
Chapter 22: Plans and Conspiracies Revealed

Hey guys! Here's another chapter out there for you. This is kind of filler, I admit, but it explains a hell of a lot about what actually is going on the plot, and why everything's so complicated. The World Government and Black Organization's plot will be revealed, as well as explain how Conan ended up in One Piece, as well as being realistic in getting back home. Also, I've decided how I'm going to introduce Nami, expect to she appear in the next chapter, but only at or near the end. But the next chapter, Conan is finally confronted by Nico Robin, and I promise she is pissed. So anyways, read, review, enjoy! Here's the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or Case Closed

Conan groaned and managed to sit up somehow, he looked down at himself, only to find his clothes had been changed again, and he had been re-bandaged as well. He observed his surroundings, and found that he was in a large, straw hut, with Franky and Sentomaru sleeping beside him, with IVs in their arms. Carefully walking around them, Conan shielded his eyes slightly, when he peered outside. He wondered idly about which island they were on. "Oh you're awake!" Turning to his left, he saw a man with an extremely pointy nose running towards him with medical supplies and food; an old man resembling a beetle trailed behind him. One the long-nosed ran stopped in front of him, he panted and asked, "Is Fanky awake yet?"

"No sorry…are you a friend of Franky-san?" Conan asked.

"Yeah! I'm one of his nakama, Ussop! I'm the Strawhat Marksman!" He stated proudly. Conan had to resist the urge to fall over, yet another Strawhat member; just how long was this going to go on? He blinked, when Ussop shook his shoulder slightly. "Hey, you okay? You spaced out for a bit."

"Ah. I'm fine, so who's the old man behind you?" The detective asked.

"My name is Hercules; I'm a resident on this island, young man. Who might you be?" He asked.

"Edogawa Conan." He bowed politely to both of them. "Nice to meet you both, are you the ones who treated our wounds?"

"Yeah! You're lucky you landed so close to the villa! Hercules-san said that the Semitic Whirlpool hasn't spit anyone out in ages! You're lucky none of you have devil-fruits, or you'd be goners!" Ussop explained.

"Er…good to know." Conan managed to smile. "So, where are we exactly?"

"You're on Greenstone, it's an island in the Boin Archipelago." Ussop answered.

"I see…where are we in the Grand Line exactly?" The detective asked.

"Beats me…I was sent flying for three days by that Kuma-bastard." The marksman explained.

"I see." Conan nodded.

"Oi! You shouldn't be moving around yet, Conan blinked and turned to see Sentomaru trying to sneak off. Without thinking, the large man bounded off, and without thinking either, Conan followed him. "Oi! Your injuries, little boy!" Hercules' pleads went unheard.

"You take care of Franky! I'll go after them!" Ussop declared, and started tailing them.

"Young people." The old man groaned.

In the Forest

Being a round, robust, man, Senotmaru wasn't particularly good at running fast like Conan or the other idiot Strawhat behind him, but he was an engineering genius, he was Dr. Vegapunk's assistant after all! But unfortunately, smarts didn't override brawn, for Conan and Ussop successfully tackled the robust man to ground, and managed to tie him in the rope Ussop happened to have on him. Conan sighed, and to Ussop. "So you're one of the Strawhat crewmembers too, huh?"

"Sure am! Speaking of which, who's this guy? How'd you guys end up with Franky?" He asked.

"Long story…" The detective looked to the ground, but then looked at Sentomaru. "I'm sorry…the only reason why you and Franky-san were severely tortured was because Blackbeard-san thought you were with me, so he used that as an excuse to torture you. So, I'm sorry. Ussop-san…"

"Yeah?" The confused marksman replied.

"It's also my fault Franky-san's so badly hurt. I met up with Franky-san on a winter island called Karakuri, and I met him and Sentomaru-san in a lab. After failed negotiations, Franky-san saved us by having the laboratory we were in self-destruct, then we woke up in Blackbeard-san's ship and we were all tortured for the hell of it. I told Blackbeard-san exactly what he wanted, and he still allowed that Shiliew-bastard to torture us!" Conan stomped the ground, his fists were clenched, and tears were streaming. "It's my fault! I'm sorry Sentomaru-san! I'm sorry for what happened to Franky-san, Ussop-san. I'm truly sorry…" The young boy sank to his knees.

"It wasn't your fault kid." Everyone turned to see Franky, who still looked in pretty bad shape, but was able to move around. "The Blackbeard's a bastard, and we're lucky you managed to find a way to escape; if you hadn't we'd be goners. Hey USSOP-BROTHER!" He gave Ussop a bear hug.

"FRANKY! I'm SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" Ussop cried tears of happiness.

As the crewmates started chatting, Conan turned to Sentomaru mournfully. "Your master's factory was blown up…"

"Don't apologize, you brat!" The engineer snapped, surprising the detective. "Though it's true you're the reason I'm stuck on a back-land island with two pirates, it's also your doing that we're still alive. I don't like you, and I'll always be suspicious of you, but it takes a lot of guts to do whatever you did to get us out of Blackbeard's clutches. So…I owe yah, kid. But that's only because you're not a pirate!"

"Sentomaru-san…" Conan mumbled.

"Oh yeah…who's this Blackbeard-guy anyways?" Ussop and Franky started in on the conversation again.

"He's the newest of the Shichibukai, as well as one of the most powerful. He's specifically gathered the most heinous criminals from Impel Down in his crew; he chose them based on the level of crimes they committed, as well as their strength. He had the prisoners kill each other in fights in order to insure only strongest and most cold-blooded made it onto his crew." Sentomaru explained.

"Impel Down?" Conan blinked, but then remembered the prison he met Whitebeard at.

"Ah. All the criminals he recruited had committed crimes so heinous, that they were erased from history." The engineer explained.

"Man, talk about job requirements." Ussop responded.

"Wait, if these guys are that bad, how'd we escape from them in one piece, kid?" Franky asked. "By the way, what were you doing at Karakuri with the Heart Pirates anyhow? Were you looking for something?"

"Yeah…and also, what exactly happened to us while we were out? Blackbeard had to make sure you were kept in the best health out of us." Sentomaru narrowed his eyes. "Well, speak up."

"…Sentomaru-san…are you aware of who I am?" He asked.

"A cocky, four-eyed brat that was snooping through my master's research. What of it?" He responded.

"You mean, the World Government didn't tell you about me? What about Blackbeard-san, didn't he say anything?" The detective was now confused.

"The only thing that bastard told me that the World government wanted you brought to Marineford alive, but he didn't tell me why." The engineer answered and narrowed his eyes. "Start talking kid, who are you exactly?"

Thinking over his options, Conan decided it was best that he told the truth; lying had only gotten people hurt, and frankly…he was sick of lying at this point. "My name is Edogawa Conan…and this is my story. My real name is Kudo Jimmy, and I am a detective from another world. My story will sound crazy, and I know that there's a strong possibility that you guys may not believe me, but please hear me out."

Back at Revolutionary ship s+ Whitebeard's ships

After hearing the news of the little detective's death, as well as one of her crewmembers, Robin was less than convinced that the boy was actually dead, especially because CP9 had recently been disbanded, and were taking independent jobs. They were on Very Good's ship, which made the whole thing even more suspicious in the beautiful woman's mind. Staring at the prisoners they had captured for interrogation, the Blackbeard pirates, she decided to hear from them just what they had to say. The idea of Lucci as well as the rest of CP9 even remotely working with the revolutionaries, just sounded bizarre to her. So, going up to the chained prison guard, Shiliew, he forced her to look up at her. He and his crew were currently in the Revolutionary ship's brink; considering too many people on Whitebeard's crew wanted to kill them. "Tell me…Shiliew-san…how exactly did the disbanded CP9 group find you?"

"…What makes you think I'll tell you, woman?" He snorted.

"Either tell me, or be tortured by the very people you had imprisoned at Impel Down." She smiled gracefully, and trailed a finger across his chin. "After all, I'm sure they're anxious to get their revenge on the man who burned his cigars on his skin for fun." She took a cigar out of nowhere, and pressed it against his face. He winced, but his face didn't waver. "I see…I suppose the proud warden will live with the shame of pirates taking aware his baton." She started leaving before he finally broke.

"It was that damned Tsuru and Donflamingo! They set us up; they played CP9 and the Blackbeard pirates against each other like dogs in a ring! If you promise me that I can torture them to death upon seeing them again, then I'll tell you whatever you want to know!" The guard exclaimed.

"I see then…very well, you have my word I'll insure your desires to the best of my capabilities." She gave him an enchanting smile. "Please continue."

"We got a call from Tsuru; she said there was big money and status in it for us if we completed it! All we were supposed to do was find this kid, and take him back to Marineford! We didn't think that'd he have the whole Grand Line after him. We didn't know that your crewmate and Sentormaru would be with him!" Suddenly a hand was around his throat.

"Which crewmate of mine was with him?" She demanded.

"Franky, his name was Franky! Anyways, Tsuru told us the situation the World Government had set up, and why we had to get this kid back to Marineford ASAP. Then all of the sudden, a few hours we got the kid and, your crewmate, and the engineer; we were suddenly attacked by the disbanded CP9 group!" Shiliew explained through clenched teeth. "We were caught by surprise, and we lost to Rob Lucci. Even with the captain's devil fruit powers, Lucci's hand to hand skills were too good, and were defeated. Cipher Pole then took our captives and sailed off, but it looked like they were heading in the direction of Mairiejois, not Marineford, so I don't have any information on where they're going."

"Why is the disbanded Cipher Pole group working for Spandam once again?" Robin asked.

"According to Tsuru, the World Government promised complete reinstatement as well as promotions if they were to side-swipe us and take our prey." But then the jail warden put on a dangerous smirk. "But if we were to be successful over the World Government, we'd get it automatic access to the undergrounds of Mariejois, where supposedly the legendary source of wealth is hidden. I don't know what's down there, but apparently it's a big enough secret for the big boys to become shaky."

"So, your captain accepted the gamble, thinking of the fame it would give him. How does this Donflamingo-san come into this? He is one of the Shichibukai, is he not?" The archeologist frowned.

"He was there on Cipher Pole's ship, and he's also the one that held our ship together until you got there. Also…he was talking to Lucci about something, but I couldn't tell what. All I know it, Spandam plans to betray them at the end of this, despite the offer; he's pissed off about something pretty big." Shiliew shrugged.

"So Lucci did plan for Conan and Franky to disappear into that whirlpool." Robin concluded. She then turned to leave. "Thank you for your time, Shiliew-san."

"What? No goodbye kiss?" He smirked. But he suddenly felt a hand squeeze his neck so hard, he almost passed out.

"Don't ever speak to me as if we're on the same level; anyone who hurts my crewmates are as dead as trash to me." She glared and left the man to regain his trachea. Walking on the deck of the revolutionary ship, she frowned; what was the Navy strategist and the Shichibukai planning? With those thoughts in mind, she headed to the ship's library, to look up maps. She was certain that they weren't dead now.

At Greenstone

"So that's what happened, and that's why the World Government's after me." Conan finished his story, leaving his three companions utterly speechless. "You guys don't believe me at all, do you?"

"I never thought I'd meet someone who could spin bigger lies than me, well done!" Ussop gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah, you'd make a great story teller one day." Franky gave another thumbs up.

"Is the part about CP9 true? I can't imagine Lucci having feelings for anything unless if it's the pleasure of decapitating a corpse." Sentomaru complained.

Conan twitched in annoyance. 'Well…at least I tried to tell the truth'. "Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but our next course of action is to find this Amazon Lilly island. That's where Lucci-san said his friend was taken to."

"I'm mean seriously, if you don't want to tell us your situation, then that's fine." Ussop interrupted him, making the detective twitch.

"Yeah, we won't judge. Not sure about him." He pointed to Sentomaru.

"You still don't believe me, do you?" The detective asked annoyed. Honestly, he should've just stuck to lying, he was getting so good at it, it was scary.

"It's not just that kid…you do know that Amazon Lilly is a female only island, right?" Sentomaru asked.

"Yeah, so?" Conan asked.

"That means, no men allowed at all. Boa Hancock used her status as a Shichibukai to put out a restraining order against all men from entering the island's territory." Sentomaru explained. "Due to some traumatic experiences of her past, she despises men. She's also the only member of the Shichibukai that's female; supposedly she's the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Seriously?" Conan felt like the description of this woman was just ridiculous now. "So basically, this woman's a pirate empress with her own legitimate society?"

"Basically." The engineer shrugged. "Most of the younger women on the island haven't even seen a man before."

"Ah. So even if I were telling the truth, going there would be out of the question." Conan replied.

"Exactly. So, what are you going to do from here kid? You've got a Navy engineer, and two infamous pirates to your disposal." Sentomaru pointed out.

"Actually…" Conan then remembered that he actually found notes in Vegapunk's lab. "I've got proof I'm telling the truth about my situation, and it comes directly from your master Sentomaru-san!"

"What are you getting at, kid?" The robust man growled.

"Here!" Conan took out the plans he found of the vortex machine and showed it the three surprised men. "This is Dr. VegaPunk's work right? Tell me you don't believe now!"

While the three men in front of him were no doubt inventors, Ussop still wasn't quite as stunned as Franky and Sentomaru. Both men knew exactly what they were looking at when they saw the plans; they just couldn't believe it. "This is…"

"So the kid was telling the truth." Franky looked at Conan with shock. "You really are from another world!"

"Wait, I'm confused! What is this, exactly?" Ussop demanded.

"These are plans to master Vegapunk's vortex converter. It was designed to explore different dimensions and parallel universes, to further access more resources for the World Government to exploit. Vegapunk disappeared before the project was complete, or so I thought. He actually he did it…he made contact with a different universe." The engineer now seriously regarded Conan. "So what you say, really is true, you are of a different world."

The detective stood his ground and firmly looked at the three of them. "Ah. Now I need to know the truth Sentomaru-san, how exactly does that machine work, and how can I use it to get home?"

"…It's pretty straight-forward, the converter latches on to different particles in the sub-space, further accessing-"

"Please stop, you're speaking a foreign language." Franky and Ussop were already lost.

"It's not my fault you two are too stupid to understand this!" The engineer yelled at them. He then turned back to Conan. "So anyways, basically the converter works by attaching itself to the different waves at which light presented in each universe, and creates a natural pathway from it. At first, master Vegapunk only used inanimate object between the parallel dimensions, but as you know…everything went downhill when we contacted the Black Organization."

"Didn't you just say you left before the project was complete?" Ussop pointed out.

"Shut up! I was practicing being tight lipped!" Sentomaru griped. "We initially made contact on some strange device, that your world calls a cell phone. We made a 'phone call' I believe, and we established contact. The particles of light happened to match up with the communication waves of the technology of your world, and we eventually made it on what you people called, 'video chat'. After some persuasion from those Black Organization bastards, we actually managed to teleport small objects from our machine, into what you people called a 'microwave'. When we told the World Government about it, they were ecstatic and demanded more. Eventually, all this happened; you being traded for One Piece, your world being invaded, and the Black Organization coming here to invade our world. Essentially the Black Organization and the World Government plan to rule both worlds interchangeably, and once Mater Vegapunk realized this, it was too late. I was actually on the run and hiding in Karakuri when you found me. I'm sorry, at this point, it might already be too late."

"Y-You're kidding right?" Franky gasped.

"T-This is insane! It's got to be a tall tale! Something I'd make up!" Ussop cried.

"It's true, once you're out of the way, and One Piece is in the World Government's grasp, it'll all be over. Sorry it had to end like this kid." Sentomaru sighed.

"Where's Vegapunk-san now?" Conan asked.

"No one knows, I wasn't lying when I said he disappeared some time ago." Sentomaru pointed out.

"Through communication, the Black Organization was able to set up a converter of their own, and that's how I was sent here." Conan concluded.

"Ah. You were the first live human they tested that on, no one was even sure you'd live. I opted out of this when I heard what Akainu did to your neck, sorry twerp. That guy's a real bastard." Sentomaru finished. Ussop and Franky gave the little boy confused glances, when they saw the bandages around his neck were covering a huge burn mark.

"It's fine, I've dealt with others like him. How do I dismantle it?" Conan asked.

"…You can't be serious." Sentomaru stared.

"I don't know what my chances are at getting home at this point, but I know I'm not out of options; especially by now. I'm not letting these bastards touch my family, I won't let them touch my friends, and I sure as hell am getting those bastards back from doing this to me." Conan's fists clenched as he spoke. "Should I get home, I need to know how to destroy the machine from my side, you guys worry about it here."

"…That won't be necessary." Franky spoke up.

"What?" Conan turned to him. "According to these plans, the source is through the information network and light particle physics, whatever those are. But basically, it means if you destroy one machine, you destroy the other; the bad part is, if the machine malfunctions while you're traveling through the portal, there's a good chance you won't make it home, but be trapped in the portal itself."

"In other news, the dimensions will lock down, and I'll be permanently sealed in there." Conan glared at the ground.

"This is all so confusing…" Ussop groaned. "But it sounds bad…what'll you do Conan-kun, or Jimmy-kun?"

"Call me Conan, Ussop-san." The speckled boy smiled. "It's the identity I've learned to adopt, and it'd be weird if people suddenly started calling me Jimmy. And as for what I'm going to do…I'm going to find my way home of course, wherever that may lead me."

"Saa…I guess we head to Amazon Lilly then." Sentomaru sighed. "Whether or not Lucci's telling the truth, it's definitely better than staying in one place."

"Do any of us, know how to navigate?" Ussop asked.

"Er…" All four sweat-dropped, Conan could do it, but he simply didn't have enough experience at sea.

"Let's go back to the villa and get something to eat then. Hercules-san is probably worried." Ussop recommended. Untying Senotmaru, the four of them headed back to the village, only to discover something shocking. There, in the middle of the village was a giant, broad man, who was dressed like a jungle warrior almost, and had angel wings on his back. He was about as tall as Jozu, from what Conan could remember. Luckily, his three companions seemed to recognize him.

"OI! You're-"

The winged-man turned to them, and put on a huge grin. "Ah, two members of the Strawhat crew, and the bastard, Sentomaru. Haven't seen you since that sticky encounter in Sabaody. How's it going?"

"Y-YOU'RE-!" Franky and Ussop pointed stupidly.

"Yep! Urouge, of the Eleven Supernovas, and Captain of the Fallen Monk Pirates is here! Nice to see you again!" He grinned. Conan looked at him, and then back towards the ocean; he recognized Whitebeard's ships, and from what it looked to be an ally of his immediately. The detective gave a relieved smile, there was hope after all. He just needed to utilize it into a victory.

Reminder: Obviously review, but I also want to remind my readers that there are NO OCs in this fic, they are all characters from One Piece or Case Closed! Marguerite is the girl that helps Luffy out on Amazon Lilly, look her up on wikipedia if you don't believe me!