
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

Kade's Pov:

The alarm rings and I sit up quickly today's my birthday I smile to myself and think of all the new things I get to experience. Maddie comes in. "Good morning and happy birthday to you Kade. On today's schedule you only have your meals, testing, transformation if you get picked, and your first meeting with another non-robot. Does this sound good?" I shake my head yes. She sets down some clothes but they're not white. The shirt is a light brown turtleneck, the pants are blue jeans, and some shoes are black. I've never gotten to wear anything other than white, this is amazing. She leaves and I put on the clothes. Breakfast arrives and I eat quickly.

The door slowly slides up and I walk out and down to a door I've never been in before. I walk in and there's a mirror, a floating pen, and a chair, but no pipe. It is almost exactly like the usual testing room. I sit down and pick up the pen and a robotic voice speaks up. "Today you will be taking a personality test. There is no timer, so you may take your time. It is multiple choice. Answer to your best ability. Once finished the word vampire, werewolf, or human will appear. If you get vampire or werewolf you will receive a shot then you will transform. After that, you get to meet another person that was chosen for you. "Begin."

I begin the test, it takes about an hour. Then the word vampire flashes on the screen. I smile, I get to be something other than human. All of a sudden a needle shoots out and hits me in the neck. It hurts. Then I can feel my teeth growing. "AHH, WHAT'S HAPPENING?" I scream while in agonizing pain as I feel my organs begin to move on their own. A voice begins to speak but it's not a robot it's a human. "Kade calm down this is normal. It will only last a few minutes." The voice was high pitched could it be a female? The pain ends about 5 minutes later. I can hear my heartbeat and a rushing sound that I think is my blood. I touch my teeth 2 of them are very sharp now. The voice speaks again, "Ready to meet someone? Head to the door down the hall."

I walk down the hall to the open door I step in and there's a boy sitting on a bench. He has dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. He's wearing a green hoodie, black pants, and black shoes. I stare at him as he stares at me. "Um, hi, I'm Kade and I'm a vampire." He stands up, he is way taller than me. He walks over and touches my hair. He looks down at me. "I'm Jaxson, I'm a werewolf." He walks around me as if he's studying me. I walk over and sit down on the bench. Jaxson sits next to me. "Do you have sharp teeth?" He asks looking at me. I open my mouth and show him the two sharp teeth he touches one and cuts his finger. I can hear his blood and my vision goes red. He looks at me confused. I grab his hand and suck the bleeding finger. The red vision goes away and the loud rushing stops. He stares at me confused. I open my mouth and he takes his hand back. "Sorry, Jaxson. I didn't mean to." "It's ok, it was oddly nice feeling something warm other than myself."

When I think about it he's the only other warm living thing I've met. I stand up and pull him up so he's standing. I wrap my arms around him. So warm. He wraps his arms back around me. I think this is called a hug. I don't know much about interactions between people. We stand there for a few minutes. I pull back and look at him. "Do you have wolf ears and a tail? I'd like to know what it looks like." All of a sudden ears and a tail that matches his dirty blonde hair appear. "This is not my full form, buts it is partial. I don't know how to use my full form." I reach up and try to touch the ears. Jaxson laughs then sits on the bench so I can reach them. They're so soft once I start petting his ears his tail begins to wag. He stares at his tail next to him flopping up and down. I giggle at the sight. He looks away shyly. "I can't control it."

The door slides up and a woman with glasses and a white coat walks in. "Hello, boys. I'm quite surprised you're getting along. Vampires and werewolves usually don't get along but your tests showed you were perfect for each other. So I guess it worked out. I'm Amy, and I'm your human. That means I will be the one taking care of you two, no more robots. Also, you will get to meet more people in the commons. But not now, we have to move you two into our community complex. So head to your rooms, there should be a suitcase so put all the things you want with you in there. Meet me back here in 15 minutes."

I walk back to my room. There's a little suitcase sitting on my bed. I grab my extra paper and drawings. I set them into the suitcase. I put my book in as well. I take one last look at the room I lived in for the past seventeen years by myself. I walk out and the door closes.

I walk back into the room and see Amy and Jaxson talking. "Are you ready to go Kade?" Amy looks at me. "Let's go." She smiles and presses a button on a small device. A door on the other side of the room slides up and Amy leads us through. We walk a while then arrive at a door. The door opens when she puts her hand on the scanner. "You two can do the same, your palm prints are already in the system." We walk through the door. There's a couch in front of a TV, what I think is a kitchen area, there are also three doors that have our names above them and one that doesn't.  "Only you and I can open your specific door. I will respect your privacy and will not enter unless I believe there is an emergency. Go to your rooms and unpack. I will make some lunch."

I walk over to my door and put my palm on the pad next to it. The door slides open and I walk in. There's a bed, a side table with a lamp, a desk, and a bookshelf. It's nicer than my old room. The walls aren't white they are light blue and my bed has a red blanket, not a white one. Everything is so colorful, that it's not as depressing. I set my suitcase on the bed and take out my paper and set it on the desk. I set my book on the bookshelf. My stomach churns and hurts a little bit.

I walk back into the living room. I see Amy cooking something in a weird curved thing with a handle. I walk over and stare. "I forget you've never seen a kitchen. This is a pan, it's sitting on the stove." She points up to a box with a window and a handle, "That's  a microwave." She points to an even bigger box with two doors and two handles, "That's the fridge. I'll show you how everything works later. Go sit on the couch and wait for the food to be done. You can turn on the TV if you want." I go and sit down on the couch. I grab a thing with a bunch of buttons. I press a red one and the TV lights up. There's a fluffy animal, I think it's a cat. At least that's what I remember it is from the books I read when I was little.

Jaxson walks out of his room and sits down next to me. He sniffs the air and looks back at Amy. "Chicken?" "That's right. It's good, your senses have heightened." He looks back at me and grabs my hand. He sniffs it and then puts it up to his ears. "Pet me again." He lays his head on my lap and swings his legs up onto the couch. I pet his ears and his tail wags as I do.

About 10 minutes later Amy announces that lunch is ready. We get up and go sit at the table that's in the kitchen. She sets down a plate in front of both of us. It's chicken and corn. She goes to the fridge opens it and grabs out something that makes my senses spike. I can hear the blood in the bag slosh as she pours it into a cup. I stare at it as she carries it over and sets it down by my plate. Jaxson stares at it. Amy gets him something else to drink. She sits down and begins to eat so I begin as well. "Once you finish put your dishes in the sink and we'll go to the commons. There will be werewolves and vampires so try your best to fit in, I'm sure they'll accept you both." I finish my food and blood. I set the dishes in the sink. I go and sit on the couch and wait for Jaxson and Amy to finish once they do Amy leads them out of the room.

We head down the hall to a door. Amy uses her palm to open the door we walk in and everyone looks over at us. It's a large room with a couple of couches, a few tables with different games, there's even an old-fashioned jukebox. A small girl with short black hair comes up to me and drags me to a couch. She sits down next to me. "Your chosen is a werewolf?" She stares at me intently. "Yeah, his name is Jaxson. I'm Kade. What's your name." She covers her like she's surprised, "Oh, my apologies for my rudeness. I'm Vivian, a vampire like you." Another girl sits down, she has red hair that is like a flame. "Hey, Vivi, who's the new guy?" She looks at me and gives me a friendly smile. "Emma, this is Kade, Kade this is my chosen Emma." I reach my hand out for a handshake. She grabs my hand and flips me onto the floor. "Gotta be prepared for anything Kade, especially with the  werewolves round here."

I sit up and before I know it Jaxson is next to me glaring at Emma. She glares back. "Go back to your kind, you mutt." I hear a low growl come from Jaxson. "Both of you calm down." Jax looks at me. Vivian speaks up, "Emma they're each other's chosen one. They have an unbreakable bond as we do. You have to accept that. Of course, the wolf is protective." Jax helps me stand up. He glances at Emma before walking away. "You poor thing. It's been years since a vampire and a werewolf have been each other's chosen. Every vamp here hates werewolves, so don't talk about him to anybody, kay?" Emma looks serious. "Alright, I won't." I sit down on the couch next to Vivian. Emma gets up and goes to talk to somebody else. "You can talk to me about him. It's okay with me. You both seem like good guys." I

She gives me a sweet smile. "Thanks, Vivian." I smile back.

I continue talking to Vivian for a while but Emma comes and drags her away to play a board game. I sit there by myself. I notice Jaxson staring at me. I pat the open spot on the couch, motioning for him to come over. He sits crisscross next to me on the couch. "How's it going?" He looks at me and his ears twitch. "I guess I'm a part of their pack now, they say I'm a mid-ranking wolf. It's just one higher than the lowest and our pack doesn't even have an omega because they are no small children. Most of them don't like me 'cause my chosen is you." He looks at me. "Yeah, I got the same thing from the vampires." I point to an older man in his mid-forties, "That's the boss, or leader, or whatever you want to call him. And that's all the authority I need to know." We sit and watch people walk around talking, dancing, and playing board games. Then a bell rings and everyone goes to the door.

It slowly slides open and everyone files out and heads back to their rooms. When Jax and I get back, we see Amy sitting and watching TV. "Hey boys. How'd it go?" "It was good, I met some nice people." Jaxson nods in agreement. "I'll make dinner in a little bit, so do whatever." I walk over to my door and put my palm up to it. It slides open. I flop down on my bed. Today was exhausting. My eyes slowly close and I enter a well-needed slumber.