

Children's dreams are something valuable and treasured by them and by us as well, we must motivate them to continue dreaming and to make their dreams come true.

Like every child, Oscar, he knew exactly that he wanted to be when he grew up and that idea began to have life, since Oscar was only four years old.

One day, while they were having lunch, his mother asked Oscar: "Son, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

After listening to the question, Oscar answers the following: "Mommy, I want to be a great Chef and thus cook you the richest food in the world"

His mother was moved after hearing Oscar's response, which motivated him from that moment on, his love of cooking and preparing all kinds of sweets and food.

The help that Oscar was providing in the kitchen is so valuable that I continue to motivate him to continue like this and never give up his dreams.

Oscar, felt proud and happy of himself, for the achievements obtained in this regard, which he asked his mother to allow him to spend more time in the kitchen, to learn new recipes.

His mother accepted and from that moment, Oscar, has not stopped helping his mother.