
Case Of Love

Because of being late for work, Rita does not hesitate to fight with a handsome widower named Arka who has blocked her way! Not your sister! Don't call me that!" "Ok fine. But, Can I call you my girlfriend?" "Oh, god! Shut up!" There is a reason for the hard work Rita has been doing all this time. But who would have thought, Arka, who always made Rita angry, finally wanted to help. But what if the reason for help from Arka to be is secret? Then, can the charm of a widower like Arka still be able to chase Rita's hard heart?

Fifilani · Urban
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23 Chs

Need a Hands

"I'm curious what your friend told me about the fifty million plus-plus," said Arka casually.

Rita swallowed and bit her lip. She recalled Kina's words to Arka earlier.

After Rita received treatment for her sprained leg, she also seemed not to be in as much pain as before.

Rita actually felt bad because Arka was overdoing her. Arka took her to a well-known and expensive physiotherapy clinic.

While in the car, Rita continues to look for ways to express her gratitude and at the same time repay Arka's kindness. Even though he was holding back his pride.

"Uncle?" called Rita in a soft voice.

"Yes?" said Arka no less gently.

If Arka has shown such an attitude, to be honest Rita immediately becomes ill.

"Uncle, can it be normally when you're interacting with me?"

"Why?" asked Arka while focusing on staring at the vehicle in front.

Rita snorted roughly and immediately leaned back in the car seat. She was suddenly lazy to say thanks to Arka.

"I swear! I'm lazy to talk to you if your brain is shorted,"

"Why a short circuit? What's wrong with me, Rita?"

"Don't be too familiar with yourself. I just want to repay your kindness. I don't want to be in debt!"

Arka suddenly stopped the car on the side of the road which happened to be quiet. He admitted that he couldn't concentrate on driving the car because of Rita's comments that seemed to force him.

"Why do you mention being indebted, Rita?"

"Payment problems at the clinic. How much was the administration fee? I'll change the money later,"

"It's okay, Rita. Let's just say I help you so you don't get angry anymore, okay?"


"It's okay. What are you thinking about? Then you were crying, your friend said," asked Arka curiously.

"Uncle, doesn't have the right to know all about my business. It'll just end here—"

"Our relationship?" Arka interrupted him while raising his eyebrows.

"Hey!" Rita immediately snapped and threw a punch at Arka's arm.

Once again, Arka laughed out loud because of his jokes that made her allergic.

"Just kidding, Rita,"

Rita tilted the corners of her lips and didn't respond to Arka's joke. She turned her head towards the side of the car window.

"Don't be angry, Rita. After all, you've always been rigid by nature. Just take it easy with me,"

Rita was silent. It seems that what Arka said was true. Since then Rita has shown a stiff and angry attitude.

Arka started her car again.

"Yes, people are different in nature. They can't be the same!" said Rita seeking defense.

Arka nodded slowly. He chose to be silent for a moment. Without realizing it, his car has now arrived at Moon's shoe shop.

"The shop is already busy, isn't it? It was quiet when I was shopping," said Arka looking at Rita.

"That's why you don't have to come to the store again. You don't bring luck, because," Rita answered and laughed out loud.

Arka instead looked at him intensely when he saw Rita laughing. The woman immediately realized when Arka noticed her.

"Well, laugh once in a while. You look more beautiful. But even if you're angry, you still look beautiful," Arka said.

Rita's face slightly blushed. Among all the crap that came out of the mouth of the man beside her, Rita was sure that the last words weren't just gibberish.

'Oh, Rita! You don't look stupid in front of men!' Rita thought trying to fight herself there.

But for some reason, Arka was still smiling when she opened the car door.

"Usually, when you smile, you think you're crazy. But it's okay to call yourself a lunatic as long as you have a happy heart. Isn't that right, Rita?" asked Arka more teasing her.

"Oh, Arka, I'm done! I'm tired of hearing you are like a land crocodile. I want to go back to work. Thank you, Uncle," Rita said goodbye from in front of Arka.

"Uh, let me help you get into the shop," Arka said in a hurry to get out of the car.

"Yes, but you don't have to hold me. Just watch from behind,"

Rita warned. Arka who is now in front of her can only up and down her shoulders. Arka laughed at Rita's innocent words.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Rita, raising her eyebrows.

"Does my face look like a pervert, huh?"

Rita suddenly felt awkward being asked such a question. She had to just smile awkwardly and lazy to argue.

"Kina!" said Rita to Kina who was arranging things on the shelves.

The woman immediately turned around. Kina just served a buyer. She breathed a sigh of relief seeing her best friend's legs were much better.

Kina then looked at Arka who was standing behind Rita.

"Thanks for helping my shop head."

"He is a uncle! Widower! You called the wrong one, Kin!" said Rita, feeling that she didn't accept Kina's call to Arka.

"This is your friend who insists on calling me uncle. But it's okay. I'm already mature," replied Arka resignedly.

Kina immediately opened her mouth and immediately slapped her own forehead.

"Oh, so you were arguing with Rita this morning? Gosh! Okay, okay, I'll just call you. By the way, you're the responsibility, right?"

"Kina, what do you mean! What other responsibilities? Uncle Arka has brought me to the clinic. You don't have to always look for ways to prolong his interaction,"

Arka raised her hand, asking Rita to pause for a moment. Arka's face now looks serious looking at Kina.

"Tell me, Kina. What liability? I was curious about the fifty million plus-plus, seriously!

"This is your friend who insists on calling me uncle. But it's okay. I'm already mature," replied Arka resignedly.

Kina immediately opened her mouth and immediately slapped her own forehead.

"Actually, this shop head of mine needs fifty million to pay off his family's debt—"

"Kin, you're going too far," said Rita.

Arka accidentally touched her finger to Rita's lips. Even though he only intended to ask Rita not to keep interrupting Kina's words. Because of Arka's hand earlier, Rita wanted to explode instantly.