

Children, like adults, dream what their dream vacation would be like and where it would be.

Marina Castelblanco, is a four-year-old girl who wanted to go to amusement parks.

Her parents, who did not have enough money to fulfill the dreams of either of their two daughters, felt sad about it.

They, as parents, felt pressured by not being able to fulfill their daughters' dreams; especially not being able to fulfill the dreams of his youngest daughter, Marina.

And that happened to the two sisters who did not stop being girls and playing and doing all things together.

Marina, seeing the suffering of her parents and her entire family, decided not to say where she would like to go; far from it, you would like to go to amusement parks.

Marina, preferred to keep her dreams to herself, before telling her family about her dreams and seeing them even more worried than before.

Instead, Laura began to complain to her family why they are not going on a trip.

Marina, seeing her sister Laura's reaction, approached her and said the following: "Little sister, don't be like that, we must understand our parents and our entire family, who do not have money, and we must give them love and support"

The Castelblano family, who were there at the time, were moved to see Marina's sincere and honest reaction and the maturity with which she is taking this situation.

They were so moved that they could not hold back their tears and cried.

Both Marina and Laura, who did not understand why their family was crying; they just looked at them.

All they could do is hug Marina and between sobs, tell her how proud they were of her.

Laura, seeing the mistake she had made, approached her mother and asked her forgiveness for what she said and that she was deeply sorry for what she had said.

Her mother hugged her and told her that, just forget about that moment and whatever happens, the love they feel for both of them is enormous and that love is reciprocal.

Laura couldn't stop crying when Marina approached her and the only thing she could do is hug them.

The Castelblanco family had told Laura and Marina to forget about sadness and that, in this house, there should only be happiness, love and honesty between them.

They spent the remainder of the day happily; at the same time, they enjoyed a pleasant family moment.

While the Castelblanco family were in the living room talking, Laura and Marina went to their room to play and open some presents that had been brought to them.

Actually, the two sisters were enjoying their time as sisters, laughing and playing.

That time they were together served to make the bond of sisters extremely strong.

Marina, couldn't sleep because she was thinking about what to do to help her family and thus, stop crying and fighting.

Without anyone, including her sister Laura, seeing her, Marina picked up her notebook and started making a list of the things she had to do to collect money; so that he could give to his family and after having finished the list, he went to sleep.

The next day and after dressing, he took his notebook and gave a review of what he had written last night, before going to sleep.

Now, what Marina had to do is do all that, without raising any suspicions.

Marina took advantage of the few hours when her parents were really busy, looking for a way to earn more money and Marina prepared coffee, juices, made sweets in her own way and with all that ready, she went out to sell.

Little by little, Marina began to earn money, and she kept it in her safe that was well hidden.

Marina did the same every day and even sold at night.

For her part, Laura also did the same as her sister; But, Laura, she decided to sell all that, on every corner she saw, day and night.

Money that she earned, money that Laura kept, so that when it was time to have raised enough, she could give it to her entire family.

Soon after, her entire family began to notice how tired Marina was, and they did not know why she was like this.

Her parents, they asked Laura, did she know the reason why Marina was so tired, and she said no; so, they decided to ask Marina, and she just kept quiet.

Her parents, like Laura, insisted that Marina tell them the truth and the poor thing had no choice but to tell the whole truth.

The three of them were really moved by Marina's gesture, who hugged her two daughters and told them that they thanked God for having such wonderful daughters like them.

While their parents were hugging their daughters, they could see that Laura had lost weight and that alarmed them quite a bit.

The girls' parents did not know what to do about it and the only thing they could do is ask Laura the reason for her thinness. Laura, like Marina, told them the entire truth.

Their parents returned to hug their two daughters so hard and with much love. They could not help crying with happiness, seeing the maturity of their two daughters in this situation and everything they did, both of them, to help their entire family.

The parents of the two girls, gathered their entire family and told them what their daughters had done, to help everyone.

The entire Castelblanco family were really excited to see the maturity of Laura and Marina who decided to do something to repay so much love.

All, in their own way and thanks to all the jobs they had, had managed to raise enough money to go on a trip.

Also, they had Laura and Marina's money; but, they didn't want to use it because, it's theirs.

The Castelblanco family prepared a surprise for Laura and Marina and it is to take them to Los Angeles - California, to the amusement parks.

At Christmas, the Castelblanco family gave that surprise to the two girls.

When they opened the gift, they saw that there were air tickets to the United States; especially, for Los Angeles - California and there were tickets for amusement parks.

The Castelblanco family went to the Amusement Parks and had the best moments as a family.