
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs

Queen's Wrath

Saad's heart raced as he surveyed his character window, taking in all the new abilities, items, and skills he had acquired. The rewards from the Abyssal chest had his excitement soaring, and he couldn't help but envision the power he could wield with the Serpent's Scale Whip and the Divine Relic of Ascendance. However, as he thought about the upcoming challenges, the foreboding weight of the SS-level quest "The Curse of Fate" loomed over him. The thought of unlocking the Ancient Library of Argenis and the potential rewards it held was both alluring and intimidating. He knew that this quest wouldn't be easy, and the difficulty rating only reinforced that fact.

As Saad considered the potential risks and rewards, he heard that same familiar sound of spiders moving. A new realization hit him. He had inadvertently overlooked the timer on the "Wells of Despair" quest. He had mistaken the timer for the completion of the quest, but it actually signaled the arrival of the Arachnid Queen. Panic surged through him as he realized his mistake. Quickly recognizing the danger, Saad's instincts kicked in. He had limited defensive capabilities and locked vitality, making him vulnerable. He needed to find cover and evade the impending threat. He managed to blend into the shadows, hiding himself from view and carefully observing the ominous scene unfolding before him.

The Skittering sound of the approaching spider grew louder, and soon, Saad laid eyes upon the Shadow-web Arachnid Queen herself. She was an imposing figure, larger than an adult male, and her description radiated fear and danger. She had a completely black body and glowing dark purple eyes with her hairy body even more prominent. The baby arachnids were one thing, but Saad wasn't mentally ready to take on this monstrosity.

Monster Name: Shadow-web Arachnid Queen

Level: 13

Type: Shadow



HP: 130/130

ATK: 34

VIT: 34

AGI: 37

INT: 42

The Arachnid Queen's abilities were formidable, and her presence was enough to send shivers down Saad's spine. He watched her anxiously, hoping to remain undetected and avoid a confrontation. He knew he wasn't ready to take on such a powerful adversary, especially considering his limited defenses and lack of mana. The Arachnid Queen's attributes and abilities were a stark reminder of the danger he faced. The thought of engaging her in combat was out of the question for now. He remembered the quest titled "Slaying the Queen -2," which revealed that the Queen was the cause of the infestation in Seraphia. However, he had no intention of attempting that quest at this moment. The rewards were tempting, but the risk was far too high. As Saad's heart raced, he hoped that his concealed position would be enough to keep him safe from the Queen's attention. He mentally prepared himself for a tense wait, hoping that the Arachnid Queen would eventually move on and allow him to slip away unnoticed. He was trying to hold his breath, not moving an inch as he looked as the Queen continued to screech and move around. It seemed that destroying the eggs had angered her and now she was ready to tear apart whoever came into her way.

As the tense moments dragged on, Saad's hopes of avoiding detection were dashed. As the Arachnid Queen's piercing gaze locked onto Saad, time seemed to slow down. The monstrous spider launched herself at him with incredible speed, her shadowy form a nightmare brought to life. Panic surged through Saad's veins, his every instinct screaming at him to move, to escape, to survive. His fingers tightened around the Serpent's Scale Whip, and he swung it desperately, the leather strands cutting through the air with a sharp hiss. The Queen's venomous fangs lunged at him, dripping with a lethal concoction. Saad's whip connected with one of the fangs, the impact jarring his arm as the Queen's force threatened to overwhelm him. The clash of metal and exoskeleton sent a shiver through his bones, and he staggered backward, barely managing to keep his footing on the uneven terrain.

He could feel the Arachnid Queen's eerie presence pressing down on him, her skittering legs sending chills racing up his spine. His breath came in ragged gasps, his heart pounding wildly against his ribcage. The taste of fear was sharp in his mouth, and he clenched his teeth, refusing to be consumed by it. Saad's whip strikes were uncoordinated, lacking the fluidity of a seasoned fighter. He aimed for the Queen's underbelly, seeking a weak point, but his strikes were deflected by the Queen's chitinous armor. Each blow he landed felt like hitting a solid wall, his arms trembling from the impact. He managed to graze the Queen's exoskeleton with a strike, leaving behind a thin trail of white marks as proof of his efforts.

But Saad's desperation was palpable, his movements bordering on frantic as he tried to anticipate the Queen's next attack. The thought of losing his hard-earned experience points and potentially a level weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he couldn't afford to be reckless, not against an opponent of this magnitude. Then, a sudden rush of air and a whizzing sound cut through the chaos. An arrow streaked past Saad's ear, striking the Queen's side with a sickening thud. A triumphant cry escaped Saad's lips as he realized that he wasn't alone in this battle. Another player had arrived to aid him, and her presence was a lifeline that he desperately clung to.

Ruth, the level 19 archer, had unleashed her arrow with precision. Saad watched as the projectile embedded itself in the Queen's side, eliciting a shrill screech of pain. The Queen's attention shifted momentarily from Saad to the new threat, and he seized the opportunity to regain his footing. His breathing was heavy, his chest heaving as he forced himself to remain steady. His stamina was being consumed and he had already lost a third of his HP. Saad's gaze locked onto the Queen, his body tensed for the next onslaught. The battle had become a dance of life and death, every movement carrying the weight of his survival. His gaze met with the archer briefly but she didn't seem to be looking at him but rather the arachnid Queen.

The Queen's legs skittered across the ground, her massive form weaving in and out of the shadows. Her venomous fangs gleamed ominously, a stark reminder of the danger she posed. Saad decided to take advantage of the situation and provide some aid. He didn't want to be a deadweight and if he was being honest, he wanted to be the one to deal the last hit and get to be the one who slayed the queen. It was his chance! Saad's whip strikes were more measured now, each one a calculated attempt to weaken the Queen's defenses. His arms burned with the effort, his muscles protesting against the strain.

The Queen's movements slowed, her agility compromised by the relentless assault of Ruth's arrows and Saad's desperate whip strikes. Her form became a patchwork of injuries, her chitinous armor bearing the marks of their combined efforts. Saad's determination burned brighter, his pulse racing in rhythm with his attacks. And then, as the battle reached its climax, the Queen's screech of agony pierced the air. Saad's whip found its mark, striking a vulnerable spot on the Queen's abdomen. The Queen's legs buckled, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. Saad's heart thundered in his chest, a mix of relief and triumph surging through him.

The monstrous spider's descent was slow, her legs folding beneath her as she crumbled to the ground. The earth shook with her impact, a cloud of dust rising in her wake. Saad stood there, his chest heaving, his grip on the whip still tight. The battle was won, but the aftermath left him trembling, a mixture of adrenaline and exhaustion coursing through his veins. He looked to Ruth, who had been the catalyst for their victory. Their eyes met, and Saad offered a shaky but grateful nod. Ruth's presence had been a turning point, a saving grace in his darkest moment. He realized that, in this MMORPG world, his survival would often hinge on the alliances he forged and the teamwork he embraced. But Ruth didn't seem to be interested in that. She looked confused and somewhat in shock. Her 'rudeness' left a bitter taste in his mouth but he didn't care because not only did he clear the quest but also reach level 11 and…

[Achievement unlocked! You have fought against a foe powerful than you for the first time.]

[Your PATK has increases by 5.]

[Your PDEF has increased by 0.1]

[Your agility has increased by 1.]

[Your strength has increased by 2]

[[Congratulations. You have killed Shadowweb Arachnid Queen. You have received a new title 'Shadow-web Queen Slayer.' Please check the character window for more details.]

As the echoes of the battle's end faded, Saad's gaze shifted to the empty spot where now nothing remained of the Arachnid Queen. The reality of the victory settled in, along with a newfound sense of accomplishment. He had faced a true trial, and though the scars of the battle were etched into his memory, they were also a testament to his growth.

He soon felt burning gaze on himself and saw to side to see Ruth glaring at him hotly, "You stole my pray! How dare you! You filthy thief!"

Saad felt his heart drop. 'Oh no-'

Perhaps Saad made a mistake. Woul Ruth let go of this or will Saad has to suffer consequences?

Han_Sirangcreators' thoughts