was forced to cultivate, the higher my cultivation, the better the other partner could benefit when they had sex with me.

For years, I grew up watching many males of the clan, knowing that one day all of them would line up and do as they wished with my body. I was a tool, nothing more and nothing less. On my 23rd birthday, similar to the United States, Japan held a tournament. I was told that the member of the Yukimura clan who takes first place would take my virginity. so, a week later, I was drugged and raped by my cousin.

After he left that night to go enjoy the benefit of his cultivation, I was just left in bed, thinking of just killing myself. After him, I would have to duel cultivate with the other talents. This was not the life I wanted to live, all this talent and I was being treated so cruelly by my clan. So, I had made my plan to kill the next guy along with myself. I would at least take their number two genius with me...

But it was that night the system came to me. that night my fate turned around. while the clan awaited for my Yin Qi to recover, I was waiting for the 24 hours for me to get my abilities, in the meantime I bought as much time as I could by making all kinds of excuses.

When I got the reward, I didn't waste a second and killed the guy who was just about to rape me. It sucked, Murasame gave him a quick death. Anyway, I spent the remaining amount of time understanding The Limitless. With the six eye, my mind was strengthened, and sharpened, adding to my already high talent. I was able to understand the basics of the first technique before people opened the door... and as soon as that door opened, I went on a slaughter.

A simple cut was all I needed for Murasame to do its magic, its curse killed them all while creating clones to run around and slaughter everyone in my way. Each clone had Murasame, leading to everyone dropping with just one hit.

The more clones I created, the easier it got to make the next. before long, the whole mansion was over ruined by clones, and I escaped while the clansmen who were far stronger tried to capture me. but only those with laws could hope to get past the wall of infinity, even then their attacks would be slowed down. so, it was a huge pain in the ass for everyone. I left that day after slaughtering most of the younger generation of the clans, a huge blow to the clan.

After escaping, I went to hide in the woods while getting ready to return one day to slaughter the clan. I trained my skills up there, and I only left to see if I could find clues on other system users. Which wasn't hard, I found someone who was rising to power a bit too fast, and adding his many techniques I quickly realized he had to be a system user like myself.

I eyed him from afar and got a list of what his 5 abilities could be before moving in to fight him. I fed him false information, acting like I had the shadow clone jutsu instead of my cloning ability. I hid my sword and even acted like I had other abilities. For one, I acted like I had the lighting Thunder God, when In truth I was using the Limitless to teleport.

I made him believe I only had the Limitless, Flying Thunder God, Six Eyes, Shadow Clone Jutsu, and an unknown weapon. if he stopped for a moment and thought about it, he would have realized I was showing 3 techniques and no ability. but the sneak attack was sudden, and he was arrogant thanks to [Control Devil] so he fought my clone while my main body awaited a chance to move in, and kill him

With his death, and the new ability, I went knocking at my clan's door. My willpower was strong, strong enough that I was able to control all of the clan, but the clan leader. So, I turned everyone against the clan leader. his children, his mother, his wife, and so on. I broke his willpower and took control of him, than I forced them all to torture their loved ones.

With [Control Devil] I had complete control over one's mind, such as their memory, personality, and so on. so, I had them be prisoners in their minds as they watched the evil they were doing to their loved ones. I had their sense of pain boosted, and for the guy who took my virginity? I rewarded him by having his father take his ass virginity, all those who were too happy to force themselves upon me, their father forced themselves upon them. I allowed them to have control of their heads while it all happened,

In the end, I had made them reach down and bit off their dick and eat it, and from there I watched them all bleed out to death... the females I had just cut their necks. So, thats how my clan disappeared. the old monster sealed away? I fooled her.

when the woman just found me hiding away in fear, he realized I was the last survivor, and went on to take care of me... a good pawn. who quickly fell under my control. Her willpower was stronger than hers, so I simply glassed light the shit out of her, breaking her willpower until I controlled her. With her at my control, I began to work on strengthening my willpower, and I tortured myself.

I pushed my mind to the breaking point and back until I had such a strong will that even those old monsters sealed away fell under my control. this is how I took control of Japan, I was the MC. I hit every check mark, sad back story, ruthless to her enemy and even more ruthless to herself... but the fuck is this? how the fuck can I go around this guy who can adapt to everything, and evolve to counter?

But I could still win... I will submit, find a weakness, and rise. I already had a plan, if the technique I launched held an endless amount of possibility to it, he would have to adapt to all possibilities, leaving his adaptation capability hopefully slowed to show a weakness I could take... but I was still unwilling. what if he wants to take advantage of my physique? I will be unwilling to lower myself to be someone's sex slave. My pride will not allow it. this was just a clone, my main body is in Japan, if he tries something, then I will know to stay far away

"Well, since you are now under my control... you making me start thinking of something." Alex said while looking at Hana, making her body shake slightly, feeling uneasy.

"I will give you the title the horseman of Conquest. Although that means I have to find 3 other horse man, the house man of war, death, and famine." I said with a nodeof my head, liking the plan

"Anyways, let's make a contract. As of this moment, you will be known as the horseman of conquest. You shall remain loyal to me, but if a day comes when you ever feel like you want to be free, I give you the chance to fight me. until then, I expect your loyalty." I said while chains appeared to wrap around Hana.

"You can't force me to do what I don't want," She said through gritted teeth, to which I just nodded.

"I will not force you to do things you don't like. but at the same time, if I ask you to do your job of conquering, I expect you to do it unless you have a good reason." I said to which she nodded, and with that, the contract was formed.

the thing with contracts from the world of Chainsaw Man was that those devils which forms a contract with humans can share their powers with the humans. Hana for example had gained many abilities from wild beasts to humans alike. she had many physique abilities, which she gained from forcing people to make contract with her which only benefits her. She could even force people to make blood oaths which only benefits her. this was the control devil power, even after the person she made the contract with dies or the contract is destroyed, she could still keep the powers.

But since she was forming a contract with me, it meant that I could share and take my power from her as I wished. at the same time, her powers were at my fingertips... but I already had them, so what was the point?

"I will let you have these 2 abilities. the power to master anything you see to 30%. I will improve it if you prove yourself worthy. the second is the power to foresee an infinite possibility." I said calmly, I gave her downgraded version of my power. but they were good enough for her.

"... why do you not just take my free will?" She asked, to break someone's will, it wasn't impossible. I had the means to do so, and she knew it. she was sure her willpower wasn't weaker than mine, so I couldn't just take control of her just like that.

"Because you are worthy... it would be a waste to hinder your future by leaving your mind messed up," I said calmly, stunning Hana.

"I will leave world conquest on your shoulders. your job is to give me the world... I know thats not your real body. I'm all-seeing." I said while snapping my finger, causing Eve and the bodyguards I came with to snap back to reality. they all quickly stood up seeing how they were on the ground like dogs, they were horrified, quickly looking around just to see how everyone was frozen like statues.

"I will explain along the way. let's go." I said calmly, to which Eve and the bodyguards although confused and uneasy followed me while looking at Hana who was removing her tears. after we left, Hana stood there for some time, her eyes seeing the countless possibilities of those she looked at. but this wasn't [The Almighty] she could only see, and that was all... well, she masters all she sees. but she didn't copy those she saw.

With a sigh, she took control of everyone in the room and began to write their memory. after making them all loyal to Alex and the World Seizing Empire, and also making them secretly work for the World Seizing Empire. She went to look at the wild beasts, mostly the queen ant...

"So. do you want to form a contract with me?" I asked with a smile, looking at the stunned Eve whom I just told everything. 

"Yes..." Eve said in hesitation. if she could form a contract, gain my powers, and still have her free will, what would she have to worry about? Be loyal? this was an immortal, no wonder his powers were out of this world.

So, I formed a contract with her and gave her the same powers I gave Hana. with this, I no longer needed to do anything to manage the kingdom. she would do everything on my behalf...

after returning home, I made contracts with those I saw as important. Since Alice was so strong about me having a harem, I planned to have a harem that I could trust. I could give all of my abilities without having to worry about it, of course, the abilities I gave would never be as good as the original ones I have, but they would still be overpowered. Plus, if the contract is even broken, the abilities I'm giving them are gone.

So, Alice, Lily, and Jane got what I called the harem contract. Jane and Lily benefited the most from this, for one Jane could now use her physique with perfect control, while Lily could copy other talents. Alice was already strong, she just got closer to me in strength.

I gave what I called the subordinate's contracts to those like the dragon Emperor, Eve, and Hana. if they do good, i will give them more powers and benefits. but as for now, that was all.

So, I sat back and watched as Hana took over the world. She had gone on to take control of the ant queen, which she brought to me. I of course copied the ant queen and all of its abilities.

"so, you can give birth to stuff with special abilities?" Alice asked wanting me to show the ability, at her words I glared at her. Alice just laughed whil turning to look at Hana, who was depressed seeing how powerful Alice was. A few days back, Alice had logined in and gained [36th-grade Reincarnation World Destruction Black Lotus]

[36th-grade Reincarnation World Destruction Black Lotus]- Heavenly law Supreme Treasure. Its defense can be said to be top-notch below the immortal realm. It can also increase cultivation speed.

I had no intereest for that lotus, so Alice was over using it, leading to her cultivation to surpass mine. by the way, I adapted to the abilities I gave her and adapted and evolved around them. now, my future was hidden, no one could copy my abilities, and my attacks couldn't be ignored. I did gain a new ability, for one, eyes which could read a person movement would have a harder time reading and and guessing my next move.

Anyways, Hana and Alice had a short spar, and Hana was defeated almost instantly. after all, our strength was almost at the Soul forging realm. Hana was strong, but she only had strength at level 5 Nascent Soul.

"So, Hana you're going to join my brother harem?" Alice asked with a smile, to which I sighed at her words. 

"Wait, since my brother copied your physique... what would happen if you had sex?" Alice asked while looking at me, her interest growing. she truly wanted to find out, I of course ignored her while looking at a map and calling Hana over.

"Go on a start your world conquest with South Kareo. Have the guys you already control to put on a show. before every battle, you would fight with someone in a 1 v 1. under the promise of an oath, if you win they would give you a city. if you lose, you would pay 10 times for every thing they lost and fully support them in their war with the wild beast." I said calmly, making Hana eyebrow raise

"So, you want to draw out the system user?" She asked to which I nodded slightly. Hana was perfect for the role, she loved putting on a act and hide her true ability, and add her control ability. she was perfect.

"Capture them and bring them back to me, if they are to my liking, they can live. if not You can just kill them and get one of their ability." I said calmly, to which Hana just nodded slightly.

"you already begun your attack, but you held back. i'm guessing you already have a few cities under your control. now it simply time to take them under the eyes of the public." I said calmly to which Hana nodded slightly.

"well... than i should get going." Hana said not wanting to stay to close to me out of fear I might try something. she she left, and i just ignored her. Instead, I took a deep breath while looking towards the Queen Ant.

"What are you thinking?" Alice asked softly, I looked at her for a moment before slowly speaking my plan.

"I want to create a cultivation art. the strongest cultivation art..." I said softly, confusing Alice slightly. but as i told her my dream, her blood boiled in excitement. two cultivation arts, the first being one that was to be spread all over the world. it would greatly increase their overall capability, and of course be overpowered to make everyone want to cultivate, but it had a unique effect.

It was connected to the second cultivation technique, everyone cultivating this first cultivation art would be like helping the person cultivating the second cultivation art. they would boost his cultivation speed, and even give said person their talent, physique and so on. but it went deeper, but this was what Alex was thinking of doing...

"Go look after Hana, if she needs your help give it to her. for now, i will go create this technique." I said with a smile, to which Alice pouted slightly. she blinked at me, making me sigh. So, we went to roll around in bed, allowing Alice to find out what happens since I had the Heavenly Yin Physique... and it was that it greatly increased her cultivation speed, which honestly annoyed me. why did she benefit from it all and I didn't?

Anyways, while in a good mood, Alice left to go watch Hana from the shadows. she had just broken through, leaving her strength to have entered the Soul Forging realm. So the conquest began...