
Cerebrokinesis System

Nilrath, a Half Demon forsaken by his family and left to the care of Humans, was routinely abused and discriminated against by them. All races are endowed with unique abilities at birth. However, Nilrath was born with no abilities. Making him one of the rare few who possessed no powers at all. His absence of powers has resulted in relentless bullying and suffering. He is looked down upon as a burden. There is not a day that passes without Nilrath being reminded that he is better off dead. Then one day, Nilrath lay on the streets after being battered and defeated. He had already accepted that everything would be taken away from him and that he would never develop any abilities. In that moment, at the peak of his anguish, a ominous voice resonates in his ears. [Operator requirements met.] [Cerebrokinesis System, initializing...] ___________________________________________________________ He can only hope to survive in this antagonistic world through scheming, deception, and destruction. Follow Nilrath as he maneuvers all obstacles and hardship, while combating a society that desires him killed. Watch as Nilrath masterfully emerges from the shadows and takes control of the world that turned its back on him. (This is the first novel I've ever written. There will almost certainly be grammatical and mathematical errors. Please be kind with me.)

D3V1L1SH · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Cerebrokinesis System

"A deal?" Quoted Nilrath as he tried to pinpoint the source of the mysterious voice.

In that moment, the purple mist surrounding Nilrath contracted and then expanded. The mist slowly took the form of a humanoid figure. The entity completely dwarfed the average human.

The entity then spoke.

"I am Oros, god of sleep and the subconscious," conferred Oros as he descended towards Nilrath. "Let me tell you a story Half Demon," continued Oros. "Like you, I was also abandoned by family. A simple mistake exiled me from the Heavens and condemned me to eternity in the Abyss.

You see, gods are merely blessed beings who let Power, Selfishness, and Entitlement blind them from the perversion they call 'gods'. A disease with no cure," said Oros as he lowered himself to Nilrath's height. "This world that you live in is polluted by the influence of gods. As much as I'd like to cleanse this filth myself. I am chained to this eternal prison.

You see I think our interests align perfectly. Here is my proposal. I offer you my power, the power to enslave and bend the mind to your will. In return, I ask that that you purify this world. The world that has forsaken you. I want you to remove the very existence of the beings that have led to your suffering in this world.

So, do you accept?"

Nilrath shifted his gaze towards Oros. "Would that mean purging you aswell? It's rather ironic how you speak so low about the gods, when you are in fact also a god."

The god met Nilrath's comment with laughter. "In order to grant you my power. I will embed myself in your very soul. So, to answer your question. You can not purge me without purging yourself in the process.

Do not worry though. I am not blind like the other gods. I simply wish cleanse the impurity which is the gods.

So, I will ask again Half Demon. Do you accept my offer?"

Nilrath contemplated. Everything he'd ever dreamed of was being offered to him. Power. Revenge. Order. A chance to take control of the world that took everything from him.

"I accept your offer, Oros."

As if that was all the confirmation the god needed. Oros turned back into mist form and converged on Nilrath's chest. Binding their souls together.

"So this is the power of a god," said Nilrath as his body filled with power. He clutched at his chest as his and the gods existence warped together.


[Operator requirements met.]

[Cerebrokinesis System, initializing...]

[Cerebrokinesis System Special Ability Acquired: 'Mind Control' (Cooldown: 6 hours)]

[Innate Ability Learned: 'Illusion' [Level 1] (Mana Cost: 50)]

['#####' Cultivation Method transmitted. Current rank is 'Initiate']


"How do you feel?"

The gods voice echoed though Nilrath's head. It was hardly surprising to Nilrath that Oros could still speak to him. In a sense, their souls have merged into one.

Nilrath looked down at his body. His scrawny weak body was replaced with a built and muscular one. He had grown an entire meter, completely towering over his previous self. His black hair had turned into a bright white and his skin was now deathly pale. Nilrath's eyes glowed a bright red. His current appearance would make any girl fall head over heels for him.

He stood there for what seemed like hours, staring into nothing. He now possessed what he had always dreamed of having. Power.

"I feel stronger," replied Nilrath.

Hearing this response, Oros started filling in Nilrath on information regarding his newly acquired powers.

'Mind Control' - Numbing and manipulating the minds of as many individuals as possible within a twenty-foot radius of yourself. You can only direct one type of behavior at a time, and stronger minds are more difficult to manipulate perpetually. You can enact a targeted behavior on a single person or on as many people as are within your radius. Its usefulness was restricted due to its lengthy cooldown. However, Nilrath could conjure up various applications for his newly found ability.

Regarding the '#####' Cultivation Method, Nilrath found it difficult to understand. What he did understand was that because Oros had no part in this worlds creation or its history, this Cultivation Method was not recognized by the system put in place by the founding gods.

"By the way Half Demon, as you become stronger I will be able to grant you more of my power. Right now you are too weak to handle it's full extent. Oh and before I forget, you are able to check your your status in real time by speaking 'status' out loud. It should prove quite useful to you," said Oros from Nilrath's inner self.

"I see," said Nilrath, clearly not happy with all the ruckus going on in his head. "I don't think I'll ever get used to all these obnoxious voices in my head," he muttered.

The god's irritation could be felt flowing out of Nilrath's inner self. "Are you insulting me boy? I don't think you were this cocky before I made my appearance."

Nilrath's eyes filled with anger and focus at the gods remark. "On the topic of the past, I think I need to go repay some people in full. No, I think I'll also give them an extra tip for their... Kindness."