

After the end of the battle, Bourne gathered all of the people that drowned in the water. He could see all of them faint and unless he did something, they would be in that state forever, probably.

For Jellal, his face was almost disfigured because he was being beaten by Bourne.

However, the durability and recovery of the magicians in this world was very good and before long, Jellal would return to the way he was in the future.

"Is it over?"

Ultear walked toward him. She had often come with him to see how he practiced and she was quite used to talking on the top of water.

Juvia felt weird to walk on the top of the water, but after she had gotten used to it, she was wondering how Bourne was able to develop "water" magic to this extent.

"It's done."

"Thank you, Bourne."

Ultear hugged Bourne tightly and didn't want to let him go.

Bourne patted Ultear's back, but then he noticed Juvia who kept biting the handkerchief while emitting a gloomy aura. He decided to look away and ignored this girl's reaction for a while.

While hugging Ultear in his arms, Bourne looked at the people that he had gathered before then he chose one guy that wore an eyepatch and a turban. He absorbed the water that had entered the body of this young man and made him wake up.

"Cough! Cough!" The young man coughed and felt very uncomfortable.

"Are you alright?"


The young man was about to say thank you, but stopped when he saw Bourne was right in front of him.

"Calm down, I don't mean harm. I just want to destroy this tower, that's all," Bourne said and stared at the lower part of the Tower of Heaven that was almost drowned by the water. While his expression was serious, he also collected all the treasures which he could get in this island and tower.

The young man also looked at the tower and sighed. He wasn't sure how to describe his feelings, but at the same time, he felt relief.

"...Thank you."

Bourne smiled and asked, "I have destroyed your organization and you say thanks to me? You're weird."

The young man only laughed awkwardly, but somehow, he felt that he could get along with this guy.

"What's your name?" Bourne asked.

"Simon," Simon said without hesitation since he knew that he couldn't defeat Bourne nor he also wanted to defeat Bourne. For the fate of his friends, he could only pray that Bourne didn't do anything on Wally, Shou, and Millianna.

"Out of all the people in this tower, I have chosen you to wake before anyone else so please tell me which one that I should let go of before I call the Magic Council to catch the people in your organization?" Bourne asked.

Simon was surprised, but he wasn't surprised because Bourne was a member of the Magic Council. He was surprised because Bourne was going to let them go. "...You're going to let us?"

"Yeah. I can see that you're not bad. So don't join this kind of cult in the future, alright?" Bourne said.

"Thank you."

Simon was grateful to Bourne.

"So who is it?"

"It's them."

Simon pointed at Millianna, Shou, and Wally, however, when he was about to say "that's all". He stared at Jellal for a while who had been disfigured by Bourne.

"Can you let him too?"

Bourne looked at Jellal and nodded. "No problem, but you'll take responsibility for him, alright?"


Simon nodded.

"What about the rest?" Bourne asked.

"Just let them be jailed into the Magic Council." Simon sighed and said, "The rest of them are criminals and members of a cult that has committed a lot of crimes against the people."

"You're not?" Bourne asked with a smile.

"I...." Simon thought for a while, but shook his head. "I might be a member of this cult, but I have never committed a crime. The three of them too." Then he started to tell Bourne about his story and how he could enter this tower before.

Bourne nodded after he heard Simon's story. He could tell whether this guy was lying or not by listening to the heartbeat, microexpression on Simon's face and Simon's eyes. It was also the reason why he had chosen Simon to wake up first before anyone else since he could tell that this guy was a good guy type.

Bourne wasn't sure, but when he saw Simon, he could imagine this guy confessed to the girl he loved, but then he was rejected since the girl only thought of him as a good friend.

Don't ask him how, it was just his instinct that told him.

"Well, from now on, you're free. I will take you to the shore now," Bourne said and when he was about to use his magic...

"Bourne-sama, if you feel tired, Juvia can let you ride on Juvia," Juvia said with an eye full of excitement when she thought that Bourne was going to ride on her.


Bourne was silent when he snapped his fingers, creating a large magic circle before creating a large water jellyfish.


The size of the jellyfish in the water was around 50 meters which caused Simon to twitch his lips, wondering whether Bourne didn't feel tired.

Bourne also woke Shou, Wally, and Millianna up at the same time.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" 3x

The three of them woke up at the same time, and looked around in confusion.

"Shou! Wally! Millianna!"

"You can do your celebration later. For now, let's go," Bourne said and took all of them to the jellyfish of water.


When they arrived at the shore, Bourne told them to go which made Shou, Wally, and Milliana perplexed for a while.

"What's wrong? You don't have any plans after this?" Bourne asked.

Simon, Wally, Millianna, and Shou shook their heads since everything had just happened so sudden!

In a moment, they were planning to destroy the continent, but in another moment, the tower was destroyed, their organization was destroyed, and they were being told that they were freed!

They didn't know what to do for a while!

Bourne took out his wallet and took out money from it. He gave the money to Millianna and said, "This is one million Jewels. You can use that money to find something that you want to do." He had a lot of money and this one million Jewels was nothing for him.

It was just a drip of water on his wealth.


The four of them twitched their lips since this guy could take out money as easily as turn the faucet.

"Umm... thank you?" Millianna nodded and wasn't sure what to say.

Bourne patted Millianna's head and said, "If you keep being here, then I'll call the Magic Council to apprehend all of you too."


Hearing the name of the Magic Council, they became tense then they quickly bowed their heads before running away.

"Big brother, what's your name?" Millianna asked curiously before she ran away.

"Bourne Walter."

Millianna smiled and said, "My name is Millianna. If we meet again, I'll treat you to a fish!" She quickly ran and chased after her friends.


When Millianna ran next to Simon, she frowned and asked, "Why do we have to bring him?"

Shou and Wally also frowned while looking at Jellal who was being piggybacked by Simon.

"Anyway, we're friends before and you also have heard that he's being manipulated, right?" Simon said.


Shuo snorted and said, "But I can't forgive him!"

"Me too, nyaa!" Millianna said.

"I know that it is not a gentleman's act, but I can't forgive him that easily," Wally said.

Simon smiled gently and said, "I also can't forgive him, but Jellal also knows that. For now, let's forget the past and search for something that you want to do."

"I want to meet Erza-nee!" Shou said without hesitation.

The three of them looked at each other before nodded since they wanted to see Erza!


Bourne only smiled, but then he felt a gloomy aura on his side.

"Bourne-sama, are you interested in that girl?"


Bourne twitched his lips and patted Juvia's head, but then he saw that Juvia suddenly being purified and she showed a blissful expression. He smiled and felt that this girl was really funny.

"So what are you going to do with them?" Ultear suddenly asked while looking at the number of people that Bourne had caught.

"I'm going to take the three of them and the rest... we can sell them to the Magic Council," Bourne said while looking at the member of Trinity Raven who passed out because of his magic.

Advanced Chapters can be found here->


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