

In those times, ruled by royalty, two girls were born, who became best friends. They were about Amy and Meghan.

Amy is six years old who lives with her parents, uncles, grandparents and quite a few people who work at the castle; For this reason, the poor girl has been educating herself all these years, in the castle.

Amy, is a princess, who was born with all the luxuries that anyone who was born royalty has the right to have and to enjoy. Despite the fact that the little princess was born with all the privileges, she did not feel happy, because the most important thing was missing and that is friendship.

Every time Amy looked out from her bedroom window, she could see the children playing, laughing and sharing good times together; which was not the case with her; And he was sad to see all that, because he had no friends with whom to share all those moments, which all children share.

The reason why no one approached Amy is because she is a princess and everyone had to respect her and not have any kind of contact with her.

That is why, Amy was always sad because, she knew that no one would treat her for being a princess and that, it hurt her deeply.

"Mom, why can't I go out and enjoy like other children?" Amy asked, when she saw and heard how happy children are.

Do you really want to do it? Why do you want to go out and play with them? "His mother asked him.

"Mommy, I want to go out and play with children my age, have friends and I don't want them to treat me differently because I'm a princess, I don't want to," he replied to his mother sadly.

Amy's mother could notice how sad her daughter was and could not prevent her from starting to cry; because, he does not leave the house and has no friends.

Amy's mother, who is also called Amy, hugged her daughter, comforting her at the same time.

«My daughter, if you want to go out to play with your friends, you will; But, first, I must talk to your father, so that he can give you authorization, okay, my daughter? », her mother told her, when they were both calmer.

«Yupi mommy! And thank you, "said her daughter, hugging her mother with all her might.

So Amy went to speak directly to her husband, King Andrew, to tell him of their daughter's sadness. She found him in the study room, going through some important papers that he had to urgently sign.

Hi Andrew, how nice I found you! I need to talk to you urgently, "Amy told him, as she finished closing the door.

"Hi Amy. If it is urgent and important, let's talk, "her husband replied, when he was putting away all the important documents, to speak with his wife.

"You're not going to ask me what it is," Amy told him, as she sat down in one of the chairs she found unoccupied.

'Forgive me dear, what is it about? Is something wrong? "Andrew asked, seeing the expression on his wife's face.

"No, nothing bad happens, what happens is that our Amy is sad because she wants to leave the castle, to enjoy with children her age, that's all," Amy said, while she was drinking coffee.

«You know well that our daughter cannot leave the castle. I know and I am aware that we are causing harm to our Amy; But I don't want to lose her and I don't want anything bad to happen to her, "her sad husband replied.

The reason why he did not want Amy to leave the castle is because he does not want the same thing to happen to her as her twin sister, Meghan, who, Matilda, her trusted employee, took her away years ago.

atilda, took Meghan, to take over the castle, in the not too distant future and that idea, has been tormenting them for years, not knowing anything about their daughter.

After some time, all the two sisters met again and found out that they are sisters.

They immediately went to their parents, who were waiting for them with open arms.

That same day, they put Matilda in jail.

From that moment, everyone lived happily ever after.