
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 4

Kade's Pov:

Jax and I make it back to our room. We sit down on the couch. Jack grabs my face to examine it. His face is so close. "That son of a bitch. He had no right to hit you." I grab his hand and pull it away from my face. "I'm ok. You got kicked around more than I did. Are you alright?" He looks down at his hands. He's twiddling his thumbs. "I'm completely fine." 2 minutes later Amy runs in saying, "What happened!?" She stands in front of us on the couch. "We didn't start it." Jax looks at her with stern eyes. The same eyes that he used when he looked at the guy. Amy lets out a sigh then crouches and puts her hands on her forehead. "Thanks for not throwing any punches. You would've been in a lot more trouble if you did." I speak up, "What's going to happen to the other werewolf?" Amy stands back up. "You don't need to worry about him for a while. You're both going to file reports, so let's get that done now. I'll go get the papers" She walks into her room.

"Why do you care what's gonna happen to Gerry?" I look over and Jax is looking at me with an unhappy look on his face. "I don't care about him. I was just curious." Jax stands up. "Ok, whatever." Did I seriously piss him off? "You have no reason to be mad at me." This ticks him off more. He raises his voice, "Just shut up, Kade." It's as if he punched me straight in the face. I feel tears begin to sting in my eyes. I wipe my eyes and push what he said out of my head. He crosses his arms. "Stop arguing now." Amy walks up to each of us and hands us a piece of paper. "Write what happened then bring it back to me, ok?" I nod my head and Jax does the same. Jax goes into his room. Jeez, why is he being like this? Can't he just get over it? I guess Amy saw me staring at his door, "He's just protective and doesn't like you to care about someone who hurt you. Talk to him later about it after you write your report." I walk into my room and begin my report.

Jaxson's Pov:

Why would he care? Gerry hurt him, I wouldn't care if he dies, but Kade cares about what's gonna happen to him. Why? I don't understand vampires sometimes. I sit at my desk and begin to write about what happened in the commons today.

I walk over to Amy's door and knock. The door slides open. She sitting at a desk with a bunch of papers. "Here's the report." I set it on her desk with another report that has Kade's name on the top. "You should go check on him. He's confused as to why you're mad at him." I look over at her. "But I'm not mad at him." She lets out a laugh. "Well, that's not what he thinks."

I walk out and over to Kade's door. I knock a few times. Then the door slides open. I see Kade sitting on his bed holding his pillow to his chest. He wipes his eyes with his sleeve. I walk over and sit next to him. "I'm not mad at you." He lets go of the pillow and hugs me instead. I hug him back. My tail begins to wag. "I'm sorry. Amy says I'm just overprotective sometimes." He releases me. "I know. I wasn't trying to take his side. He shouldn't have done those things. I was just curious." A tear runs down his nose. Without thinking I lick the tear. As I pull away I see his face. It painted a picture of total surprise and confusion. I chuckle. "Your face." I begin to laugh harder. Kade gets frustrated and hits me lightly. I lean back so my back is against his bedframe. He lays against me and we sit in comfort.

Not long later Kade sits up and looks at me. "Do you think your clan is going to be mad?" I hadn't thought of that. "They are probably going to be very upset with me. Gerry is more respectable than me. I'll be ok though. No need to worry." He still looks upset. "What if they kick you out of the clan? What if we get attacked again? What if-" I put my hand over his mouth. "Shush. Too many what-ifs. Let's not worry until something happens. Also, no one will hurt you, I won't let them." I watch as the anxiety in his eyes melts away. I take my hand off of his mouth. He's smiling. "Thank you, Jax." He smiles again. I can see his fangs poking out in his smile. Kade, why are you so adorable?