
Cerebrokinesis System

Nilrath, a Half Demon forsaken by his family and left to the care of Humans, was routinely abused and discriminated against by them. All races are endowed with unique abilities at birth. However, Nilrath was born with no abilities. Making him one of the rare few who possessed no powers at all. His absence of powers has resulted in relentless bullying and suffering. He is looked down upon as a burden. There is not a day that passes without Nilrath being reminded that he is better off dead. Then one day, Nilrath lay on the streets after being battered and defeated. He had already accepted that everything would be taken away from him and that he would never develop any abilities. In that moment, at the peak of his anguish, a ominous voice resonates in his ears. [Operator requirements met.] [Cerebrokinesis System, initializing...] ___________________________________________________________ He can only hope to survive in this antagonistic world through scheming, deception, and destruction. Follow Nilrath as he maneuvers all obstacles and hardship, while combating a society that desires him killed. Watch as Nilrath masterfully emerges from the shadows and takes control of the world that turned its back on him. (This is the first novel I've ever written. There will almost certainly be grammatical and mathematical errors. Please be kind with me.)

D3V1L1SH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


A stream of blood ran through the stones. Nilrath's screams resounded through the wind, yet nobody came to his aid. Well, by this point it really wasn't much of a surprise.

A towering, well-built boy with wavy blonde hair and threatening brown eyes stood over Nilrath. "Stop whining you Half Demon freak," he retorted as he continued to kick his limp body.

This happened often enough to be considered routine for Nilrath. 'Why is this happening to me,' he thought. 'Why did it have to be me who didn't receive any powers.'

His thoughts were interrupted by a flash of motion, followed by the sound of his ribs cracking. Nilrath clutched at his chest and groaned. The excruciating pain overwhelmed his senses and caused him to pass out.

Nilrath's attacker stopped to look down at him. "You still alive you mutt?" The boys sadistic smile quickly faded as he realized Nilrath was out cold. "Well that's unfortunate, I was looking forward to playing with you more today. I guess we can continue this tomorrow," he said as he walked away.


Nilrath woke the next day, every nerve in his body screaming with pain. 'Please make it stop,' he thought.

Suddenly, a purple cloud enveloped Nilrath. Nothing could be seen, just an endless void. A voice spoke. "In your desperation to survive, you fail to save yourself." Nilrath stood up, his chest raging with pain. "Who are you? What do you want?" he said through short breaths. The voice laughed and then spoke again. "Do you seek strength? Power? Do you want to be a Hero?"

Memories flashed through Nilrath's mind. Of the reason he is here. The reason he has survived thus far. Anger surged in his eyes and his muscles tightened. "No, I don't wish to be a Hero."

The voice went silent. Pondering. Then it spoke. "Well then, how about we make a deal?"