
Tower of Heaven 4

After Bourne used his magic, almost everything was drowned by water.

Jellal, Ikaruga, Fukuro, and Vidaldus showed a horror expression since Bourne was even stronger than they had thought, but at the same time, it didn't mean that they were going to give up in this battle since they wanted to stay alive!

The four of them quickly escaped from Bourne's attack by their own means, using their everything so they wouldn't be drowned by this magic.

The four of them made a signal then attacked Bourne at the same time.

"Jet Ho Ho Hou!"

Using his Rocket Pack, Fukuro propelled forward at a tremendous speed, using the gained momentum to increase the damage within his punch.

Fukuro's speed was very fast and in a moment, he appeared right in front of Bourne and he was ready to punch Bourne, however...

Bourne moved his head slightly to the right then punched Fukuru right into his face.


Because of Fukuro's speed, the damage which he received from Bourne's punch was several times stronger. His mask bent and his face turned flat with a lot of blood coming from his nose. His body slammed into the water and he drowned within.

Fukuro failed, but it didn't damage the concentration of the rest since they knew once they lost this battle, they might lose their lives in front of this young man!

After his reincarnation, Bourne had never forgotten to train his body and his strength was very strong. Looking at Fukuro's disfigured face, he had to admit that Fukuro was a bit lucky since this guy was wearing a mask.

If Fukuro didn't wear a mask then his ugly face that was disfigured by Bourne would be shown to the world.

"Rock of Succubus!"

Vidaldus started to play a certain song on his guitar. With this magic, he would be able to take control of his opponent. He was confident with his magic and laughed when he thought that he had successfully taken over Bourne's body.

Vidaldus looked at Bourne who had a handsome face and a very strong magic. Once he took control of Bourne's body, it wouldn't be a dream to become even stronger, however....


Bourne only stared at Vidaldus with a confused expression. "What are you doing?"


Vildaldus was in shock when his magic was useless on Bourne and when he was about to attack Bourne with his "hair magic", Bourne raised his palm and froze him in an instant.


Vidaldus, who was frozen, could only stay there in shock since the opponent was too strong.

In a single moment, both Fukuro and Vidaldus were being defeated in an instant.

However, it didn't mean the attack of the opponent had stopped.

Bourne turned to the side and saw someone who was dashing toward him with very fast speed while holding a katana.

Ikaruga knew that Bourne was the strongest opponent that she had ever faced and frankly, she didn't think that she was able to defeat him. If they weren't an enemy, she didn't mind having a date with him, but the problem was both of them were enemies!

When both Fukuro and Vidaldus made an opening for her, Ikaruga started her attack!

"Garuda Flame!"

Ikaruga swung her sword and created a stream of fire from it. The temperature of the fire was so hot that it created a vapor explosion after the fire grazed into the water that was being summoned by Bourne.

The explosion didn't stop and it continued to explode in the direction of Bourne.

Bouren raised his palm and a magic circle appeared in front of him.

"Sea Dragon's Roar!"

From the magic circle, the head of a sea dragon with sharp teeth of water was manifestated and it was fired toward the chained vapor explosion.

Both the explosion and the sea dragon met each other, but something shocking happened.

The sea dragon engulfed the explosion and ended the explosion then it continued to move toward Ikagura.


Ikaruga wanted to slash down this sea dragon of water, but it was too late and she was engulfed before being drowned deep into the water.

The three members of the Trinity Raven were lost, but there was one more person, who didn't give up.

When the three members of the Trinity Raven bought him a time, Jellal had made up his preparation and he was ready to use his strongest magic!

Jellal bowed down and pointed his hands downwards, with all the fingers closed except the index and middle fingers. He then began to slowly move his right hand until it pointed upwards, causing the clouds above him to begin circling around, forming a cyclone as the skies darkened.

"True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema!"

From the center of the swirling formation, a glowing orb began to form, growing in size until a humongous meteor emerged, falling quickly to earth towards Bourne!

Jellal used all of his magic power and after he used this magic, he plopped on the water, trying to stay afloat while waiting for his magic to end the life of Bourne!


Juvia and Ultear didn't expect Jellal to be this strong!

"Bourne!" 2x

Bourne exuded a constant surge of magic energy that surrounded him, which shook the surrounding environment and caused a large wave within the vicinity.

Bourne stared at Jellal's magic in the sky and didn't expect this guy to bring a meteor to defeat him. He took a deep breath and four humogious swirls of water appeared on his surroundings.

Those swirls of water started to form the shape of a spiral moving toward the sky before it was combined into one on the top of Bourne. Then water kept being absorbed into the spiral before it was compressed several times until it reached a diameter of a hundred meters.

The spiral kept spinning at a very fast speed causing a tornado in the the surrounding area.

Juvia was in shock when Bourne displayed how a "water" magic could become this strong!

Ultear was also in shock after finding out her fiance had become even stronger!

"Great Water Spiral!"

The combination of water spirals launched into the sky at a very fast speed then in a next moment, the water spiral hit into the meteor before it drilled straight through it!


The meteor started to crack before it was destroyed and engulfed within the water spiral.

After this attack, there was no explosion nor anything, but the water spiral kept drilling into the sky, cloud, before reaching the outer sky and dispersed into water vapor along with the meteor which was engulfed within.


Jellal could only stare at this scene with dumbfounded expression since his magic was easily crushed by the young man in front of him. When he was in the trace, suddenly the water current forced him to move toward Bourne's direction. He tried to escape, but the water forced him to stay in place before he arrived right in front of Bourne.


Jellal could only look up at Bourne with a dazed expression.

"Don't worry, after this treatment, you'll wake up from the nightmare," Bourne said calmly while raising his fist.


Jellal was about to say something, but he was punched. He kept being punched in the face until he woke up from the effects of brainwashing.

*Baam!* *Baam!* *Baam!*

Bourne knew that what he had done was quite cruel, but it was necessary. His intention was pure and it definitely didn't have anything to do with the meteor which was being sent by Jellal before, definitely.

'This bastard!'

Really, Bourne wasn't angry at Jellal at all.


Advanced Chapters can be found here->


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