
Cerebrokinesis System

Nilrath, a Half Demon forsaken by his family and left to the care of Humans, was routinely abused and discriminated against by them. All races are endowed with unique abilities at birth. However, Nilrath was born with no abilities. Making him one of the rare few who possessed no powers at all. His absence of powers has resulted in relentless bullying and suffering. He is looked down upon as a burden. There is not a day that passes without Nilrath being reminded that he is better off dead. Then one day, Nilrath lay on the streets after being battered and defeated. He had already accepted that everything would be taken away from him and that he would never develop any abilities. In that moment, at the peak of his anguish, a ominous voice resonates in his ears. [Operator requirements met.] [Cerebrokinesis System, initializing...] ___________________________________________________________ He can only hope to survive in this antagonistic world through scheming, deception, and destruction. Follow Nilrath as he maneuvers all obstacles and hardship, while combating a society that desires him killed. Watch as Nilrath masterfully emerges from the shadows and takes control of the world that turned its back on him. (This is the first novel I've ever written. There will almost certainly be grammatical and mathematical errors. Please be kind with me.)

D3V1L1SH · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The Town of Whitebridge offered only distressing memories to Nilrath. It was the place he had been left to rot. Courtesy of his family, his own flesh and blood.

Nilrath's mother was a Human. However, his father was a Demon. Before meeting Oros, Nilrath had failed to develop any powers of his own. He was forsaken by his parents for this very reason and was left to the cruel care of Humans at only five years old.

For ten years, not a day passed that Nilrath did not endure some sort of suffering. Whether it be starving, being beaten or humiliated. It was made clear to Nilrath that he was nothing but a disgrace.

Naturally, Nilrath wanted nothing more than to see the Town of Whitebridge burn.


"status," said Nilrath as a bright screen flashed in front of him.


[Name: Nilrath Xilxidor]

[Race: Half Demon]

[Level: [1]

[EXP: [0/10]

[Cultivation Method Rank: 'Initiate']

[Mana: [150,000/150,000]

[HP: [25/25]

<Host Statistics>

[Vitality: [10]

[Strength: [7]

[Intelligence: [5,000]

[Reflexes: [9]

[Legerity: [6]

[Magic: [10]

<Active Skills>


<Equipped Items>



[Passive: 'Fortified mind'

- Immunity to any form of incursion targeted towards the Host's mind.

- Enhanced processing capacity.

- Reduced emotional intensity.


[Passive: '#####'

- Mana amplification [*1,000,000%]

- Intelligence amplification [*100,000%]

- Enhanced Mana regeneration.

- Enhanced cognitive ability.


Nilrath began analyzing his current status. Careful not to slip over any details. Nothing in particular caught his eye except for his Intelligence stat and Mana capacity.

"I notice some ridiculously high outliers in my stats, specifically my Intelligence and Mana. I assume this is your doing?" Nilrath asked.

Oros replied from Nilrath's inner self. "That is correct Half Demon. However, this is but a sliver of the power you will acquire as you get stronger. Though I must warn you. Your stats may look frightening at a glance but as you are now you can not apply any real impact."

Nilrath took in all of this information. It made sense that he could not do much at his current level. His most useful ability, 'Mind Control' had a cooldown of 6 hours. Due to this, he could not afford to use it recklessly. On the contrary, while Nilrath could use his other power 'Illusion' without limit because of his high mana pool, it provided almost no real offensive advantage.

"It'll prove rather difficult to progress without any legitimate offensive weapons in my arsenal," commented Nilrath as he tried to think of any solutions to the issue.

Footsteps resonated behind Nilrath, and he instantly tensed up. He had gotten too captivated with his status that he had forgotten where he currently resided.

A short girl with with curly hair and vibrant purple eyes approached Nilrath, a guard at her heels. The girl appeared to be around 14 years old. "Hello! I've never seen you around these parts, are you an outsider?" the girl asked, trying to pull off her best innocent act, though, Nilrath could sense her lust leaking out in waves.

"No," replied Nilrath. "I've lived here for ten years Alyssa, can't you recognize me?"

Alyssa was the daughter of the current Lord of the town. Though Nilrath held little resentment towards Alyssa, she was loved by the people of the town, therefore, this was simply an opportunity he could not pass up.

Nilrath pointed his palm at the guard. He casted [Mind Control]

['Mind Control' Cooldown initiated: Time remaining (8 Hours)]

The veins in Nilrath's arm glowed a bright white and a foggy purple mist surrounded his hand before a white bolt of ethereal energy shot forth at ridiculous speeds towards the guards head.

The guards eyes briefly glowed purple and then turned lifeless.

Nilrath commanded the guard. "Take the girl and keep her mouth shut."

The guard obeyed as he picked up Alyssa. "W-what, put me down this instant! I'll have you execu-," protested Alyssa before the guard gripped her mouth tightly to silence her.

Nilrath and the guard made their way to the Lords residence. He made sure to cast [Illusion] on anybody in his path to prevent unwanted attention. He did not want anybody interfering with his Revenge. Though, they would all get a taste of it eventually.

[Mana: 149,250/150,000]

By the time they had arrived at the entrance of the Lord of Whitebridge's residency, Nilrath had depleted 750 of his total mana. Not that it bothered him at all.

Two heavily armored guards stood at the entrance. One of the guards spoke as they saw Nilrath approaching. "State your busine-," said the guard before his statement turned into a horrific scream.

[Mana: 149,150/150,000]

Nilrath had casted [Illusion] to project the guards worst fears in front of them. All in their mind, of course.

"How unsightly," commented Nilrath. "Knock the girl out and kill them."

The guard set the girl down before throwing his fist at her face, knocking Alyssa out. He then unsheathed his sword and made quick work of the guards.

[EXP: 5/10]

[EXP: 10/10]


You have achieved [Level: [2]

[2 skill points available]

"Hm," noted Nilrath.

"Half Demon, I must warn you that the time limit on the 'Mind Control' you casted on this human is half way finished," said Oros from Nilrath's inner self.

"Well then," replied Nilrath. "I guess I'll have to get this over with quickly."