
Case Of Love

Because of being late for work, Rita does not hesitate to fight with a handsome widower named Arka who has blocked her way! Not your sister! Don't call me that!" "Ok fine. But, Can I call you my girlfriend?" "Oh, god! Shut up!" There is a reason for the hard work Rita has been doing all this time. But who would have thought, Arka, who always made Rita angry, finally wanted to help. But what if the reason for help from Arka to be is secret? Then, can the charm of a widower like Arka still be able to chase Rita's hard heart?

Fifilani · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Fall From Ladder

Arka nodded slowly. He then took the black loafers on the shoe rack. He looked at it carefully and then showed it to Kina.

"Is this number 43 available or not?"

"There, please. I'll get it first,"

"As well as the cellphone number, Sis," joked Arka jokingly when Kina walked to the warehouse.

Kina just chuckled to hear it in her heart. 'Damn it, got a rag shopper' Kiba mumbled to herself.

While Kina was temporarily walking to the warehouse, she was called back by Arka.

"Hei, wait!" call Arka to intercept Kina.

Kina turned around. She walked back to Arka with a friendly expression on her face.


"I didn't take the loafers that you were holding. I want these loafers," said Arka while taking another brown loafer.

"Oh, the brown one? As for this loafer model, number 43 is out of stock," replied Kina smiling kindly.

"Who said I want size 43. I want size 42," said Arka casually.

"Oh, I think your legs are shrinking. Because you ask for the first number 43,"

When Kina was throwing a joke at Arka, suddenly Rita was heard screaming from inside the warehouse.

"Kina, the buyer has returned yet? It's been a long time!" Rita asked in a sobbing voice there.

Arka then looked at Kina while tilting her chin towards the warehouse. While Kina looks a little awkward and immediately throws an awkward smile.

Despite the various attitudes of buyers who come to the store, Kina still has to serve buyers wholeheartedly.

She felt impolite if she had to answer Rita's question earlier. Not how, the connotation of Rita's sentence seems to repel current buyers.

Kina knows if her best friend in there needs a friend to confide in, friends share problems and help her get the best way out of her problems.

'Gosh, that's Rita, I can't wait! Again serving the shoppers!' answer Kina excited. And the look at his face Arka.

"Sorry, my friend is crying. He needs a friend to confide in, that's why he shouted like that. Don't be offended, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm not offended. Em … what was that friend crying for?" asked Arka with a serious face.

Asked like that, Kina just smirked and showed a confused face. There was no way Kina could tell Rita's problem to anyone else.

"Surely your friend inside is crying because broke up with boyfriend, huh?" said Arka guessing.

"I think so," replied Kina lying with a small chuckle. Instead of Rita's business getting longer, Kina returned to the original goal.

"So, are you looking for shoes that are number 42, right? Wait a minute. I'll get them at the warehouse," continued Kina friendly.

"Okay, pretty woman,"

"I'm indeed pretty woman. Later the payment will be exaggerated. There is a fee for me, right?"

"Okay, keep calm," reply Arka.

They both laughed in unison. Kina kept shaking her head into the warehouse. "It's great to get a buyer like this. Not stingy,"

While in the warehouse, Rita looks grumpy. Her brain just kept thinking how she could get fifty million as fast as possible. Rita saw Kina looking around looking for something.

"What shoes are you looking for?" asked Rita in her low voice.

"This one, Rita. Where's the item?" asked Kina while showing the shoe model in question.

Rita then pointed to where the shoes were from a distance. "Don't forget to use the stairs because the items are at the top,"

Kina rushed to take it immediately. Meanwhile Rita returned grumpy. She counted her fingers there. The woman looked really frustrated at the thought of the fifty million debt that had to be paid off within a month.

"Kina, help me how to get fifty million in a month please," Rita whined.

The woman is now rocking the stairs that Kina is currently stepping on. Suddenly Kina was immediately shocked not playing because the position above was very dangerous.

"Gosh, Rita! Don't shake it. The stairs are rusty, I'll fall," Kina panicked. Her body was shaking in fear of falling.

Rita shrugged her shoulders. She snorted softly and took a step back. Then she walked backwards to lean behind the pile of shoes.

"You is very passionate about serving buyers, Kin. Usually you also looks lazy to take things about something," said Rita while crossing her arms there.

"Incidentally, the buyer outside is very handsome. Then he seems to be a loyal person. He wants to give a fee, Rita. It's rare to get a buyer and not stingy,"

Rita was silent. She only saw Kina who was starting to look difficult to take things that were too far from her reach.

She intends to help Kina. Rita's body is indeed much taller than Kina. Her tall and slender body is indeed Rita's part to pick up things that are difficult for Kina to reach.

"Aish, it's really tall. You don't need to be too tall when you arrange things, Rita!" groaned Kina at the top of the stairs.

"Here, leave me alone," offered Rita walking to the stairs.

"Are you sure, Rita? You're still sad," said Kina because she saw Rita's face was still filled with deep sadness.

"It's okay. Must work professionally. You get out of there. Let me take it,"

Kina had no other choice. She immediately came down the stairs.

"The size 40 is brown, right?" Rita asked as her feet were at the top.

"Yeah, that one,"

Kina continued to watch Rita from below. Seeing the head of the shop was still shedding tears.

"It's okay, Rita. Don't cry like that. I can't bear to see you sad," Kina whispered with pity.

Rita didn't come down right away. She was still at the top of the stairs wiping her tears and looking at Kina from below.

"I feel like I have a big problem that is impossible to get through, Kina," Rita whispered.

When Rita took the time to vent up there, the voice of the buyer's response from outside made the woman forget for a moment the sadness that was there.

"Is there anything I'm looking for?" asked Arka shouting from outside.

"Wait a minute, handsome!" replied Kina shouting from inside the warehouse.