
Celebrity System In The DC Universe

An actor with a failing career from our Earth named Aeric does a good deed for the first time in his life and then shortly after dies. After dying he meets a god who gives him 3 random lotto's. Over time his cold heart opens up to the people around him and he becomes the peoples Hero/King and also a famous Celebrity. If you wish to support me and this work, feel free to donate. I'll try to pump out some extra chapters on the story that you want. paypal.me/OnlyMeToday

Level1Goblin · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Dakota City Concert (Final)

On my final song I wanted to go out big and so the lights went dark once again as eight giant holograms of the justice league members appeared on the stage and I disappeared from view. King Moonlights hologram took center stage while he sat in a throne comfortably with a crown on his head. The rest of the justice league stood behind him as he started to sing Last One Standing by FabvL. 

🎵♪🎶You say that you want it, but you never want it like I do

Everyone saying they claiming the crown, but divinity isn't inside you

Break every bone in my body, I need another fight that I just might lose

Give me another height that I could rise to, so I can prove what the warrior pride do (aye, aye)

Drop the facade, blaze turning blue, I'm becoming a God (aye, aye)

I never stop, I know the loss if my body will drop

'Cause if we fall from the top, then I meant nothing with all of the royalty talk

So I give it all that I got to the family I lost 'causе I know that's what loyalty cost🎵♪🎶

The Justice league holograms disappeared and a hologram of King Vegeta appeared in front of the King Moonlight Hologram. 

🎵♪🎶As I depart from my father, he pointеd his finger to say, son

Our planet could crumble and fall, but I know through it all that you'll carry the name

Know that our power is not in a person, it comes from the people you use it to raise

Carry the weight of our legacy in the new world that I know you'll create (aye, aye, aye)

As I departed a villain, he pointed his finger to aim

Saying your planet will crumble and fall at the end of it all, I'm not leaving a trace

And to this day, I still carry the weight of the millions screaming who couldn't escape

Until today when I look in the face of the villain avenging all those he enslave

Telling him🎵♪🎶

The Hologram of King Vegeta was replaced with a hologram of Doomsday who immediately began to start beating on King Moonlights hologram. Each time a punch landed the lights of the bracelets in the audience flashed red. The people in the audience gasped each time he was hit even though they knew what they were seeing wasn't real, but for whatever reason they could even feel a wave of air every time a hit landed. 

🎵♪🎶Beat me into the ground

You won't break me

All that I lost, I found

You won't shake me, no

On everything

I'll make them see

When it all falls down, I'll be the last one standing🎵♪🎶

The King Moonlight hologram appeared to have powered up, his hair flying upward as an aura surrounded him. Through all of this, his crown had not fallen or gotten damaged as the hologram continued to sing. 

🎵♪🎶You say that you want it, but you never want it like I do

If they told you that I'm second best, well then, motherfucker, you been lied to

I might have to ride through (yeah)

Moonlight Blast for you, you and your fucking side, Boo

Send you all to Nekron's realm, heard it's got a nice view

Sick of you bitches, yeah (ha, chooh)

In the chamber, yeah, you know where I'm at

King shit got the God's at my back

First to do it, put you all on the map

Don't make me laugh

Super Saiyan, nah, I never could slack

Poppin' Trunks, I don't wanna go back

Raising bars from the future

Pushing power levels through ya

Fuck all the etiquette, I been a menace

Don't let me catching you moving sideways

Yeah, I'll make you regret it, bitch, y'all are my tenants

The lease is up, hit the highway

This is my day

Rich as fuck, did it my way

Time to do whatever I say

Y'all been riding on my wave

Chanting my name, bitch🎵♪🎶

The hologram of King Moonlight began to fight back. Each hit on doomsday caused a golden light to emit from the bracelets. 

🎵♪🎶I won't fall down again

I'll always give it everything

Through all the fire, through all the rain

Through all the liars, through all the fakes

Through all the, through all the, through all the

When my time comes to end

Just know I give it everything

Through all the famine, through all the pain

Through all the passion, through all the rage

Through all the, through all the, through all the

Beat me into the ground

You won't break me

All that I lost, I found

You won't shake me, no

On everything

I'll make them see

When it all falls down, I'll be the last one standing🎵♪🎶

Right when the song ended, the doomsday hologram was destroyed, the golden lights of the bracelets lit up the surroundings, and King Moonlight walked back over to his throne that just reappeared and sat back down with a cocky grin on his face.

The once silent audience all started to shout out, whistle, and many other things to show how much they loved the show. With the giant hologram of King Moonlight still sitting in his throne, I walked out in front of it as the giant holograms eyes followed me. Looking out at the pumped up crowd, I spoke into the mic. 

"As many of you know from my old shows, I am a bit of a fan of the heroes that protect earth and I have sang about Green Lantern, Superman, and others in the past. After hearing of King Moonlights origins thanks to his recent interview outside of the children's hospital, I was able to sing one about him as well today. Hopefully I can sing more Hero songs in the future. Maybe even one about Dakota Cities very own Hero Static? Who knows, but the show for today is over and It has been a fun time for me Dakota City, yall were a great crowd. I hope to see many of you at my future shows after tonight." 

Having said my goodbyes, I began to get ready to leave the stage, the audience was full of energy and had began talking about the show they had just witnessed. I could catch some of their conversations as I was packing up my instruments and hologram projector. 

"That show was crazy good! I had never heard of any of these rappers until today, but I'm glad you brought me along Jamal! Although Prince Aeric was of course the best, I also really liked Aaliyah. Is It possible to fall in love with someone's voice? I think I'm in love with her or something."

The guys friend Jamal rolled his eyes at his friend. "Yeah, I honestly didn't even know Prince Aeric could rap, I just came because his shows are always insane like this. You can't find those bracelets of his anywhere else and the holographic technology is next level. Some fans speculate he works for S.T.A.R Labs in his spare time and they let him test their new technology in his shows. I don't know if I believe that though. It's more likely that he just has some really good connections considering he's a well known singer." 

A number of conversations like this could be heard, but I didn't want to stick around any longer and so I began to leave. As I was about to go I was stopped by the two super security guards who I had previously hired for the show. She-bang was about to speak, but Rubberband man beat her to it first. 

"Hey man, if you ever have any need for security again in the future, I'm usually available." She-Bang hearing Rubberband man's word nodded in agreement. The pay was pretty good and the music also wasn't bad. They were basically being paid to have a good time. Who would pass up on a job like this?

I took a few steps towards Rubberband man before sticking out my hand to shake his, which he accepted it and shook it as I spoke. "Sure thing, you guys did great. I also am aware you used to rap before Rubberband man, In the future if I ever start my own label, I might be calling you for that instead. I don't know if rapping still interest you or not though..." 

Rubberband man smiled upon hearing my words. "I still rap, next time you call me I'll make sure to have a tape ready for you". 

After saying my goodbyes I was about to leave again, but something caught my eye at the last second that sent a chill down my spine.