

Author: August_BlackHeart
Eastern Fantasy
Completed · 310.7K Views
  • 40 Chs
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What is CHAOS

Read ‘CHAOS’ Online for Free, written by the author August_BlackHeart, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, BETRAYAL Light Novel, REVENGE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Underestimated…That is what I have been almost all my life just because I am a female, a woman, a lady... but I understa...


Underestimated… That is what I have been almost all my life just because I am a female, a woman, a lady... but I understand… this world is filled with egotistic and chauvinistic men that need to be taught a lesson and I am more than happy to do so… My life has never been all fun and roses… I still had my mum and brothers but it will never be the same without my father. I may be of age. Far past the finding your mate age but that doesn’t mean I am in a hurry to get a mate not that I don’t want one. I do but I’m just not in a hurry. But the goddess ad fate as always did the exact opposite of what my heart desired… they brought my mate to my doorstep and I took it with a determined heart but I was in for a surprise. My mate wanted another yet he didn’t want to let me go. He wanted to eat his cake and have it. Forgetting that life doesn’t work that way. He welcomed me into his home and pack with a happy face yet I was being disrespected, ridiculed and pitied behind my back. I may act ignorant but I’m no fool. I like to plan my actions before I take it so that I would be well prepared for the consequences that may follow. And as usual my new pack comes first before my needs but that doesn’t stop me from showing my mate that he messed with the wrong bitch. Because I was named CHAOS for a reason. I am going to tear into his conscience and torment the living daylights out of him for I may be a bitch. But I am nobody’s bitch…

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I really loved this book but the ending was not satisfying at all. I absolutely HATE how it ended. You left no room for redemption at all. I am devastated how it ended. I kept holding out hope for real forgiveness and a chance for him to redeem himself but I was so let down I want to cry.


Does this book have a sequel or something? I can’t find it


Good short story, would like to know when and if the other stories are out


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