
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

Amy's Pov:

We make it back to our room without any issues. Both of them have been accepted by their kind. I begin making dinner. They issued that today's supper will be hamburgers and fries. I get out the burger patties and a pan. I look over and Jaxson is sitting in front of Kade's door. I walk over and he looks up at me. "Do you want to go in?" His tail starts to wag as he shakes his head yes. I put my palm to the scanner and the door opens. Kade wakes up and then sits up in his bed. He looks at me and then Jaxson sitting on the floor. He lays back down. "You can come in, Jax." Jaxson stands up and jumps in the bed with Kade. I laugh to myself once the door closes. Jaxson is more like a dog than a wolf. I head back into the kitchen and continue to make dinner.

Kade's Pov:

Jaxson jumps into my bed and sits by me. "Why did you want to come in if you're just gonna sit there?" I hear a slight whine come from him. "I wanted to hang out with you, but you never came out of your room." He stands up and walks over to my desk with my drawings. I get up quickly and run over to the desk and pick up all my papers. "You made these?" Jaxson looks at me with a slightly tilted head, one ear up and the other is down. "I did." I put the papers in the drawer. "They're really good, Kade." I sit back down on my bed. "Sweet talking inst gonna work. I'm not showing them to you." He laughs, "It was worth a try." He sits down next to me.

I hear Amy yell, "Boys! Dinner is ready!" I stand up and leave my room and Jaxson follows. We eat, then we sit down and watch what Amy says is an aminated movie. She says it was made over 100 years ago but it was so popular it still exists today. I think mit The Lion King. It was interesting but childish but that's to be expected from a kids movie. After the movie, I went to bed.

I wake up to an alarm ringing at 8:00. I sit up and look around. There's a pile of clothes sitting on my desk. I get up and grab them. It's a light green shirt, blue jeans, white socks and a pair of underwear. I change and then go out of my room.

I see Amy making breakfast, and Jax is on the couch. I go and sit down at the kitchen table. "What are we doing today?" Amy flips a pancake and answers, "It's kinda the same as it used to be but much shorter it only lasts in the morning then you have the rest of the day to do what you want. So first it's some testing then a workout and you end in the water tank. After that, you do whatever you desire basically." She flips another pancake then puts 2 onto a plate and sets them in front of me. "Jax your pancakes will be done in a few minutes. Come sit at the table please." Jaxson sits next to me at the table. He looks at the blood in my cup. "Do you ever wonder where they get that blood?" I look at the blood confused. Where do they get this blood? "It's from donations, no need to worry," Amy says as she sets down some pancakes in front of Jax.

We finish eating. Amy leads us to our designated testing rooms. It's a different room, but the inside is the same as the old testing room. The test goes as usual. I don't get shocked once which was nice. I walk out of the testing room and Amy and Jax are waiting. "Ready to work out?" She smiles and then leads us to different rooms. The workout lasts an hour. Everything is shortened. Now it's time to do water tanks. Amy once again leads me to where I need to go. As we walk in the halls there are other people as well. There are humans with clipboards. Chosens walk with their human going to wherever they need to go. I get to the tank room. I get in the tank. All of a sudden there's a sharp pain in my leg.  What the hell?! I smell blood. What cut me? I feel something get sprayed into the water and the cut begins to burn as if my leg is on fire. The water drains and I stumble out of the machine. I look at my leg and there's a very light scare that's fading as I watch it. What was that? I put my clothes back on and walk out the door.

When we get back to our room Amy starts to make lunch. I sit down and turn on the TV and Jax sits next to me. I pull up my pant leg to check if the cut is still there. It's completely gone. Jax looks at my leg. "What happened?" I roll my pant leg down and look at him. "Nothing, just itchy." He nods and looks back at the TV. I lay my head on his shoulder. I hear his tail begin to hit the couch with a steady beat. "After we eat lunch, we'll go to the common room. It's ready." I head over to the kitchen table where Amy set down 3 plates of food. We eat then head to the commons.

When I walk in the door the older man that Vivian said was our leader walks up to me. "You're the new boy, yes?" I nod my head and he motions for me to follow him. "My name is Willam. We are having a meeting today. You will be introduced to everyone." A bunch of people is sitting in a circle. There are two open chairs. He sits in one empty chair and I sit in the other. He speaks up once again, "Today our small coven of six grows by one." He points to me. "This is Kade, our newest member. Introduce yourselves." He looks at the man sitting next to him. He's in his mid-twenties and has long blonde hair. "I'm Jason." The woman next to him whose in her thirties with short dark brown hair speaks up next. "I'm Denise. Nice to meet you, Kade." She gives me a kind smile. The next two people are Vivian and Emma, they introduce themselves once again. Then we're to the last guy he looks a little younger than Jason, he has short brown hair. He gives me a slight glare and then looks down. "I'm Teddy."

Willam talks about a bunch of things that I already completely forgot. I'm sitting on the couch and Jax comes up to me. "Do you want to play one of the games?" I smile and reply, "Sure, that sounds like fun." He leads me to a small table with two chairs. There's a red and black checkered board. I sit on the side that has red pieces sitting on black squares and Jax is on the side with black pieces sitting on the black squares. "Ok, so my friend taught me this so you can move the pieces diagonally towards the opposite side. You can jump over my pieces when there's a space behind them. Then you take my piece off the board. The goal is to take all my pieces off of the board. Also, if you make it to the last row on my side your piece becomes a king then you can move backward as well. Got it?" He looks back up at me. "Yeah, I think I do."

We play and I begin to get a good understanding of the game. Not too long later I remove his last piece from the board. I look at his face and he's dumbfounded. I chuckle. "I guess I won." He leans back in his chair and smirks. "Eh, beginners luck." I begin to put the pieces back on the board. "Let's play again. I'll show you beginners luck." He leans forward and helps place the pieces back on the board. We play again and it was another victory for me. I giggle as I take his last piece. "How do you keep winning? You've never played right?" I stand up and walk around the table. I pet his head. "Guess, I'm just better at this game." I sense a couple of pairs of eyes on me as I pet Jaxson. He turns in his chair so he's facing me. Then he puts his forehead on my chest. "Of course, you're better. You're extremely intelligent, Kade."

A hand suddenly grabs my shoulder and turns me around. I recognize him, but I don't know his name. He snarls. "What do you think you're doing?" "I-I," I don't know what to say. I look back at Jax as if to ask for help. Jax stands up. "Back off." The other werewolf grabs Jaxsons shirt. "You think you can talk back to me." He throws him to the ground. And comes back at me. "You God damn vampire! Don't you dare touch a werewolf. Ever. Now stay away." Jax gets back up and the man slaps him. Everyone is watching. "Stay away from the vampires, you got that Jax." He doesn't respond. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Jax shakes his head no. "You can never take me away from him." The man raises his hand to slap him again. I grab the hand before it swings. Then he swings his other arm and hits me straight in the face. I stumble to the ground. Jax grabs my arm and runs with me out of the room. I hear people starting to yell. What did we do wrong?