

Children's dreams are something that we must treasure and always keep in mind; above all, if those dreams make them immensely happy.

We, as adults that we are, must encourage children to continue dreaming and never stop dreaming.

One believes that children, being children, have no idea or do not dream of the profession to follow.

It's not like that. They are the people who have a clear idea of ​​the profession to follow.

A good example is Bianca. Bianca is a five-year-old girl who, despite being restless, naive, and mischievous, is very clear about what she wants to be when she grows up.

Despite being five years old, she is mature and serious, compared to the other children who are still childish.

One day, her aunt asks Bianca: "Niece, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

And Bianca replies: "Auntie, I want to be a makeup artist and a masseuse"

Her aunt, Gina, was happy and excited to hear her niece say with all sincerity what she wanted to be when she grew up.

When they finished eating, Gina calls Bianca's parents and tells them what Bianca just said to her.

They are very surprised after hearing their daughter's response.