
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Heart Demon

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." Sitting before a beauty and a bunch of elders from the Adam and Eve sect, Alex shook hands with Eve. this sect was the easiest to make become his supporter, they were filled with a bunch of schemers and greedy people. how could any of them turn down the chance to reform their core?

"No, it's my pleasure... by the way. I wish to have all of the researchers from each clan work together. we should work together to at least rival the tech of China and Japan, we shouldn't be falling behind like we are." I said with a smile, to which Eve nodded slightly stunned. Japan and China had the best tech at the moment.

Japan took the first step into combining battle suits with Qi, and they even created robots fused with Qi. Japan is currently facing the most trouble with sea lifeform, but at the same time, they are not being bothered that much.

China was the first to make weapons of today fused with Qi, they were the first to create Qi guns and other powerful weapons. The United States was just playing catch up at this moment, the least they could do was have something they were better than at this moment.

"Before I leave, might see the zombie?" I asked causing the room to go quiet for some time, everyone looked at me, unable to think for some time.

"I have my ways of knowing... I just want to speak. I already spoke to the fire dragon within the Dragon Emperor sect, The vampire sealed away in the house of vampires, and the other trump cards hidden away by the other clans and sects." I said calmly, stunning Eve. 

She was unwilling, but if all 4 of the other sects took a step forward to allow Alex to see their trump cards, how would it look if they were the only ones to not do so? so, though unwilling she nodded slightly. they already made a bad impression on Alex, they had to use Alex to stay caught up with the others...

So, she nodded and took me to a basement. we went down at least 1,000 meters before we came before a bunch of seals. the seals were removed, allowing us to enter. and there, we saw a bunch of other seals. in the center of all of these seals was a coffin. Eve and the other elders kneeled, while Eve used her spiritual sense to remove the seals while at the same time secretly speaking to the zombie.

Slowly, the zombie sat. at extremely slow speed, its head turned to look at Alex, it was extremely weak. but it should be about as powerful as the fire dragon. we both looked at each other for some time before I spoke.

"Let's make a bet..." and so, Alex spoke about the bet, which quickly got the Zombie to agree. but this Zombie was more careful than the fire dragon and made sure I couldn't use any items. However, he did allow me to use my Incursio, which led to him losing the bet. we had of course made the oath, forcing the Zombie to be loyal to me or risk death.

With that, I asked for all of the techniques he had to offer before saying, my goodbye after promising to help him heal one day. I went on to return home, where I reunited with my clone which I had to run the shop for me. after I went inside, I grabbed some paper and a pencil and got to work.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked softly while coming to sit in front of me, only to see the paper. there she saw what I was writing on the paper, which was a bunch of information related to the concept of the mind.

"There are techniques which could allow one to control and reshape their body with almost no limit. I plan to do something like that with the mind, complete control of one mind, thoughts, subconscious, and unconscious. this would give one complete control of one mind. I went around collecting mind-related techniques, so it shouldn't be hard to use their knowledge to create something better." I said calmly, to which Alice raised an eyebrow for some time before she nodded slightly.

"Go and watch over Hope's training, I might call you to help me study this," I said calmly, to which Alice nodded slightly. She walked off, and once she was gone I used [The Almighty], while at the same time, I used Incursio.

With Incursio, it would help me search through the endless possibilities I could see to find one I wished for. it was like a filter. because of this, I could look at this paper and countless working techniques that I could create appeared before me. I could see thousands of years into the future, so, I was able to find the most broken possible technique I could have created.

I even saw a possible future where Alice would use it and made sure there were no drawbacks. after picking the best possible future, I took hold of it and brought it into the current moment. words appeared on the papers in front of me, but this caused a chain reaction.

The heavens were shocked at the birth of such a powerful technique, this led to the scene of the papers in front of me swallowed in golden light while they floated up. the heavens would only react like this to a heaven-grade technique and above birth, 

"Self Supremacy," I said softly, at my words, the heavens personally wrote the name of the technique on the top of the paper. the papers even transformed, becoming extremely high and valuable grade papers. the paper was rolled up, with a beautiful red string tying the paper

"Beautiful," I said softly while taking the paper. I smiled slightly while the Incursios lowly disappeared, while I took the paper. this was the first technique that I have ever truly created,

[Self Supremacy]- The user is fully aware of everything that composes it and has full control over everything that composes it. their cells and biological processes, their breaths and thoughts, their movements and emotions, their conscious and unconscious, etc. 

In other words, at this moment I knew everything about myself and had complete control of my thoughts. with a simple thought, my hair can grow, I can grow smaller, and so on. this technique even sped up my adaption and evolution speed many times over... but I had yet to truly master this technique just yet, I had to first deal with something.

I went to my room and went on to sit down, and looked deep within my heart. I had to face my heart demons. Heart demons were born from a person's trauma, and as one cultivation improved the stronger these demons shall become... and I knew I held two huge demons, and a few smaller demons.

Opening my eyes, I found myself sitting before a laptop. I was confused for a second, but after seeing the date and time, I instantly knew what was going on. But the next moment I held my head, my mind and memory becoming foggy. for a moment I blacked out

"..." Alex looked around for some time, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes. Did he just find himself appearing back in time? Did he just become one of those MCs who woke up in the past from the future?

"Are you still searching for a Job?" A voice came from Alex's side, causing Alex's body to freeze for some time. He slowly looked over and saw his wife,

"You can change the future, she doesn't need to go. You can stay together as one huge happy family," A little angel Alex appeared on Alex's shoulder, moving Alex. The future can be changed... but is that what I want?

"Even if you want, would you ever look at her the same? don't listen to that fool, what if this was the trauma that led to you getting the system? Are you saying she is worth more than the system? Even if she wanted to help you, the way she went about it was unforgivable." on his other shoulder, a devil Alex appeared, making Alex sigh

"Instead kill her, kill her to avoid the trouble she would bring to you. the humiliation, the embarrassment, and the green hat. how dare she even drag your daughter into this?" Devil Alex said causing Alex to bold his fist for some time before he sighed and just shook the angel and devil off his shoulder.

"You can go... Hope will stay." I said calmly. leaving Sarah stunned, but at this time Hope popped up with her suitcase. but I simply glared at her, causing her cold face to quickly break apart.

"She has to come with me," Sarah said weakly, avoiding eye contact. I ignored her and simply looked at Hope, who was about to cry.

"Do you want to go or not? If you look me in the eyes and say yes, then I will not stop you." I said calmly, to which Hope shook her head. She didn't want to go, but at the same time, she saw how her parents were struggling.

"Hope, you have..." Sarah who wanted to convince Hope went quiet seeing her tears, and in the end, she bit her lips, before she left. I went to close the door, and there I saw how James was outside waiting for Sarah. I said nothing and simply locked the door behind me and turned towards Hope who stood there, not knowing what to do or say.

At this I sighed, she was just a kid and was forced to have to pick between her father or mother. what was the best choice here? 

"You don't need to cry... you want to know why I have zero talent for cultivation?" I asked while cheering her up. at my words, she just shook her head.

"I was born with a unique physique. My sister has my talent, but that also means you have a high chance of gaining talent. The fact you remember everything is a huge sign that you have a unique physique. it should be better than mine, which simply helps me have the power to recall anything while boosting my intelligence." I said softly, leaving Hope stunned.

"then I should go get Mommy, she doesn't have to go." Hope cried while running towards the door. her parents didn't need to be apart, everything would be alright. at worst, even if she had bad cultivation talent, she would take on the burden of taking care of them

"No, she already made up her mind to cheat on me. She broke our oath, till death do us part. if her idea of helping is this I rather have her go." I said calmly, but seeing Hope's unwilling look, unable to accept this, I sighed.

"She can stay, I will find her somewhere else to live," I said while shaking my head. I went on to take my phone and made a call, but as I made this call, the world around me shattered like glasses... I went blank for a moment, before finding myself in my bedroom, my mind back to normal.

"Ha, the heart demon was so easy to destroy. but with this, my mind is 100% clear, and focused." I said with a smile while walking over to a mirror, where I froze upon seeing myself, my hair had turned red, and my pupils had become a beautiful blue. I quickly realized it was because I evolved once more. 

'Now, even if the strongest of attacks rain down upon me, I wouldn't be affected. [Endless Nine] is fully at my fingertip.' I thought calmly, [The End] was broken and all, but it couldn't do everything. for example, I couldn't just walk up to Superman and instantly gain Superman's strength, although I would gain all of the abilities I see. My current capability greatly limited it. this was even more so when currently, it only allowed me to master things to 26.5%

Since I was at the core formation now, every breakthrough will boost the End capability by +1.5. because of this, although it greatly boosted my comprehension capability, I still needed some time to master [Endless Nine]

I had never mastered [Endless Nine] even now I have yet to master it to 100%, it was an ability that was too complex. at the moment, I have gained mastery of it to 80 or so. because of this, I couldn't fully use it without some changes to my mind.

Now, if I told myself something wasn't real, so long as it was super neutral, it would be nullified the moment it was near me. My evolution capability and [The Almighty] even become one. now, all things I see through [The Almighty] I would adapt and evolve to. 

Yes [The Almighty] allowed me to be unaffected by the ability I know through [The Almighty] as I will adapt to them. the effect wasn't as good as I wished it to be, but now this effect shall grow. if I see you have an ability that would do something to me when using [The Almighty] I will start adapting right now. I will not only adapt, but I will also grow counters to that ability. This is the power of adaptation and evolution,

I was no longer the prey adapting to survive, I was both the prey and the predator. I will adapt to both survive and also adapt to hunt. this was good, this was of course mostly thanks to the technique I had just created which helped me guide my evolution and adaption. I had complete control over myself...

"Yes, level 7 QI gathering, at this rate, I would reach the core formation realm before i'm 11 years old." Hope cheered seeing her breakthrough.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to bed." I said with a yawn, to which Hope pouted seeing how little interest I was giving this huge breakthrough.

"... can I go out tonight? I want to go collect information." Hope said after some time. my words this morning hit her greatly, and now she had to go collect information on her new enemies. who knows, maybe the 4 arm sect might use this as a chance to force her to pay for killing their disciple. either way, she needed to learn more about her enemy. 

"Alright, but Alice has to go with you," I said calmly, to which Hope nodded slightly before she hesitated and spoke.

"Did she tell you about what happened when she tried looking into Mom?" She asked, to which I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. Hope went on to tell me, and I quickly frowned hearing about Alice suffering a backlash, who was so capable as to take Sarah in? but I didn't care. I just left, and Had Honey come to my room so I could help it cultivate...

Within an office building, a young man sat before a screen, watching the scene of Hope throwing up after killing two of his men.

"She is stronger than you, you did the smart thing and retreated." He said while standing up, and looking towards the guy who was with James just last night, currently he was on his knees, shaking in fear. He ignored him and looked at his phone, which had Hope's information, as well as Alex, and Sarah's. seeing as they were just normal people, he smirked. 

"a 10-year-old with such talent... well, she is the talent I have been searching for. Have someone go and capture her father. I will deal with the rest." He said calmly while looking towards his ring. he was kicked out from his clan because he had no talent, and for years he struggled just to find a place to live until 1 year ago, he felt something call for him.

it turned out he was born with a unique physique, and this ring sensed him, it called for him, and now he had in his hands the inheritances of a demonic cultivator. he was at level 10 Core formation, and he had the power to fight a level 4 Nascent soul. he was a powerhouse who planned to rule the whole world...