
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Meeting The Dragon

In the morning, Lily placed the food Alex had just cooked on the table while looking at Alice who sat at the table with Hope on her lap, with a bright smile. she was weirded out, since when did Alice become so bright and cheerful? was this the same girl who used to throw death glares at her?

"Alright, cough it up. what are you hiding." Alex said calmly after washing his hands. he had just cooked breakfast and now sat down. He looked deeply at Hope, causing Hope's eyes to rise for a second before she avoided eye contact

"W-what do you mean?" Hope asked weakly, I looked at her for a second before speaking.

"Avoiding eye contact. weird speech pattern, sweating, unsteady breathing, and the list goes on. you're hiding something. the fact you seem so close with Alice even though it's your first time meeting, and the fact you are sitting on her lap to try and make your actions seem to be related to her is a clear sign something happened." I said calmly, making Hope's body shake.

"The question you asked last night, and the blood on the ground. all complete signs that you did something last night. I will go ahead and guess you killed." I said making Hope slowly begin crying

"T-they were going to try and kidnap you to force me to do evil stuff," Hope said in tears, making Alice look at me with a displeased look. last night she got all of the information out of James with the help of Alice. James's friends wanted to have a talent like Hope work for them, the best way to do this was to have her loved ones, so they could force her to act as they wished.

Lily was stunned hearing such things happened last night, well, it made sense as to why Honey was suddenly barking last night.

"Tell me... Hope do you understand why I told you to wait until you were 12 years old?" I asked sighing softly seeing Hope in tears. At my words, Hope struggled for some time but slowly spoke

"Because I'm just a kid." She said weakly, to which I shook my head, stunning Hope, and leaving her confused.

"Tell me, when you play chess, do you just take the pieces that stand before you?" I asked to which Hope shook her head slightly, slightly understanding what I was trying to say.

"No... I only take them if I had planned something ahead of time. simply taking them is the act of a fool. Sometimes, one has to let their pieces fall for the chance of taking 2 steps forward." She said softly, to which I nodded slightly.

"Now, view the world as a chess board. read your enemy's moves, and use them to benefit you. simply killing them right away, is it the best way? Could you have captured them to get some use out of them? can you have turned your enemy into a pawn? Use all of the tools around you to bring out the most effect," I said leaving Hope and everyone else stunned

"Killing is the easiest path, little thought is needed once you get used to it. A truly wise man can look at his enemies and lay the framework for them to play at your fingertips. if they are stronger than you, outsmart them. if they are smarter than you, feed them false information and lead them to their downfall. if they are smarter and stronger than you, hide in the dark. watch from afar and seek for opportunity." I said calmly, to which Hope nodded slightly, moved by my words.

"... did you see everything?" Hope asked to which I just nodded, leaving Hope speechless slightly.

"You were so easy to read, what gave you away was that question you asked last night. read, and cultivate and get busy." I said while grabbing my food to go, I had to go to work. Lily no longer needed me to drive her to the sect, she would go on her flying sword.

"I will be going with Lily, I will be back later," Alice said with a smile, to which Hope nodded while getting off her lap. So, everyone left, leaving Hope alone with Honey and Sunny. She was grown enough to watch the two.

"So, you came running to my brother to take advantage of him, I bet after hearing of that bitch Sarah betrayer, you came running without a second thought. did you use your parent's death to warm into his heart" On a flying broom, Alice crossed her arms while looking at Lily who sat in front of her.

"I didn't come here looking to take advantage of anyone... Alex was just the only one I could turn to," Lily said displeased with Alice's words... no, she wasn't displeased, she was enraged.

"I have not used Alex, I have even rejected his help. the only help i'm getting from him is a roof, food, and his help in my cultivation. which I fully plan to repay." She said angrily, to which Alice just smiled slightly while nodding her head. with her eyes, she could see Lily wasn't lying.

"Then you can join Alex heram." She said leaving Lily who was angry stunned, she blinked for a moment, unable to understand what she just heard for a moment.

"Alex would need a harem, you have high business skills, and even if you have no talent, Alex would still help you." She said with a nod of her head, leaving Lily stunned. was this the same girl who was overprotective of her brother?

"My brother should get anything he wants, he had spent years not following his dreams and supporting others. it's about time he sits back and enjoys life. I plan to do it for him." Alice said with a smile, the feeling of spoiling her brother felt so nice. no wonder her brother used to do it so much,

"you're crazy..." Lily said softly, at a loss for words. to which Alice shrugged slightly.

"You could take tonight as your chance to get in his bed. surely after everything, my brother wants to release some stress... and why do you keep hiding your lust? Go, enjoy yourself. get a deep spot in his heart, before his heart is taken by others." Alice said calmly, leaving Lily quiet for a moment, but she noticed she was at the sect and went on to step off the broom.

"Alex is meant for greatness, someone like him would naturally draw people towards him," Alice said while her broom turned, and with a flash, she disappeared. leaving Lily with a complex look for some time...

"Okay, give me a piece of your hair... although I don't like your mother for what she did to my brother, I love you... you're just so cute." Alice said unable to help herself from hugging Hope, leaving her helpless with her aunt's show of love. 

"thank you..." Hope said softly, to which Alice just waved her hands.

"You need to thank me. although I don't have high talent, I can do something small like this as a witch." Alice said while taking the hair that Hope gave her.

"You know how this would help me find your mother?" Alice said while standing before a pot of water. at her words, Hope shook her head slightly.

"It's through karma. Karma goes deeper than simple good and evil. instead, there are things known as karma strings that connect us all. this hair holds your DNA, and part of this DNA is your mother's. I will use it, and through karma, this hair can be stringed to your mother." Alice said with a smile, to which Hope nodded slightly.

"Can I learn to be a witch?" Hope asked, to which Alice nodded slightly. She didn't see why not, in fact being a witch would help Hope greatly in understanding bits of the laws.

Alice waved her hand which held the hair, leaving a trail in the air. it was as if she was drawing something before she went on to drop the hair into the pot of water. the water within the pot began to ripple greatly before the hair disappeared, slowly showing the scene... or that was what should have happened, but the pot exploded, sending Alice shooting backward while coughing up mouthfuls of blood.

"Not Again," Alice said with a speechless look, Hope came running over to her, scared seeing Alice coughing up blood. 

"I'm alright... the backlash is something I didn't expect. someone for some reason is hiding her. but that makes no sense." Alice said speechless, with her strength. no one alive should be her match, so what the hell happened?

Hope was stunned at this, she didn't know if this was a good thing or bad thing. how could her mother get someone to do something like this for her? Alice sighed softly while going on to wave her hands, her Qi spread out, taking hold of the destroyed pot and picking it up to place it all in the trash...

"I guess we have thank you." Sitting before the clan leader of the Matoaka clan was Alex, who was watching the clan leader who was lowering his head slightly before him.

"no need to thank me. I managed to make more pills thanks to your help. now I have the support of the Dragon Emperor Sect, House Of Vampires, Sect of Witches, and Holy Church. I plan to go meet with Eve." I said calmly to which the clan leader nodded slightly in amazement,

"With this, you pretty much have control over this land. when do you plan to take that final step?" He asked, unable to wait. he knew that once Alex took the seat as the ruler of this land, they would reclaim their lands.

Alex was going to split the land into 7 parts, they would regain a huge piece of their land. their most beloved land which held a huge amount of their inheritance. this was going to be huge, as they might be able to step through to that realm once more...

"When I have complete control. If I make a mistake, then they could just rise to betray me. So, first thing first. I should give everyone a reason to kneel before me. At the same time, I need to build the capital of my empire in the center of the United States." I said calmly, making the clan leader sigh softly in disappointment. what he wouldn't do to have me marry into his clan,

but he understood that was impossible, after all, he knew how strong I was. we just sparred a few minutes ago, and he was overwhelmed with my strength at level 2 Nasecent soul. he only had strength at level 10 Core formation.

at this time, the sect master looked at the sky. there 4 aura came. it took a moment, but soon, the dragon Emperor, Vampire Lord, Jasmine, and the Holy Priest arrived in the room, I went on to give them all the Grand Core Densing Pill, and I even told them just how valuable those pills were. this sent chills down their spine in shock.

"This is something I can naturally create with the right resources. it you're lucky, you might be able to recreate your core at the Sky grade, I sadly don't see any of you creating a Heaven grade core. but that should be enough for you to fight those at level 2 Nascent soul." I said calmly, before looking at Jasmine.

"I want you to take the step forward to unite the House of Witches," I said calmly, the house of Witches was spread all over the world. Jasmine was simply the sect master of the sect located within the United States. In China, Africa, and so on, there are others. at my words, James nodded slightly, her eyes bright.

If she could create a core at sky grade, she should be able to fight those at level 2 Nascent Soul, with some power to hold her own against a level 3 Nascent Soul.

"wait, I wish to make another oath with you..." Jasmine said with a deep breath, she was willing to swear her loyalty to Alex. The resources and pills he could give were boundless. this pill alone was worth far more than anything her clan could cough up. a 100% pill was truly great, this was even more so when it was a 3-star pill that even those at the Nascent Soul would fight over...

a few minutes later, Alex stepped down some stairs which led to a top-secret chamber. there Alex stood before a huge red dragon. the dragon which had already sensed Alex's bloodline was currently eying Alex with a look of shock. He ignored the Dragon Emperor, this human wasn't worthy of his attention 

"... I'm a big fan of dragons. So, what do you say you follow me?" I asked with a smile, the thought of riding a dragon was a bit cool. but this dragon at its peak was above even the Nascent soul realm.

"You dare?" the Fire dragon was enraged at my words, dragons were prideful lifeforms. plus, unlike others who had to cultivate, it was simply resting to recover its strength. so it was of course far stronger than those humans out there, it was among the strongest living things alive, and now it was being disrespected? how could it not be enraged?

"You might be talented... you might have made that never before seen core, but you are light years away from ever matching me." It roared in rage while struggling to its feet,

"then let's make a deal, an oath. I will give you 3 chances, if you injure me, then I will become your follower. if you can't... then you will become my follower." I said calmly, making the fire dragon's eyes narrow slightly.

"Are you sure?" The dragon said, its eyes glowing at the good opportunity before its eyes. this cocky human didn't know its worth, just because he had some power, he thought he was untouchable. If it could get this human to join the sect, their sect could take the upper hand in becoming the rulers of this land.

"I'm sure... let's make the oath," I said to which the dragon didn't waste a second and dripped its blood to make an oath, while I did the same. with that, the dragon went on to open its mouth, and let out a fire breath at me.

I grew extra pupils, allowing me to use [The Almighty]. I couldn't see this dragon in the future, but I simply planned to see this attack. the flames that were going to swallow me disappeared, the flames were nullified.

"You should get serious," I said with a smile, but I wasn't so calm right now. One should know, that this dragon's understanding of the law was enough for it to pierce through [Endless Nine], it was an old existence that had been around for millions of years. but it was in a weakened state right now. think of the laws as a boost to one's attack that adds piercing damage, or resistance piersing. 

[Endless Nine] could increase my resistance to 99.999...99%, but it could also be pierced. of course, there was a way around this. With more time to sit on it, I found there were 3 ways to even reject the law's capability.

One. Have resistance at 100%. no matter what, [Endless Nine] gives me 99.9999... and so resistances. it was an endless 9. Because of this, all attacks just can't affect me. if it could step into 100%, then many laws would find them unable to affect me unless they reach a high enough level

two. The higher my understanding of the law, the less the law resistance piercing would be effective upon me

three. the greater my willpower is, the [Endless Nine] should also affect the law's piercing capability. In other words, I needed a firm belief that everything was nothing but illusions and daydreams. something which I find to be hard. All this time, [Endless Nine] was aimed at simply the attacks, and not the Laws piercing capability.

"Impossible." the Dragon said in shock, how could it not be shocked with his attack just up and disappearing? gritting his teeth, the dragon opened its mouth, unleashing a stronger attack at me. this attack was at the level of a level 8 nascent soul. it had forgotten the idea it wanted me to be its follower, my actions had damaged its dragon pride.

but once again its attack was nullified, although the attack had neared me, and almost burnt me.

"Close," I said calmly while looking at the burnt ground in front of me. my face turned cold before I took a deep breath. this next attack would be his strongest attack. So, I called out Incursio

"Die!" The Dragon who felt as if he was just slapped across the face let out his strongest attack, which was at a level above the nascent soul realm. but with the [Endless Nine], and Incursio, although I took a few steps backward, I wasn't injured.

"Impossible!" The dragon which was about to attack me once more stopped, while taking a step backward. He felt death when he was just about to attack me, the oath was made, and he had lost.

"No need to be so shocked, I'm special," I said while stepping forward, Incursio disappeared. floating off the ground, the dragon was shocked once more. Shouldn't only those at the nascent soul fly without the need for treasures?

"Isn't someone who does the impossible worthy of being your master?" I asked, making the dragon quiet for some time. now that he thought of it, I made sense. a level 1 Core formation realm expert blocked an attack that should be above the nascent soul realm, this unheard of. even millions of years ago.

"You are indeed worthy... my master." the fire dragon said to which I nodded slightly with a smile, leaving the Dragon Emperor with a complex look.

"I came here wanting to ask you a question. I'm sure you have gained all of the knowledge you can gain before your slumber. I want to ask you... do you know a way for a person to master their minds?" I asked to which the dragon raised an eyebrow for a second, 

"Why do you think I would have such a thing?" The Dragon asked to which I smiled slightly

"Dragons are headstrong and quick to rage. I'm sure there should be techniques to attack this weakness." I said to which the dragon sighed softly.

"Indeed. I have many cultivation arts that would help in helping a dragon have self-control of themselves. But I believe you seek self-control of the mind instead of the body, for this, i'm guessing you wish to want to master your subconscious?" He asked, to which I nodded slightly, 

"If you could give me all of the mind-related techniques, it would also be for the best," I said calmly, to which the dragon just sighed, before his spiritual sense spread, entering my mind and giving me mind-related techniques.

"Thanks... oh, before I go, do you have some recovery techniques? Any way to heal you?" I asked to which the Dragon raised an eyebrow for a second before he gave me the techniques that could help. with that, I said goodbye and went to stop by the other sects to see the old monsters they held, before going to the Adam And Eve Sect