
Case Of Love

Because of being late for work, Rita does not hesitate to fight with a handsome widower named Arka who has blocked her way! Not your sister! Don't call me that!" "Ok fine. But, Can I call you my girlfriend?" "Oh, god! Shut up!" There is a reason for the hard work Rita has been doing all this time. But who would have thought, Arka, who always made Rita angry, finally wanted to help. But what if the reason for help from Arka to be is secret? Then, can the charm of a widower like Arka still be able to chase Rita's hard heart?

Fifilani · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Attention Arka

Along the way, Rita saw Arka who was very serious about driving a car. His serious face was in contrast to the joking expression he had shown earlier.

'He look at feeling guilty or what? Why is he the one who panics the most?' Rita asked herself.

But Rita didn't want to show her curiosity. Throughout the journey, she was silent as tried to massage her sprained right ankle.

Rita locked her mouth tightly to interact with the man who was beside her at this time.

Rita prefers Arka's calm demeanor like that. Because once Arka spoke, it would always make Rita angry with him.

But apparently, Rita had to speak up. Arka is now driving at a decent speed Ritaggi. It made Rita's heart race.

"It was your turn this morning to take the car like a snail! Now it's so fast! Please slow down the car! My life will fly!" said Rita panicked and hastily put her seatbelt on.

Arka ignored it. Just now Rita asked him to drive slowly. Arka even further accelerated at high speed.

Rita was made to panic uncontrollably. She knew that Arka was panicking, but that wasn't how showed panic either.

Rita hit Arka's arm. To hell with the man who was focused on driving, Rita intended to disturb his concentration.

"Please stop! If you want to help me like this, it's wrong! Do you want both of us to get hurt? You don't have to take me to the clinic if you drive like this!"

"The problem is that your leg is sprained. If it's treated too late, it can spread to other parts," Arka answered frantically.

"It spreads to other parts. All organs will be destroyed! I don't want to die in an accident! Don't race with the car!" said Rita breathlessly because of fear.

Archie immediately woke up. If Rita hadn't warned her, Arka would still be driving her car at a high average speed.

"That's it, Rita. I don't race like an ambulance anymore. But your leg pain is still safe, right? You still have a few minutes to go to the clinic. You have patience, okay?" said Arka hastily.

Rita was shocked to hear Arka's answer. Arka's panicked attitude was seen as too much.

In fact, Rita was just another person she had just met. He glanced at Arka. The look on her face was full of guilt.

According to Rita, it wasn't the man's fault that she fell on the stairs completely.

'This person has a high level of empathy too,' Rita admiredly clicked in her heart.

There are still a few minutes to the clinic. The two of them fell silent again. But Arka didn't really like this kind of silence.

"Your name is Rita, right? You already know my name?" asked Arka pleasantly.

"How do you know my name?" asked Rita turning to ask in a flat voice.

"You just call me uncle, right? Not with grandpa?" Arka said mockingly.

Rita frowned. "You mean, uncle?" Rita cynically looks lazy to serve Arka's jokes.

"Om, it means you're still young. Grandpa means you're old. I'm not deaf, Rita. By the way, what's your last name?" asked Arka kindly.

"My name is Rita! I don't wear frills on the back," answered Rita flatly.

"Don't you want to ask my name back?" asked Arka developing a smile glancing at Rita.

Rita pursed her lips and tried to remember the owner of the divorce papers that she had read earlier. But her memory was not sharp. "I forgot. Even though I knew earlier,"

"How do you know?" asked Arka pretending to be curious.

"I read your divorce papers earlier, Uncle. But you don't have to look for them anymore. I've already thrown the divorce papers away. I'm also surprised, how could the divorce papers be in my shirt pocket," said Rita, shaking her head.

Arka laughed hearing Rita's overly honest statement.

"Oh, so you took the divorce papers with you,"

"It doesn't matter, does it?" asked Rita feeling a little guilty.

"Yeah, it's not important. The thing that's more important now is the marriage certificate, Rita,"

Rita snorted softly. She had only known Arka for a few hours, but it seemed that she already knew the man's true nature.

One word that is appropriate for Arka is that every time talks. Rarely serious and likes to make jokes wrapped in jokes.

"Stop talking, Uncle!"

"Just because you're still a virgin, you keep calling me uncle. That's … your friend at the shop called me brother. You don't have any intentions of calling me dear, hm? Does my face look old, Rita?" asked Arka then briefly looked in the mirror in the car's rearview mirror.

"Shut up!"

"Hei, my face still young, Rita,"

"Up to you what you want to say. Kina apparently can't tell the difference between an old face and a young face," Rita snapped.

"Well, it's up to you, Rita. You can call uncle. You can call dear," Arka answered resignedly.

Rita clicked her tongue in her heart. She had shown a very unfriendly attitude to the man. However, Arka continued to be friendly.

Moreover, Arka's friendliness is too rambling. Rita was really sick of being in such a situation.

"Stop, Uncle! Don't be too busy. I just want to be taken to the clinic. Then I go home and don't see uncle anymore," Rita irritated as she covered her ears.

'What a shame! What did you dream last night? Why do you have to deal with a man like this!' Rita was irritated in her heart.

Rita then glanced at him in annoyance. However, Arka found Rita's gaze.

"Are you sure you don't want to see me again? Then why are the lyrics like that. Just say that I'm really handsome, right?" asked Arka.

"Lazy debate! You just focus on driving!"

"Relax, my eyes can go anywhere. But everything will be under control. Look, we're almost at the clinic. We'll go back to your shop later, okay?"