
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Bound by Choice

As Saad drew closer, he noticed a warm, knowing smile on the man's lips. It was a smile that seemed to acknowledge a connection that Saad couldn't make sense of. He had to say that it was strange. It reminded him of when sometimes somebody would smile at him but then realize that he was the wrong guy. He wondered if he just had that kind of face both in and outside the game. Saad was thinking of talking but then, to Saad's surprise, the man spoke with a familiarity that caught him off guard.

"Well, look who's finally decided to show up," the man said, his tone casual yet tinged with a hint of amusement.

Saad blinked, his mind racing to process what was happening. Did his character 'Kael' know this person from somewhere? He expected that familiar tingle but there was nothing, no new memory, and the man's face remained unfamiliar. "Uh, have we met before?" Saad asked, his curiosity piqued but kept his tone really polite because it was clear that this person would be handling his class change.

The man chuckled, a warm sound that seemed to resonate with the very air around them. "In a way, yes. Though you might not remember. You're here to acquire your class, right?"

Saad was a little confused. What was the purpose of saying that? He was in the class changing tower and so what else he would be there for, if not for class change or acquiring his first class?

Saad's heart raced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity as the man's words hung in the air. He nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on the man's enigmatic smile. If he was honest, he felt thrilled. He really wanted to see just what acquiring the class did for you, "Yes, I'm here to get my class."

The man rose gracefully from his spot by the stream, his movements fluid and effortless. He stepped closer to Saad, his eyes locking onto Saad's with a gaze that seemed to penetrate his very thoughts. "Acquiring a class, young one, is not a simple transaction. It's a journey, a test to see if you are truly matched for the path you seek."

Saad's eyebrows furrowed, his curiosity growing. He had expected a straightforward process, but the man's words hinted at something more profound. "A journey? What do you mean?"

The man's lips curled into a smirk, his gaze unwavering. "A journey that will require dedication, determination, and resilience. It's not a mere ceremony but a path you must tread, a challenge you must overcome."

Saad felt a sense of uncertainty creeping in. He hadn't expected this. He had thought that class acquisition was simply a matter of choice, but now it seemed like there was more to it. "Do you mean there are trials or tests involved?"

The man's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and something else that Saad couldn't quite decipher. "Indeed, trials that will push you to your limits. It's a path that separates the committed from the casual."

Saad's heart pounded. He hadn't anticipated this level of commitment. He glanced at the tranquil surroundings, realizing that this serene forest hut held secrets and challenges he hadn't bargained for. "I... I see."

The man's expression turned serious, his voice taking on a weighty tone. "Tell me, young one, do you truly have the time and dedication to embark on this journey? It won't be easy, and it won't be quick. It's a path that demands your unwavering resolve."

Saad's mood had dampened a little, knowing that getting your class meant going through another series of trials but he couldn't back away. Getting his class would be the start for gaining true power. He wouldn't always be doing safe quests, it was obvious that dealing with monsters was harder but also bore more fruits than simple quests. His determination flared once again as he remembered his goals, his aspirations within this virtual world. He met the man's gaze with newfound determination. "I have the dedication, and I'm willing to face the challenges."

The man chuckled softly, his demeanor easing slightly. "Very well then. You seem resolute, and I sense a fire within you. But remember, it's a journey that will test not only your skills but also your character. It will take a long time."

Saad nodded, his focus sharpening. He couldn't afford to back down now. He had come this far, and he was determined to see it through. However, his determination was met with an unexpected realization. Panic surged within him as he checked the timer for his active quest. His heart sank as he realized that he only had half an hour left for the family dinner quest.

His eyes widened, and a sense of regret washed over him. He had lost track of time, engrossed in the conversation and the allure of this magical place. He had made a crucial mistake by not clarifying the process with the receptionist. He had lost three spheres, and now he was running out of time.

Saad's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, a mix of frustration and resignation in his tone. "I... I appreciate your guidance, but I'm afraid I have to leave. I have a family dinner to attend."

The man's laughter resonated through the forest, hearty and carefree. He seemed utterly unbothered by Saad's predicament. "Ah, the demands of the realm. Go then, young one. Family is important, after all. But remember, the journey awaits whenever you're ready."

Saad felt a swirl of conflicting emotions as he turned to leave, his steps heavy with disappointment. He had come here with high hopes, only to leave without the answers he sought. But as he glanced back at the man, who had already resumed his fishing as if nothing had happened, a determination ignited within him once again.

He would return to this place, prepared and resolute. He would undertake the journey, face the challenges, and emerge stronger on the other side. With a final nod to the man, Saad stepped away from the idyllic forest scene and back into the tower's reception area, his mind already racing with plans and preparations.

The journey to acquire his class had only just begun, and Saad was determined to see it through to the end.

Saad re-entered the elevator, his mind racing with a mix of frustration and determination. He could feel the receptionist's curious gaze on him, likely surprised at his rapid return. Without wasting a moment, Saad rushed out of the tower. The door swung shut behind him, and he burst into motion, utilizing his high agility state to its fullest potential.

With the wind rushing past him, Saad ran at full speed, navigating the virtual streets with precision. His determination fueled his pace, and he darted through the virtual world with unparalleled speed thanks to the [Mist Walker Ensemble]. The minutes seemed to fly by as the scenery blurred around him.

Soon, he arrived at his virtual home with mere minutes to spare before the appointed time of the quest. But thankfully, he was on time and didn't fail the quest as the notification appeared, notifying him about completing the quest successfully.

As he entered, he found Lavinia, his virtual mother, waiting with a warm smile on her face. She was wearing a different outfit than this morning, looking younger and even more gorgeous, which really made him stare at her in appreciation. Her eyes lit up as she saw him, and she motioned for him to approach.

"Kael, dear, you've made it just in time," Lavinia said, her voice filled with maternal affection. "Go change quickly and join us at the dinner table. Your father and grandfather are already there."

Saad nodded, relief flooding through him. He hurried to his virtual room, his heart still racing from the unexpected turn of events earlier. The sense of urgency pushed him to change swiftly. As he entered his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in this familiar space.

His virtual room was neatly organized, and as he spotted the outfit laid out for him, his eyes glinted. 'Didn't the quest had no rewards?' he thought to himself as he approached the bed. It was a finely crafted ensemble, a velvet coat in a deep brown shade adorned with intricate patterns. The luxurious boots and accompanying accessories added a touch of elegance to the attire.

Saad took a deep breath as he donned the outfit, feeling a sense of transformation. The coat fit him perfectly, its material soft against his skin. As he fastened the buttons and adjusted the boots, a notification popped up:

[New Outfit Equipped: Velvety Elegance]

He blinked in surprise as the attributes appeared on the screen.

- Resistance to Cold by 100%

- Charm +50

A mix of shock and delight coursed through him. He hadn't expected such benefits from changing his attire. It seemed that the quest had hidden rewards. He had lost three spheres but he was sure that this outfit alone was perhaps worth way more than that.

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