
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Her Father

It was now January 26, time flew by fast. to think it has been more than 2 weeks since the tournament. By now, The Dragon Warrior, Aka Alex was crowned by the world as the sovereign, and both wild beasts and humans had accepted him. Of course, the humans and the wild beast didn't live together right away, that was something that had to happen bit by bit to avoid trouble, but everything was going smoothly.

Just yesterday, Alex made up his mind to find Sarah. by all means, he was not planning on getting back with her. As devil Alex said, even if he wanted, would he ever see her the same? The Sarah I knew was long gone.

Anyway, Searching for Sarah was easy for Alex. The easiest way to do this was to look at a possible future where he ordered everyone to search for her. From there, he simply had to look at a possible future that got closer to finding Sarah, and he simply had to use that information to make sure other possible future found her sooner. like this, he should be able to find her.

"Just how has a little girl been doing such damage to us?" A young man said with a cold glare while looking at the man kneeling before him in fear. he was honestly enraged, did he the boss have to step forward to personally do the work?

but that was not everything, they wanted to send more manpower to deal with Hope, but they were being attacked on three sides. Hope was just one of them, and them being cornered like this is what gave her so much time to do as she wished.

"I want her here right now, I don't care what cost." He said before suddenly freezing. he looked up ahead and saw the door to his office being opened, where something covered in demonic Qi entered the room.

"Thats my daughter." a demonic voice sounded, before bursting forward. the young man wasted no time as demonic Qi exploded from his body and clashed with this being, but he was sent rocketing backward, shooting through his window and onto the streets below.

As this demonic being walked forward, walking past those who were kneeling, they dried up, their life force absorbed and used to empower it. with a flash, it appeared before the young man whom it had sent flying. seeing it appearing before him, he took out two blades and was rushing at it. 

The two clashed, creating a shock wave that leveled everything for miles. luckily, this was an abandoned city. The whole city felt this impact, an impact that felt like a bomb just went off. the demonic being was losing, being pushed back by the young man. but the demonic being just took the young man's attack, catching him off guard, and went on to use this chance to take hold of this young man.

With that, its body exploded, and demonic Qi swallowed the young man. the young man was horrified feeling its lifeforce being sucked out. without a second thought, he cut off his hand and turned to escape. but with a simple step, he looked as if he had grown 20 years, with another step he turned into an old man. the last step led to his body dropping to the ground.

"Just who are you?" the young man, who was now an old man with white hair and teeth falling out asked weakly.

"A mother." It said coldly while absorbing the rest of his lifeforce, and felt itself having a breakthrough. breathing slightly, it was about to leave when it paused in its footsteps and turned around, where it saw Alex standing. The demonic being turned to escape, but froze when Alex spoke

"I simply came to get you because Hope wants to know you're alright... but now, I need answers," I said calmly, it was odd. I couldn't see Sarah in the future, instead, I had to look at futures with blurs to guess this was where she was. 

The demonic being hesitated for a few seconds before the demonic Qi slowly began to disappear. Her head was first to be revealed, revealing blood-red hair. As the demonic Qi fully disappeared, a figure like none other was revealed. She slowly turned, revealing the appearance of a goddess. she had demonic scarlet red eyes, stood at almost 6 feet, and was the second most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Alice taking first place.

"What is this power?" I asked calmly, at my words, she couldn't speak for some time but she slowly explained.

"I made a contract with the devil," She said softly, making my eyebrow raise in surprise, not expecting her words. 

A few weeks back, when Sarah ran from Alex's house, she just kept running. the realization of her foolishness and mistakes, the realization that she lost everything was killing her. so she ran until she found herself on a bridge, how could she want to live after everything?

Her child most likely hated her, she didn't blame Alex for hating her. So, she lost everything. her family? they disowned her when she started dating a broke guy like Alex, Alex and Hope were all she had, and those few friends she had made passed away unable to adapt to Qi.

So she jumped... but she never hit the water, her eyes were closed so she didn't see it. but a whirlpool opened, swallowing her and sending her to another dimension. So, there she found herself in hell. at first, she thought she had died and she was judged to go there, but why was she in a throne room, standing before a giant?

In front of her, a scarlet red-haired man stood, as tall as a building. he sat on his throne, looking at her with a faint smile. 

"Such a sad poor soul, what do you say I give you the power to protect your family? You need not worry, you're not dead, I summoned you here, to make a contract. You work for me, and in return, I give you the power you need to not only protect your family but to also win the heart of your man back" The being asked making Sarah's eyes widen for a moment... but she made her mistake by blindly trusting someone once, so she shook her head

"Why me? I'm a nobody." She said softly, to which the red-haired man shook his head slightly.

"I have my reasons... well, let me make things easier for you to pick. you form a contract, or I kill your husband. well, kill would be too simple. this is hell, I will torture his soul for all of eternity as you watch. the same for your daughter." He said with a grin, making Sarah's face pale.

To prove his point, he snapped his finger, creating a ripple in space which showed Alex who was asleep. holding his hand out as if he was holding someone's neck, Alex who was asleep suddenly began to struggle for air.

"Stop! I will do it," Sarah screamed, to which the man nodded in approval. waving his hand away, the image disappeared and he leaned forward and sent a drop of his blood flying forward.

"I will give you a task to do in the following few days, for now, adapt to your new powers... also, I tried to recreate the thing called a system. After getting my hand on a host, I was able to understand what it was. You're my test subject." He said while Sarah was forced to absorb the blood drop, sending her falling to the ground in pain... but that was the last thing she remembered before awakening back on earth.

"..." Alex sized Sarah up and down, he could tell she wasn't lying. what confused him was... why did the bloodline perfectly fused with her? it was almost like she carried traces of that bloodline, leading to her bonding with it. to think a drop of blood was more than enough to make it so I couldn't see a thing. I couldn't even see a second into Sarah's future.

"Go see Hope... and stay away from her after," I said while turning to walk off, at my words, Sarah could only look down. She bit her lips, not wanting to cry. but when Alex had disappeared, she just broke down.

Alex didn't care, for the safety of his daughter, it was best she stayed far away. He didn't care if she did everything for him, for one, the system, and he had no memory of him ever being attacked while asleep. this meant that what Sarah saw was an illusion. she was just being used once more, as for what, I didn't care.

"Hope, good news." Opening the door, I called out to Hope who was currently playing with Honey. at my words, Hope looked at me in confusion.

"I found your mother, and she is alright. She will be coming by to see you when she is ready," I said stunning Hope whose eyes brightened. with tears, she hugged me.

"Is she alright? It has been almost a month, has she eaten?" Hope asked with worry, to which I sighed. I just stepped aside and allowed her to see her mother who was at the door. I could of course since her existence 

"Mommy!" In joy, Hope ran forward, while I went on high alert. If Sarah tried something, her head would roll today. but Sarah only got on her knees to hug Hope. She hugged her tightly, while she cried for some time.

"... I love you, I will always love you," Sarah said softly, causing Hope to feel uneasy. this sounded like her mother was saying goodbye, so she hugged her tighter, to which Sarah did the same.

"I'm sorry, but I will be leaving," Sarah said while breaking the hug, and standing up, leaving Hope looking at her in confusion.

"You can stay... I can get you a house. the sect gives me resources which I can trade in for money." Hope said in a panic.

"I know... I have been watching. you have grown. I have taken care of that gang boss for you, so it's all for the taking if you still wish." Sarah said with a gentle smile, stunning Hope.

"you have been watching?" Hope asked with tears, if she had been watching why didn't she appear? But Sarah didn't answer, and simply rubbed her hair,

"We will meet again, I just want to see the world. so, grow strong." Sarah said softly, to which Hope nodded weakly. Sarah looked at me for a second, before she turned around and disappeared, leaving Hope crying.

Hope looked towards me, she wanted to speak for a moment before she ran inside, and into her room. there she locked herself in her room. At this, I sighed, why did I feel like the bad guy? 

Sighing once more, I went inside where I went to sit back and fell into deep thought... but after some thought, I just shrugged. I couldn't help by yawn while sitting back, it was a bit odd, when was the last time I felt sleepy? I had adapted and now simply needed to put part of my mind in a state of slumber, allowing me to remain up 24/7. even if I did sleep, it would be for 1 hour of sleep at most.

{warning host, in immortal is trying to drag you into a dream world. do you wish to accept? you would not need to worry about danger.} the system said making my eyebrow raise for a second, but after some time, I had no choice but to accept. whatever power was used to call me, I couldn't even pull up a resistance which was scary. on top of that, from Sarah, I knew there were beings out there who knew of the concept of a system. if systems could help one not be affected by this technique, it would lead to immortals raising eyebrows. how was a mortal able to put up resistance before a mortal?

So, I fell asleep. it took a moment before I opened my eyes to find myself in hell. I looked around and saw a huge giant sitting on a throne. he had red hair and scarlet red eyes, devilishly handsome, although a mortal couldn't fully see his face. but I could bits of it... this guy looked a lot like Sarah.

"Let me guess, you're somehow related to Sarah. from the shadows, you have been secretly helping her. the letter I was going to give Lily, you secretly moved to fall into Sarah's hands, now you're displeased she can't no longer see her daughter?" I asked calmly, to which the man before me just glared at me.

"Sarah is the reincarnation of my daughter. years ago, her mother died in battle while using everything she had to send her into the cycle of reincarnation. So, yes. I did everything I could to support my daughter from afar. going as far as improving your luck upon foreseeing your bond with her." He said while standing up, and calmly walking towards me. his size slowly shrank, only stopping when he was a few inches taller than me and stopped right in front of me.

"I will give you 3 days to go to my daughter and beg for her forgiveness." He said coldly, to which I just looked him right back in the eyes.

"A prideful guy like yourself goes around speaking things he would never do. are you saying if your wife did what she did you would have welcomed her home?" I asked to which the red-haired man snorted.

"Would she have felt so useless if you had listened? she wanted to start a small company, she wanted to support you and not feel so useless. yet you ignored her, forcing her to do what? be a housewife?" He asked coldly, making me frown slightly,

"Plus, you're not even worthy of her. so what if she has a harem, you should be grateful she favored you." He said making my eyes turn cold,

"you must be a fool if you think the fact she is the daughter of an immortal, would mean anything. She made her mistakes, she accepted her mistakes. I can respect her for that, she made no excuses or anything like that, so even now I can respect her and see her as the mother of my child. she can have her harem, I don't care, give her everything you want, I don't care... but I don't see myself ever loving her." I said calmly, making him explode in rage

"as for you... you're less than a mortal, as at least mortals can see when their child broke an oath and cheated. You being the blind arrogant fool you are, you would never see a mistake." I said calmly, making the red-haired man's rage reach a new height

"You stand before me with such arrogance? are you worthy? Know your place... and thats below me." I said shocking the red-haired man as the dream work control was being taken over by someone.

"Do you think your daughter is the only one who reincarnated? do you think she is worthy of the likes of me?" I asked with a sneer, leaving the dream world. the red-haired man stood there, frozen in shock for some time. how could he not be shocked? a mortal just understood the dream world he had created, although not fully, and just a small bit of his dream world, it was enough for him to escape.

"a reincarnation? he would have to be a former immortal and not a simple one... no wonder he is so cocky before this lord... even so, even if you're Pangu. are you worthy of my daughter?" He said angrily, now Alex had no choice but to marry his daughter, willingly or not. since Alex was a former immortal, and since his daughter loved him so much, they had to be together... sadly, Alex was not immoral, he made it all up.

'system, can he spy on me?' I asked calmly, feeling how my body and mind were adapting to evolving to that dream technique.

{yes host, remember how Jane was talking about how witches were looking into the secrets of heaven? those who comprehend a law to a said level can look into the secrets of the heavens with some limition. but immortals have fewer limitations, by the looks of things, that immortal had foreseen Sarah's future with you, leading to him boosting your luck. but he should have boosted your luck through special means, as luck shouldn't be something even he could mess with.} the system said making me frown, 

{your fate is currently hidden thanks to the Heavenly Eyes. at the same time, I can alert you when someone uses the heavens to spy on you.} the system said to which I nodded gratefully while getting up to go seek resources, it was time I started taking pills like drugs and reached level 1 Nascent soul.