
Subordinates 1

Before Bourne woke the members of the Trinity Raven, he needed some precaution and made them unable to use their magic.

According to the book and his research in the past, a magic energy was flowing within the body of the magician, similar to a bloodstream within the human body.

As long as he stopped the magic energy on their body from moving, then he could make them unable to use their magic.

It needed to be done when the targeted magician passed out since if they woke up, they could fight back which made the process became even more troublesome.

After he sealed their magic, he made them wake up from their slumber.

When the three members of the Trinity Raven woke up, they were instantly being greeted by Bourne who looked at them with a cold expression. They were startled at first, but then they quickly became quiet and tried to act as pitiful as they could.

The three of them also checked their bodies, however, the three of them frowned and gasped since the damage which they received from the battle earlier was quite severe.

Fukuro was disfigured which made him moan in pain, but he tried to lower his voice as he could be so he wouldn't annoy Bourne since he was scared. He might always pursue justice, but he could abandon justice for his life.

If he died then everything would be useless.

Vidaldus was better, but he felt his entire body was very cold and his lips turned purple. He wanted to warm his body, but he didn't dare to move his body. He still remembered how Bourne was so merciless and froze his body without hesitation which made him have a trauma on his mind.

Ikaruga, who was the strongest among the three of them, was better, but her ribs were broken and her head was also bleeding. However, she could bear this pain and didn't say anything, wondering what Bourne's intention was.

'Is it me?!'

Ikaruga knew that she was a beautiful woman and she could tell that Bourne loved to collect beautiful women since she could see both Juvia and Ultear were right behind him. Thinking for a while, she felt better and she didn't mind it, especially when she saw his cold expression was very charming.

The three of them noticed that Jellal had disappeared and wondered whether that guy had been killed or something, but they didn't care much about that.

When they were checking their bodies, their expression then worsened when they realized that they couldn't use their magic which made them realize that they were a sheep that was ready to be chopped down by Bourne.

Ultear and Juvia didn't say anything and looked at Haru wondering what he wanted to do with the three of them.

"I have two choices for the three of you." Bourne raised two of his fingers and said, "One is being jailed on the Magic Council and the other one is to work under me."

"Please let me work under you!" 3x

The three of them said without hesitation while bowing their heads. They could tell that Bourne was very strong and rather than being jailed by the Magic Council, it was better for them to work under Bourne, especially when they had already known how strong Bourne was.

However, inwardly, they felt surprised since it seemed Bourne was connected to a Magic Council which made them wonder who he was.


However, their answer made Bourne feel a bit flabbergasted. He didn't expect that it would be so easy for him to recruit the three of them as his subordinates. He had thought about a lot of things such as torturing them, beating them up, giving them curses, etc, but it seemed that he didn't need to do all of that to convince them to become his subordinates.

If Ikaruga, Vidaldus, and Fukuro knew what Bourne was thinking then they would be very relieved at this moment.

The three of them realized Bourne's expression was a bit weird at this moment which made them feel a bit confused for a while.

"Tell me your name and your magic first." Bourne looked at the magician whose face he had punched before. "How about you first?"

"Yes, Sir!" Fukuro was very respectful, even if his face was very painful at this moment, he forced himself to answer Bourne's question. "My name is Fukuro and I have mastered Jet Magic and Capture magic."

"Capture magic, eh? You sure have mastered a vicious magic," Bourne said while looking at Fukuro with a bored expression.


"I won't use this magic again in the future!" Fukuro hurriedly said since he was afraid to offend Bourne.

"......" Bourne was speechless and wondered whether he was very scary. He rubbed his face and asked, "Tear, do you think that I'm scary?"

"Yes, you're a very scary bad guy," Tear said with a laugh.


"No! Of course not, Bourne-sama! Yo - You're very handsome..." Juvia said with a blush.


Ultear stared at Juvia and realized that this girl didn't even hide her intention to grab her man from her.

Juvia looked at Ultear then smiled.


Ultear then hugged Bourne's arm and sat on his lap.



Juvia felt a combo hit on her heart and felt jealous when she saw how Ultear was able to do all of that with her beloved Bourne-sama. She cried and bit her handkerchief, feeling very jealous at this moment.

"Don't be so naughty," Bourne said and slapped Ultear's butts.


Ultear smiled and hugged Bourne tightly while looking at Juvia, trying to provoke her.


Juvia became even more jealous at this moment.


Ikaruga, Vidaldus, and Fukuro became even more confused at this moment and didn't know what to do for a while.

Bourne sighed, but decided to ignore the two women. "Fukuro, come here."


Fukuro's body trembled, but he didn't dare to dismiss Bourne's order and moved slowly toward him since he wasn't sure what Bourne was about to do to him. He couldn't use magic and he didn't think that he was able to escape from Bourne, especially when he knew about Bourne's power.

Usually, Fukuro would fight by using his brain. Even if he might seem to be a musclehead, he used his head better than the main character of the original story.

Fukuro was a meter away from Bourne, but then his face was being grabbed by Bourne. He panicked, but then he suddenly felt comfortable.

"Do you feel better?"


Fukuro was stunned and asked, "....Are you healing me, sir?" He didn't expect that Bourne would try to heal him since he thought this guy was a tyrant.

"Is that so surprising? You're going to work under me after all. If you have an injury then you're going to be useless to me," Bourne said.

"Oh, what a tsundere," Tear said while shaking her head.


Bourne stared at Tear and thought to punish her somehow later.

Fukuro sighed in relief and felt very comfortable when he was being healed, however, at the same time, he was glad that his new boss wasn't that bad.

Vidaldus looked at Fukuro with an envious gaze since he also wanted to be healed at this moment, but that cold gaze from Bourne made him unable to say anything.

Ikaruga was also jealous, but she was jealous of Ultear at this moment who was able to sit on Bourne's lap since she also wanted to do the same thing.

Advanced Chapters can be found here->


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