
Case Of Love

Because of being late for work, Rita does not hesitate to fight with a handsome widower named Arka who has blocked her way! Not your sister! Don't call me that!" "Ok fine. But, Can I call you my girlfriend?" "Oh, god! Shut up!" There is a reason for the hard work Rita has been doing all this time. But who would have thought, Arka, who always made Rita angry, finally wanted to help. But what if the reason for help from Arka to be is secret? Then, can the charm of a widower like Arka still be able to chase Rita's hard heart?

Fifilani · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Fifty Million

"Rita, we'll talk about it later. You hurry down. The buyers outside have been waiting," said Kina when look at Rita.

The sound of Arka's shoes squeaked closer to the warehouse. The man seemed very impatient to wait, Kina even more panicked to tell Rita to come down quickly.

"Oh my god, my waist. Kina help me!" Rita moaned while holding her waist which had just hit the floor.

Due to panic, Arka even more ventured to approach Kina and Rita near the stairs.

"I'm sorry, I think it's my fault for rushing it," said Arka in surprise mixed with pity.

Rita's position, which had her back to him, now turned her head. How shocked the two of them were when they faced each other. Their eyes widen perfectly, staring at each other.

"Y-you?" Rita and Arka both shouted in shock.

Rita and Arka stared at each other more. Kina frowned for a moment then scratched her head.

"When the eyes look at each other, it feels like it's destined," Kina said, ending with a laugh. Arka immediately realized that she looked at Rita and laughed too.

Rita didn't accept Kina's remarks. She immediately threw a box of shoes in her friend's face.

"You are reckless, Kin!" angry Rita.

Rita then looked at Arka who was already showing a row of white teeth in front of Rita. The woman could not understand, today she had bad luck. And for her everything happened because of Arka.

The woman tried to stand up with the help of Kina. Arka also took the initiative to help Rita stand up.

"Don't try to hold me!" Rita snapped, rolling her eyes at Arka.

"Rita, this is our purchase. Remember 3S, smile, greet, greeting. Why are you angry with him?" asked Kina in surprise.

"He's the owner of that damn car. You widower lacks love, chump!" Rita's sneer pointed sharply at Arka.

"You work here, don't you? Forget it. Let me help you up," said Arka in a friendly manner and didn't question Rita's anger.

"No need!" Rita snapped while throwing Arka's outstretched hand away.

Instead of getting emotional or replying with anger, the man just kept chuckling. Now, Arka was squatting in front of Rita.

"Okay, if you don't want to be helped up, I'll massage your leg first. Maybe you have sprained it that's why you don't want to be helped up. Right?" Arka's grin showed his smiling face.

Rita clenched her jaw and immediately shook her head violently. Arka is showing more and more insolence towards him.

"Please watch your etiquette, Uncle!" shouted Rita furiously.

Arka immediately chose to step back. But his expression continued to grin. He knew that Rita was very angry because attitude's Arka was categorized as a pervert.

"I haven't held it yet, I'm already angry. You're a woman who doesn't like to joke, huh? I don't find a woman like you very often," said Arka, raising both hands and still chuckling.

Arka was waiting for Rita to show an extraordinary anger. He really liked Rita's anger. Strange indeed.

But for some reason, seeing Rita's anger seemed like an addiction to him. In fact, Arka was deliberately acting pretentious just now.

Arka only showed an attitude like it was nothing but to test Rita's personality further.

Because of this, Arka can conclude an allegation that Rita really upholds her dignity as a woman. That's what made Arka judge Rita as a woman whose comparisons in this world were like one in a hundred. It is very rare for Arka to meet a woman like Rita in his life.

'Patience, Rita! You don't have to serve this madman!' Rita muttered in her heart.

Rita took a deep breath. She had no other choice but to ignore Arka.

Intentions to get back up from her seat, Rita realized that her leg pain was not kidding this time. Rita looked so hard to stand even though Kina had helped her.

Arka panicked for a moment. He also did not think that Rita's leg was badly sprained.

"I swear I can't stand up anymore, Kina," Rita groaned in pain.

Kina sighed. She saw that Rita's legs were turning blue. Kina immediately patted Arka's arm.

"This is all your fault. It's too much of a rush to find shoes. Finally my shop head fell," Kina said blaming Arka.

"Yes, it's my fault. Your shop head can't be left like this!" Arka replied in a panic.

Arka immediately grabbed Rita's hand, intending to help her up.

"Eh, what are you doing!" irritated Rita brushed off Arka's hand.

"Just take Rita to the clinic. You also have to pay for my shop head's pain with fifty million. If necessary, there are pluses," said Kina hastily.

Rita momentarily stopped wincing in pain. She looked at Kina with eyeballs that were ready to pop out. Because she was irritated to hear Kina's words just now.

"What are you talking about, Kin! Don't be crazy like this man,"

"Rita, you don't have to be stubborn and prestige. You want to be paralyzed if you don't treat Rita?" asked Kina threateningly.

"Okay-okay! Want fifty million, want one hundred million, want the entire price of the shoes in this shop I'm ready. What is clear is that your friend, the first we are go to the clinic right now!"

Rita swallowed and looked at Kina and Arka alternately.

In the midst of her confusion, Arka took the opportunity to help Rita.

Arka's strong hands immediately carried Rita's body.

"Gosh, what the hell! Put me down!" Rita screamed very rebelliously.

Arka didn't care. Rita's energy when she rebelled had no effect. The man walked to his car. He intends to take Rita immediately to the clinic.

Arka swiftly carried Rita to his car's. Rita seems to have not rebelled. No hypocrisy, Rita leg was in a lot of pain. She does need help.

"That's it. I hope your leg heals quickly, Rita," said Kina, waving her hand at Rita.

"Shit! Crazy girl!" said Rita angry.