
Chaos and Order...Nah, I want fun!!!

Chaos yet Order Cruelty yet Compassion Intrigue yet Dissatisfaction Arrogance yet Humility Sadism yet Empathy Patience yet Craving Passion yet Restraint Indifference yet Love Ambition yet Caution Insignificant yet Intelligent Dark yet Light Evil yet Good And most importantly, Bored yet Excited When you're someone that complex of character, what exactly do you do when the chance of overwhelming power lands on your lap? What value is standards and morality? For me, my new life will be one big show. And I am the main character. I do as I wish, I have what I need, I take what I want. And everyone just short of Him who I admire and revere, will not stop me. Omnipotence! No. That is God's domain. But I'll take nigh-omnipotence. That's a lot more fun. Starting universe; Star Wars boys! ******** MC won't be in a relationship until DC. But it doesn't mean he won't be naughty!

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

There is never a 'right' choice

As intended, I appeared on Naboo. From where I was standing, I could see the city of Theed atop a great valley. I stood there for a minute to drink in the sight of what was only a fantasy to me not long ago. It was in that moment that the reality of where I was and what I was doing hit me. I was standing in a fictional universe with unfathomable power at my fingertips. And I had free reign to do as I please.

What should I do? I could keep to canon and try to manipulate things a bit to eliminate the Sith. Or I could just stick around for the events of the first episode and leave. To be honest, I wasn't all that bothered about staying until the end. Or I could join the Sith. Or I could create a new order of my own...nah, too much work.

You know what? I could do all of those things in different iterations of this universe. Complete one set of events and then come back later to the beginning and do another set. That sounds fun.

Alright, keep to canon it is. I'd read a lot of fanfics where the MC becomes Padme's bodyguard. I cringed a little when I thought about doing this but in all reality, it truly was one of the best ways to keep in control of the plot since the first episode revolved around her choices. Do yeah that's what I was going to do.

I equipped my nanobot mask. I seriously missed my War Machine visage. I also created a small cloak that only reached knee and slung it over my left shoulder. I dropped KLS into my inventory and hung CLS on my right side which was exposed. I was going in Sasuke style. With all that done, I teleported into the capital.

I honestly was considering how I could go about this as I made my way to the palace. Unlike those fics, I couldn't just walk up to the palace guards and demand an audience with the queen. And then there was convincing the queen to take me on as a bodyguard. I just couldn't see a possible way to go about it.

'Man, I wish there was an easier way...'

In response to that thought, I could feel my Dragon God powers react instantly. I gave my self a mental facepalm. I'd just activated my wishing powers without realising. An amateurish mistake.

Before I could think any further, my Force senses flared, though not for my sake because I was in danger but because it wanted me to pay attention to something on my right.

Looking that way, I found myself staring into the mouth of a not so well lit alleyway. The sun was going down and the shadows were sinking in. Two men had a smaller figure shrouded in a dark cloak pressed slightly against a wall. I could hear low voices.

"Give us yer money!" one of the brutes said. They way he said it sounded as if he was a bit delirious, probably a drink too many.The smaller figure shuffled a bit. Unseen to the two idiots, I could see the left hand snake down towards their waist, indicating a weapon on them. However, I could sense great reluctance from them. They were unwilling to pull out what was most definitely a blaster if I was correct about that shape hugged by the cloak.

"I'm sorry good sirs. Unfortunately, I do not have any on me at the moment." That was definitely a feminine voice. Explains the hesitation.

"Think you're smart kid? That cloak alone is weaved in expensive silk. And we saw come up from the higher districts. Hand them over before you have to compensate in other ways." Brute 2 leered.


This had to end now. It did not necessarily have to go that far, but I wasn't going to take that risk. There's one thing about men, and it's that we are good at keeping malicious promises. Or so I think. That's my personal opinion anyway. Without a second thought I walked into the alley to play with a couple of scumbags.


(Padme POV)

I had just wanted to get away from the palace for a bit. I was eager to become Queen of my people so I could better their lives and bring prosperity upon them. But I had no idea how much 'bonuses' I'd get.

Panaka is a loyal guard and I appreciate it, I really do. But he was always tailing me, on the lookout for someone who wished to harm me. Even in my own home. And the council meetings were such a slave drive too. For once I just wanted to sneak out and have a good time on my lonesome.

But fate did not look kindly upon me today. I had a nice walk around the city but made the unbecoming mistake of trying to take a shortcut home. And that is how I encountered these two unsavory characters. I try to believe in the good of people but I am not blind to the cancers that live within society. These people who operated on the fumes of liquor cornered me demanding money for no doubt more drinks.

I had strapped an ELG-3A to my waist so as not to be completely defenseless. But it was in this moment I couldn't make up my mind. On one hand I wanted to get out of here through any means especially after their most recent comment. On the other, as a Queen I had a duty to protect these people. Was it right to turn my weapon upon the very people I had sworn to protect and nurture.

Thankfully that decision was taken out of my hands when I heard a distorted "Greetings."

My head swivelled towards the entrance of the alley I had taken. There stood a stranger. He was dressed in clothes that were not so unusual in the republic but certainly not what everyday Nubians would wear. His dress consisted of small grey robes, the tails of which hung behind his calves. Around his waist was a utility belt which I could assume held weapons with a small loincloth. Armour covered his legs, arms and chest. He wore a strange helmet that was grey in colour. The expression on the face was grim and emotionless. I felt a little intimidated by it but I was willing to accept any help. I almost missed one detail in my observation. As queen, I had been trained to observe a person down to the finest detail, which is how I caught notice of black piece of metal hanging from his right hip. My eyes widened. What was a Jedi doing here?

"Huh. Who's he?" Questioned one of the two unfortunates.

My mysterious saviour responded in his vocoded voice. "That isn't necessary at the moment. Could you be so kind as to step away from the young lady please?"

"Get lost sleemo. We're busy here." The first thug responded.

I could not see the strangers expression, but the atmosphere dropped as tension rose. This was the sign of someone not to happy with what they heard.

"I will say this again, step away from the young lady or there will be severe consequences."

The first thug huffed in annoyance and attempted an intimidating saunter towards the Jedi. "Did you not hear me slee-"

The thug was cut off as the Jedi held out a palm and the man flew backwards into a wall. Confirmed. He was a force-user, although this was the first time I had been so close to a demonstration.

The accomplice got startled as he watched his associate slump unconscious after being slammed into the wall.

"Kriff! A Jedi!" He pulled out a blaster which I had not seen before and began firing blaster shots at the man. If I didn't need more proof, the final point of evidence was when the piece of metal hanging from the Jedi's hip inexplicably flew into the man's hand, and ignited a beam of plasma. That was definitely a lightsaber. Although this was different. Unlike normal green and blues which I had seen with other Jedi, this was black. And the blade was shaped like a sharp sword instead of the long poles of energy I'd seen wielded by our galaxy's resident space monks. The blaster shots were deflected into the walls and the sky but never in my direction. The stranger then gestured with a finger and the blaster was ripped from the assailants hand before being crushed in midair and the launched into the thugs face. The man fell with a painful thump, sprawled out cold.

The stranger disengaged his saber and approached me. For some reason, I felt as if I had reached a pivotal and significant moment in my life.


I'm going to be honest, I was a simp for Natalie Portman. This girl was certainly reminiscent of her but she was a hell of a lot cuter. She still had some baby fat on her jaw and cheeks but when that disappeared, I knew she was going to be a looker that would make men cry in depravation.

"Should a Queen not be in the company of her entourage instead of wandering alone in the streets in the evening?" I asked her as I came to stop in front of her.

She held on a poker face under that hood which was honestly more endearing than stoic, but I could sense mild surprise from her. She pursed her lips before responding.

"I suppose there is no use of denial before a Jedi. Although I must ask how you knew?"

I grimaced a little, not that she could see it. Before I responded, I had the nanobots open the mask a little bit to reveal my mouth. My chin and jaw were still armoured though.

"Forgive me. I am not a Jedi, but I am a Force-user. As to how I knew, there is little that can be hidden from the one who doesn't rely solely on his eyes to see but with equal measure of trust in the Force."

She nodded at my words though her eyes had widened upon seeing the way the nanobots parted to reveal my mouth. I just realized now that my voice was firm yet smooth. Not deep but masculine enough, the kind that revealed how old I could potentially be. As a Queen and a politician no less, I had no doubt she was quick to pick up on that.

"Indeed. Well if it is not so much trouble, may I know my savior's name?"

"Alexander Wilson. Those on more intimate grounds than mere acquaintances with me address me as Alex, Padme."

She raised an eyebrow at me, though not in a scrutinizing way but more of a playful jab.

"Bold enough to address a Queen with her given name I see." I smiled.

"Well it seemed sensible not say something like 'Your Majesty' or 'Queen Amidala' incessantly while we are out in the open away from your zone of comfort...Padme." She returned my smile with an appreciative nod. I gathered the up the balls to do something every guy is nervous of doing. "Well Padme. It is fortunate that I stumble upon you here. It saves me having to seek you out for an audience. Would you care to join me for a drink and a discussion?"

Her smile dropped a little and the look of wariness increased in her eyes.

"I do not intend to be rude. But would it not be sensible to decline such an offer from a stranger, even if they may have saved my life?"

"What if I promised to bring you to no harm, and that I truly wanted to have a peaceful discussion?"

"You are someone who recognized me instantly even though I have never met you. I am grateful for what you did, but how can I be certain you would keep that promise?"

I gave her a rueful smile.

"Unfortunately, many of us do not have the luxury of status and powerful families to make the choices for us. The common citizen of the Republic has to consistently take a leap of faith in everything they do to get by in this miserable reality we live in. Perhaps I am a sinister individual with unspeakable intentions towards you. Or maybe I am someone who wishes to discuss something important with you over a drink. Or I'm just a guy grabbing at the chance to ask a pretty girl out for a drink with him. Whichever approach you take, ultimately the decision is yours. I will not force you to do anything." I turned from her and began walking away. " There's a diner up ahead. I'll be there if you wish to see me."

With that I left her to her thoughts. In a couple of minutes I reached the diner and ordered blue milk from serving droid. I'd always wanted to try it. it reached in just fifteen seconds. Fast. But then again this isn't earth. Taking a sip, I marveled at the taste. It was sort of like a milkshake, but the flavour was similar to something I had back on Earth. If i could just remember...

I was broken out of my thoughts by the person I had spoken to minutes before gracefully slipping into a seat in front of me. Her hood was down although I could see her hair was loose.

" And so she takes the leap of faith. I was half expecting you not to do it." I smiled. "Although it was a foolish thing to do in hindsight."

She bristled at that.

"Did you not just tell me to take that leap?!"

"I did. However, if I were your advisor, I would have advised you not to do it as it posed too great a danger or at least a risk of it. By no means am I mocking you, but I want you to understand. There never truly is a "right" choice to make. Not everyone will be happy with your decisions. Every choice a person makes, there is a pro and a con, a gain and a loss, a proponent and an opponent.

My point is you are only human. To expect perfection of you simply because you are queen is the peak of utmost stupidity and no small measure of arrogance. Bear that in mind as you continue to sit on the throne."

Her face had taken a look of understanding as I gave my small pep talk.

"But as queen, should my decisions not be the best ones for my people?"

"Best does not mean perfection. I greatly respect what you did just now. You wished to put yourself in the shoes of one of your commonfolk subjects and see what they must go through. Not many rulers dare do such a thing. But those who expect perfection of you, you must realize it is only because they do not have the courage to make the choices that you do. They fear the responsibility and so it is easier to shift the target of a backlash from themselves onto you."

"You appear to speak very praiseworthy of me. I apologies but I am surrounded by such sentiments everyday. How then am I supposed to know that my decisions are the best and that those who offer such words to me are being ingenuine?" she raised that eyebrow again.

"Take it as ingratiating myself with you so you comply with me easier if you wish. As a ruler you are surrounded by danger even in your own home. But whether or not such words are half-hearted, take them with a humble and good heart. It is only my integrity that is damaged, not yours if my words are mere lip service."

The droid retuned with Padme's drink and my tab. I payed for both drinks before the girl could protest. She huffed a little before setting into what I assume was a diplomatic expression.

"What did you wish to discuss with me?" she asked.

"What is the extent of your knowledge on a force-user's abilities?"

She pursed her lips thinking for a few seconds. "I know that Jedi are Force users. They have the power to move things with their minds as well as read the minds of others.They also fight with lightsabers and they can jump incredible heights and distances. Other than that, I'm afraid my knowledge is limited."

"Understandable. You only know what the Jedi want you to know. I won't go into lengthy details but our abilities as heralds of the Force go far beyond what you have expressed. Among them are visions."


"A force user with a strong connection to the Force sometimes have the ability to take a small peek into the future through the stream of time. I had such a vision concerning Naboo not so long ago."

"You did?" Her eyes took on a gleam of worry. "May I know what of?"

"Before I say anything, I must make it clear that I cannot reveal most of what I have seen to you. The Force demands that events play as they should. This is an important step in your life, an experience to make you stronger and wiser in judgement."

She frowned. "Say that you did see a vision, how can I trust you if you will not tell me about a potential danger toy people?"

"You can't. You can only take a leap of faith and believe. But what I can offer you is my oath to protect you and Naboo in the coming trials and tribulations that it will face. My word is my honour and all I have to give. I am a servant of the will of the Force, and I shall priorities that over my loyalty yo you should you accept me. All I ask is for you to trust in me and I swear I shall put my talents to use in saving us all."

The frown softened a bit. "You wish to become a bodyguard of mine?"


She let out a deep sigh, sipping her drink and drumming her fingers on the flask. Her eyes hovered over my mask.

"Could you at least show me your face?"

"I will only do so if you accept my service."


"People who see my face, especially women, have a predisposed inclination towards compliance with my wishes and agenda. I want you to make this decision of your own volition without a tempting influence."

She stared at me for a few more moments before sighing deeply.

"At least, what can you tell me about what's to come?"

"In a few months time there will be a blockade and an invasion of Naboo although I can't say by who. You will receive no help from the Senate to prevent this. I understand you will never trust me completely and I am fine with that. I'd be even more skeptical in your place. But for your sake and your people, I beg you to consider. For even if you do not accept me, I will look out for you regardless. It is imperative that you survive."

A few more moments of contemplating took place before she decided.

"Very well."

"Good." I smiled and reached out to her shoulder now that her drink was finished. I teleported the two of us to the Palace right where she met the two Jedi in the first movie.

Her eyes widened in shock.


"A perk of having me as your bodyguard is that I can use a rare ability called Force Teleport. With it I can jump you to safety when necessary."

"Well at least tell me when your going to do it!" she scowled.

"Apologies. But I have a flare for dramatics now and then."

"We still have not discussed your payment."

"Just an empty room with a bed and permission to use your hangar for my ship. And I shall serve until the crisis is over."

"No money or treasures?" her eyes narrowed.

"What use have I for such material things when I have the Force?"

'And Good'ol Chaos.' I thought. Immediately I felt that part of me swell with appreciation. Thanks buddy.

"Very well. I shall grant you your requests. But before you go..." she smiled playfully at me as I was about to turn. " I still haven't seen your face."

"Oh yes. Forgive me." I had genuinely forgotten. Honest. I had the nanobots retreat from my face. There was the initial surprise at what looked like metal melting off my face before she actually concentrated on me.

Her jaw dropped, and very slowly I could see a fearsome blush rising on her cheeks. For a few moments I heard nothing but small croaks coming from her mouth. It really tickled my narcissistic side.

"Now you see why I wouldn't show you before?"

She nodded dumbly at me. Her emotions fluctuated from embarrassment to intrigue, then attraction and a minute amount of lust before she shook her head and clamped down on that particular feeling.

"I-i-indeed. I u-understand now. You are very blessed in your looks."

"Why thank you. Although I'm certain you outshine me in that department Your Majesty. I must be going now. I will come tomorrow. Please have the main hangar open for when I come in with my ship."

"Y-yes. I wish you a safe journey home Sir Alexander."

"Please, when we're alone, call me Alex."

"Then in turn, call me Padme as have done."

"Agreed. Have a good night Padme."

A quick teleport out of there.


(Padme POV)

How could anyone be that good-looking?!!! He's too beautiful to be called a man! Or a boy! He doesn't look much older than me. I'm certain he's human. He looked human. If not, then an angel! He was certainly right. If I had seen his face before, I would have wanted to immediately take him on if only to keep staring at his face.

I'm supposed to be a dignified woman, a Queen. And yet it took a face of exoticness that should be illegal in this universe to completely make me break character. That luscious silver that looked so soft I wanted to run my fingers through it. Those blue eyes that made me feel I was swimming in an ocean of stars. And that jawline just drove me crazy. I immediately felt all my senses flare and my body rise in temperature. And I'm certain he enjoyed it as well. Jedi are said to feel the emotions of others around them. Palo was an ugly rodent compared to this person. And he's my new bodyguard too.

And he complimented me! A guy like Him...complemented MY looks...

Anyway, I had to go home. This evening was certainly tiring. Hopefully no one had noticed I'd gone, as I explicitly said not to disturb me in my room. I had to think over what Alex had told me as well.

Now where was that secret entrance?


I appeared in the same spot I had landed on in this universe. There was something bugging me. Ever since I came, I could feel tendrils of the Force trying to lock onto my core. At the same time, I could feel the parts of my core which was my own Force trying to jump out. Not against my will but asking me desperately to be let out. Taking my own advice, I took a leap of Faith and let the tendrils connect.

I felt my Force energy disperse into the Force around me. However that was some tendrils. Others were bring it back into me, like a circulatory system. I felt the Force around me suddenly become more dense and potent.

Aaah, that's what it was doing. My control over the force became so much easier all of a sudden, and the currents were flowing smoothly throughout what I assumed were midichlorians. I could tell because they were nodes of Force energy I could detect in every cell in my body. So it was a mutual benefit thing. I strengthened the Force of this universe and in turn, my powers became easier to wield. And because I was more of an extension of the Force now with no alignment to dark or light, both Jedi and Sith would not find me if I didn't want them to.

How about I announce my presence? I gave my Force completely to the Force around me. Immediately I felt the Force currents stop flowing throughout the galaxy. Before a pulse from me sent them running again. The pulse wave travelled throughout the galaxy, slamming into the minds of Force users across the rims.

And they got the same message.

A new Champion had arrived.