
Cerebrokinesis System

Nilrath, a Half Demon forsaken by his family and left to the care of Humans, was routinely abused and discriminated against by them. All races are endowed with unique abilities at birth. However, Nilrath was born with no abilities. Making him one of the rare few who possessed no powers at all. His absence of powers has resulted in relentless bullying and suffering. He is looked down upon as a burden. There is not a day that passes without Nilrath being reminded that he is better off dead. Then one day, Nilrath lay on the streets after being battered and defeated. He had already accepted that everything would be taken away from him and that he would never develop any abilities. In that moment, at the peak of his anguish, a ominous voice resonates in his ears. [Operator requirements met.] [Cerebrokinesis System, initializing...] ___________________________________________________________ He can only hope to survive in this antagonistic world through scheming, deception, and destruction. Follow Nilrath as he maneuvers all obstacles and hardship, while combating a society that desires him killed. Watch as Nilrath masterfully emerges from the shadows and takes control of the world that turned its back on him. (This is the first novel I've ever written. There will almost certainly be grammatical and mathematical errors. Please be kind with me.)

D3V1L1SH · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Revenge Part 2

The doors of the Lord's residence creaked open.

Nilrath entered the manor with the guard close behind him, dragging the unconscious girl in aswell. "Close the door," commanded Nilrath.

The guard obeyed without question and shut the large wooden doors behind them.

The manor followed a strict colorway of red, white and gold. The room in which they stood in was dimly lit by a few amber lanterns. A crystal chandelier hung from the center of the room and a large fireplace filled the air with the sounds of cracking flames.

Nilrath and his "acquaintances" made their way deeper into the estate until they were greeted by another set of large wooden doors with golden handles.

He opened the door. An enormous bedroom stared him in the face. In the corner of the room, the Lord of Whitebridge sat on a crimson leather sofa with gold highlights.

"Hello Byron," said Nilrath as he walked towards the Lord.

Byron's expression turned dark as he saw Nilrath approach him with a guard dragging his daughter into the room.

"W-who are you," said Byron as he shakily stood up. "What do you want? What have you done to Alyssa?"

Nilrath ignored Byron and turned to the guard. "Wake the girl up."

The guard walked over to a small table next to the sofa and picked up a bottle full of wine. He then made his way back to Alyssa and pored it down her throat, instantly waking her up.

Alyssa briefly choked on the wine before spitting it out and struggling for air.

Nilrath approached her. "Give me your sword Human," he said turning to the guard.

The guard unsheathed his sword and handed it to Nilrath without complaint.

Byron panicked. "What are you going to do? Please don't hurt her. What do you want? Money? Power? Fame? Name your price! Please do not hurt my daughter."

"Restrain the old man," commanded Nilrath as he took the sword from the guards hands.

The guard walked up to Byron and constrained the Lord.

"Tell me, do you know who I am?" Asked Nilrath.

Byron looked terrified. "P-please don't hurt us," replied Byron.

Nilrath looked visibly annoyed. "I'm not sure you heard me because that's not what I asked," said Nilrath as he brought the point of his sword down towards Alyssa's pointer finger, amputating it.

He gripped the girls mouth shut as muffled screams filled the room.

Byron wailed. "No! Please stop I beg of you! Don't hurt her!"

Nilrath raised the blood stained sword and hovered it over Alyssa's thigh. "I'll ask again Byron. Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know! beg of you, I really do not know!" Wept Byron as he struggled in vain against the guards hold.

"Unfortunately, 'I don't know' isn't my name," replied Nilrath as he skewered Alyssa's thigh.

Tears streamed down Alyssa's face as she gave a agonized cry.

"However, since I'm in a good mood. I guess I'll tell you who I am," said Nilrath as he removed his sword from the girls thigh.

"I am the result of being raised by so many humans... with rarely any humanity in them," continued Nilrath. "You might know me as Nilrath. Ring any bells?"

Shock spread across Byron's face as he took in this information. "That's impossible! You look nothing like the Half Demon devil who's barely managed to scrape by all these years!"

Nilrath stared at the lord with dead, empty red eyes.

"Devil, huh? Its ironic, really, I saw it the complete reverse," he began. "Though, if you want a devil. I have no problem giving one to you."

He raised his sword and trusted it towards Alyssa's chest, impaling her heart.

The room went silent as the girl fell down to the floor with a thump. Blood staining the wooden floors a dark red.

[Mana: 100,000/150,000]

Nilrath used 50,000 of his mana and casted [Illusion] on Byron. Replaying this scene billions of times in his head. However, it only lasted a blink of an eye for Nilrath.

Byron's eyes quickly lost all emotion.

"I have no use for him anymore, kill him," commanded Nilrath.

The guard vertically twisted Byron's neck, killing him.


You have achieved [Level: [3]

[Ability Learned: 'Loyalty' [Level 1] (Mana Cost: Varied)]

[Ability Rank Up: 'Illusion' has ranked up to Level 2]

[4 skill points available]

"..." Nilrath looked at the bright screen in front of him as he analyzed his new ability.

"Oros, can you fill me in on the specifics?" Asked Nilrath.

The gods voice echoed though Nilrath's inner self. "I'm very impressed with how far you're progressing Half Demon, you've far surpassed my expectations. Now, to respond to your question, your new ability 'Loyalty,' grants you indefinite control over any soul. You are able to freely grant the soul as much free will as you wish. Regardless of how much free will you choose to give the soul, they will instinctively be loyal to you. Naturally, though, the mana cost to control a soul is high and varies depending on the strength of the host."

"I see," replied Nilrath as he checked his status.


[Name: Nilrath Xilxidor]

[Race: Half Demon]

[Level: [3]

[EXP: [0/20]

[Cultivation Method Rank: 'Initiate']

[Mana: [150,000/150,000]

[HP: [25/25]

<Host Statistics>

[Vitality: [10]

[Strength: [7]

[Intelligence: [5,000]

[Reflexes: [9] ->[13]

[Legerity: [6]

[Magic: [10]

[4 skill points available]

<Active Skills>


<Equipped Items>



[Passive: 'Fortified mind'

- Immunity to any form of incursion targeted towards the Host's mind.

- Enhanced processing capacity.

- Reduced emotional intensity.


[Passive: '#####'

- Mana amplification [*1,000,000%]

- Intelligence amplification [*100,000%]

- Enhanced Mana regeneration.

- Enhanced cognitive ability.


Nilrath put all four of his available skill points into reflexes. While his low HP warranted some points to be put into Vitality, Nilrath valued his reflexes over his overall survivability. At least, for now.

He also noted that his mana had already replenished to full. Nilrath assumed that this was thanks to his 'Enhanced Mana regeneration' passive.

Nilrath noticed that a blue orb was visible within the guards chest and assumed it was an indicator that the human was compatible with the 'Loyalty' spell.

He once again aimed the palm of his hand at the guard.

[Mana: 75,000/150,000]

The room's floor filled with an ominous white mist as Nilrath casted [Loyalty] on the guard.

The guards body temporarily glowed white before the mist ceased and the guard went still.

Life flowed back into the guards eyes as his will returned. "I'm not sure what happened but I feel stronger," began the guard as he looked at the corpses around him. "And something tells me I'm going to have to stick around with you for a while."

"..." Nilrath noticed that the spell also increased the targets stats. The bond between him and the guard had also strengthened. Most likely an effect of the spell.

"You will refer to me as 'Master' from now on. I will grant you free will for now, though, I won't hesitate to take it away," said Nilrath.

The guards tone shifted to a more formal one. "I understand, master."

Nilrath nodded in satisfaction. "Your new name will be 'Storm'. I'm looking forward to our many adventures together."