
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

The First One

Kansas was home to a city called Lebanon. Here the center of the United States was located. Alex took over the city here and was rebuilding the whole city. in the past, kingdoms, and empires had walls built around their cities. but in a land where people could fly on treasures, what use were the walls?

the walls were used to write runes or lay the ground work for barriers, these barriers had to be huge. big enough to surround the whole city which could hold millions, and sometimes billions of lives. So, the first city wall was being built, with the biggest castle.

but this would of course be slowed down if no one handled the wild beasts. So, while it was being built, Alex went to see the wild beast who was around Lebanon. there he entered the forest where he found a huge wolf.

"Those humans should be building a stronghold, we can't allow them to do so. at the same time, we should also build our stronghold. If we want to win, we have to copy from he humans. at the same time, we need to make sure the humans can't work together like us." The Wolf said while walking back and forth on top of a cliff, looking at the countless wild beasts below.

this was a nascent soul realm wild beast, which was extremely powerful. just this one alone needed 4 humans at the nascent soul realm to push it back. its might was something not to be looked down upon. once a wild beast reaches the nascent soul realm, it would gain the ability to talk human tongue or other languages.

"Enough with this," A calm voice sounded, causing the world to suddenly look to the side, and was shocked to see a human standing there, looking down at the many wild beasts down below, which all began showing their killing intent at him... of course this was Alex.

The wild beast normally wouldn't get along, but when their leader stepped forward, he had the power to unite them. with their numbers and them working together, it leads to the humans being forced to work together. 

"I came to speak to you, king to king," I said while releasing my draconic bloodline, causing all of the wild beast to go quiet. before such a pure bloodline, simple animals like them couldn't even bring up the strength to resist

"King?" the wolf asked, from the information he had gathered, the humans were not united. he didn't like the idea of humans being united under a king.

"Yes, but I have no interest in war and pointless battles. summit under me, let's unite wild beasts and humans." I said calmly, making the wolf's face twisted in rage.

"Unite? you humans have always hunted us for fun, you slaughtered my people, enslaved them, and even forced them to breed for your fun. You want us to unite? Look what you did to my kind, the dogs which you humans wanted to play god with. forcing them to breed in such a way to make new dog breads." The Wolf roared in rage, making me sigh as humans were a bit too fucked up. honestly, the wild beast should just slaughter them...

"Now with us gaining the power to cultivate and awaken our bloodline, are you telling me your people would just stand by?" The Wolf said angrily, to which I was quiet for some time before speaking.

"Build a sect, I will pass down the law to make so no one can slaughter your people and the other way around. Unlike be for, humans were not united, but now it would be different." I said calmly

"You speak like you're not a human." the wolf said with a sneer, to which I just nodded slightly. 

"I become something more than human... I plan to unite all of the wild beasts, and since you all outnumber humans, would you not have the most say in this kingdom I plan to build? If I wanted to kill you, would I have not done it? You're smart. I heard your way of thinking, it's rare for a wild beast to go as far as learning from their enemy." I said calmly while stepping forward, to which the wolf took a step backward, it gritted its teeth in rage at my words.

It knew I was no match for it, its instincts told it that much. It took a deep breath for a moment, before asking.

"If I refuse?" It asked, to which I shrugged slightly.

"I will kick you all out... let me ask you, would you let someone else who dislikes you stay in your land? I will not slaughter you, but I can't have future trouble staying near me." I said calmly, making the wolf grit its teeth for some time.

"Make an oath." The Wolf said making me raise an eyebrow, it seemed like this woof had awakened the memory passed down through its bloodline. those who carry powerful bloodlines normally had the chance to pass down core memory through their bloodline, even before cultivation came animals were doing something like this. you would have the scene of newborns doing stuff on instinct, or doing stuff they were not taught. 

"Sure, but you should understand why I want you to make an oath as well," I said calmly, to which the Wolf nodded 

"I, Alex West hereby swear upon to treat humans and wild beasts as the same... but only those at the nascent soul realm and those with self-control would be looked upon like this. for those who don't, they would remain as wild beast. as for those like yourself, they would have the right to form clans under my support. but betrayal means the death of the whole bloodline... if I go against this oath, let me suffer the most painful death." I said calmly, making the wolf frown slightly, before making an oath as well to remain loyal and have the wild beast do the same.

"Good, now... these wild beasts would be under my protection. but I do give both sides the right to fight back out of self-defense." I said calmly while throwing a pill at the wolf, who caught it.

"thats the bloodline awakening pill," I said calmly, making the wolf's eyebrow raise. it looked at me for some time, before it transformed, taking on a human form. before me, a wolf girl appeared.

"thank you." She said while I blanked my eyes blankly, how couldn't I? Wolf ears, wolf tail, and although she had some fur on her body. they brought out her charm. She even stood before me butt-naked, allowing me to see her figure to the fullest.

"Yeah..." I said softly while turning away and disappearing. the wolf girl sighed softly. She looked at the pill, with her spiritual sense, she could tell that it would be of great use to her bloodline. so she was extremely grateful. if she can awaken more of her bloodline, the higher the more information she could gain form her bloodline

While Alex went around to meet the wild beast around the United States, Hope was currently in the midst of combat against people from some gang. She was out on a walk with Sunny and Honey when they attacked, trying to kidnap her.

"Damn, how is she so strong." A level 10 Body transformation realm cultivate yelled while trying to escape, but Hope wasn't the only strong person there. Even Honey flashed, jumping on them and subduing them. it would have killed, but it didn't want to bring trouble to its new masters.

"Why did you come after me?" Hope, after having all 4 of them defeated, began seeking information. although she was far weaker than her cultivation, she was far stronger than these simple level 10 body transformation, 

"go to hell." the asain man said with a sneer, making Hope's eyes narrow. remembering the technique Alice taught her last night. A witch technique that brought great pain upon the target. Hope was uneasy with the idea of killing... not with the idea of torture, that was even more so to get information out of a target.

back than Alex said that pain is the best way to teach someone. if it doesn't work, that means one of two things. you used too much pain or too little pain. knowing the right balance is the skill of true torture... he said this while watching a torture scene in some movie.

She had a perfect memory, so she remembered that as if it was yesterday. Since her dad was okay with it, she was okay with it as well...

So, she pulled out a straw doll, which she went on to attach the guy's hair onto. She had of course dragged them into a forest to not draw too many eyes. with the doll, she went on to pull out a needle, which she stabbed into the eye of the doll. this needle was unique, and it was covered in a venumon which brought huge pain, far more pain than a sting from the bullet Ant.

The Asian man let out a pained cry, while he rolled on the ground, holding his eye. it wasn't damage, but he just felt as if a boiling hot needle had just stabbed him...

it took a few minutes, but Hope soon pulled up to her house in an SUV, where the guys she had just tortured fearfully rushed out and ran inside to stop their allies from doing anything crazy. Since the house was empty, those who had broken in waiting for Alex to return home came out in confusion, but they were quickly beatten up by those who should have been their allies and dragged down to the basement by Hope's order.

"You guys don't listen. You can target me, but my dad is off limit... but I will not kill you, you're all better off alive than dead." She said coldly while looking at a doll of each person sitting before her, sending chills down them all...

While Hope was facing this, proving that Alex was just a bad father. Alex wasn't the only one who was taking a major step in taking over their land. far away, in Japan. In Tokyo, a young man stood on a roof, looking at another roof where a young woman stood.

"We both seem to have the same system... let's not fight, instead why don't you just become my underling," the young man said with a smile. the woman on the other side just sneered by cracking her neck and waved her hands.

"Well, I will get another ability." He siad while his red pupils glowed. with a clap of his hand, tree roots as thick as cars shot into the air. the woman jumped while dodging the roots which flew at blinding speed, before throwing a rock toward the young man, the young man looked at the rock with a weird look, but his eyes narrowed when he saw the seal on the rock.

With a flash, the woman disappeared, appearing while catching the rock, and in her other hand, a sword swung towards the young man. but red huge rib cages appeared, swallowing the young man and blocking the attack. even so, the young man was sent flying back... no, he had used the force to jump back

'Flying Thunder God. that with the 6 eyes, she has an endless amount of Qi she could use. I have to remember every place she pass by.' He thought, his Sharingan on the woman who shot forward. The Flying Thunder God was a technique which allowed one to mark a place and teleport to say place whenever they want with almost no limit.

When he got his system, he got 5 things. [Sharingan], [Control Devil], [Limbo], [Inverted Spear of Heaven], and [Dragon Slayer Magic]. thats right, they had 5 things. Eye ability, Mind ability, a unique ability, item, and technique. Alex didn't get a technique.


the young man opened his mouth, unleashing a dragon breath that destroyed the land before him. yet the woman didn't even bother to dodge, she just shot forward, the attack stopping before her, and being pushed out of the way as she neared the young man,

"Wall of Infinity is broken." The young man said with a sigh, to which the woman smirked slightly. the wall of infinity, it was a technique. it brought the concept of infinity into reality, leading to all attacks that wished to hit her only hitting infinity instead of her. With this, she didn't even need to worry about getting injured... at least thats what she thought, something was suddenly slammed into her stomach. She coughed up a mouthful of blood and was sent rocketing backward.

She quickly landed on her feet while looking around, trying to see what got passed her wall of infinity, but she saw nothing. She gritted her teeth before she shot forward.

'I have to make sure he doesn't trap me in a genjutsu... but he wouldn't cast the forbidden one out of fear of going blind. even so, I have to be careful. I just need to get close.' She thought while crossing her hand to form a hand seal.

with that, she used the shadow clone jutsu, creating clones that appeared at her side while running forward. seeing this the young man was speechless, did this girl only pick mostly Naruto anime-related stuff?

But like before, her clones were hit with her having no power to see a thing. and she was suddenly captured and left unable to move no matter how hard she struggled.

"what is this?" She said in shock, to which the young man just shrugged while taking out the Inverted Spear of Heaven. This spear has a special ability that allows it to force the stoppage of any other technique it comes into contact with. If a user's target or technique is hit by the Inverted Spear of Heaven, it will be immediately nullified.

he flashed forward and quickly stabbed into the woman's neck. he didn't want her to pull out anything, so he killed her right away.

"Brings back memory? in the anime, Gojo lost to this sword right?" He asked mockingly before he froze when a sword stabbed through his neck.

"Brings back memory... in the anime, this is how Madara died right?" the woman said coldly, leaving the young man stunned and unable to understand what just happened.

"I knew you had the limb clone, My eyes could see them. the way to victory is to give your enemy's false information... and you ate it all up like the fool you are." She said coldly while pulling out a sword, and watched as he fell to the ground. She walked forward and took the Inverted Spear of Heaven.

"Thanks." She said while looking at his eyes which were slowly going lifeless. She smirked slightly seeing as a screen appeared in front of her.

{You have killed another system user... you can get one from one of the 5 listed below.

[Sharingan]- @#$%#$ (Only she can see the information)

[Control Devil]- @#$%#$ (Only she can see the information)

[Limbo]- @#$%#$ (Only she can see the information)

[Inverted Spear of Heaven]- @#$%#$ (Only she can see the information)

[Dragon Slayer Magic]- @#$%#$ (Only she can see the information)}

"... they all have their usefulness. Dragon Slayer magic would allow me to devour all forms of energy attacks to strengthen myself. as well as give me the World Devouring Bloodline if I could master it to some degree. Limbo has its usefulness, they are pretty much space clones, the Control Devil would be the most useful right now." She siad calmly, before picking the Control Devil

{you're the first person to kill someone with an anime ability... you have been rewarded with the chance of getting an extra ability.} the system said, making her stunned for a second, before she smiled. with this, she would easily take over this world... so Japan became the first land to be fully united as they gained their queen. under the might of this queen, in just a few days Japan didn't simply unite together, the sea life attacking japan didn't also join them, but they also looked at other land to conquer...

At this news, Alex was displeased. He had wanted to be the first person to go on to take over their land, although he had taken over his land, it was only in name. So, Alex began having this go faster, while having this world king step forward. The Dragon Warrior.

It was him, but within Incursio. he stepped forward to united all of the clans, which were of course all on board and supporting him since they all wanted his pills. in a flash, the united state was united and was renamed... World Seizing Empire.

It met, it was aiming to Seize the world. Ruled by the Dragon Soverigned, Alex castle was built, and new rules was spread within his land. Beast Hunting became illegal, the act of killing Intelligent wild beast was forbidden, and was punishable by death, no matter the status.

other such laws were made, pushing for equality of both humans and wild beast. at the same time, the land was split into 7 parts, the first part was given to the native American, the second was given to the Sect of Witches, the 3rd was given to the House Of Vampires, the 4th was given to the dragon Emperor sect, the 5th was given to the Adam And Eve Sect, and 6th was given to the Holy Church. the last, and biggest was the World Seizng Sect, a sect which welcomed all lifeforms, from human to beast.

but Alex didn't have things so simple, Canda was a huge pain in the ass. with it being 1.6 times bigger than the United States, and 80% of its land being a forest, Alex had to some how take over the wild beast there, while fighting the many wild beast who would have come across inheritance holding rare things that targetted wild beast. already, videos of 3 tails foxes, and magical deers have been seen there. no wonder those of Canda retreated down south... lets not forget about South america, that place was just filled with the unknown.

Hawail? Alex acted like he never heard of that place, how the fuck was he going to hold that land? he tried to send people over to search for survival, but that was the best he could do, he needed to reinforce his land, build huge and powerful cities with powerful defences. he needed to be on a look out for spies and the list went on. 

Alex simply needed a month before he could sit back and relax. of course, the underground powers were growing out of control. they brought new drugs to the streets, luckily Hope who was fighting them ended up destroy many of their hide outs. She was growing stronger by the way, she tried her best to avoid killing. she had even forced those gang members to start secretly working for her... she planned to devour this gang, something which left the gangsters speechless. they were just taken over by someone else, and now someone else was slowly taking them over.

It was weird, but Hope seem to be avoiding returning home which got Alex confused, at first he thought she didn't want to return home because she was scared for their safety, but after Jane moved in with them, she no longer had to worry about that...

"... I'm going out." Hope said while grabbing her breakfast to head out to go do her work, but today I stopped her.

"Enough, what got you so down lately?" I asked with crossed arms, making Lily, Alice, and Jane look over at Hope.

"Its nothing." Hope said softly, forcing me to walk over and take her hand before we both went outside.

"whats wrong?" I asked with a sigh, to which Hope said nothing. but after me just looking at her for a full minute, she broke down in tears. seeing this, I wasstunned. it seemed like she had been holding these tears back for so long, and now she couldn't take it.

"its not right... mommy was doing her best to help us. she could be suffering right now, but you don't even care. I'm the only one who care for her." She cried making me sigh softly, I was scared it was about this topic. Sighing, I sat down next to her and thought for some time... we have all forgot about Sarah, Hope is the only one who thought of her.

But was Hope in the wrong? In her eyes, Sarah did do the right thing. None of us had cultivation, and with how things were going, would we have had a future? to be honest, Sarah way was the best way, she just went about it the wrong way. She didn't do her search ahead of time. some times, selling ones body was the only way to support the family. to put aside your pride for those you love, what was that called?

Hope missed her mom, and she hated seeing her dad being surrounded with so many other females, forgetting her mother ever existed. She hated that they tried to act like her knew mother, She hated them. this wasn't the life she wanted, she would do anything to go back in time to get her family back.

"You forget your talent." I said confusing Hope, who was deep in tears. she looked at me, waiting for my words.

"With your talent, many powers would do anything to try and get you to join them... take the time to go with Jane and seek their help to find your mom." I said softly, leaving Hope stunned for some time. it wasn't that she didn't think of this, but it was more like she was too prideful to go through with it.

"Grow stronger, and one day you would be able to fly all over this place, scanning everything with your spiritual sense." I said softly while rubbing her head. Hope just hugged me, leaving me sighing.

'what a pain... at this are she would limit your cultivation.' I thought while making plans to personally go search for Sarah, I couldn't bare to see Hope grow depressed like this. at this rate, her heart demon might just grow out of control.