
Chapter 21: Decisions of Regret

Hey guys! I'm updating this story fairly quick despite lack of reviews for several reasons. One: I'm getting buried on homework again, so I won't have time to put energy into this story for some time, two: I got another random burst of inspiration, and I fianlly found a good way to move the story along, and three: I'm starting to write several other fanfics, in Vocaloid, Gintama, and a serious variant of my other One Piece story: Hell's Babysitting, and won't have as much time for this one. Don't worry, I'm not stopping it or going on extended hiatus, but I'm indulging you because I know a lot of people read this fic despite the low review count. Rob Lucci is a little OOC in this chapter, but it worked with the story well enough to where it fit in. Also, there are NO OCs in this fic! There are all either from One Piece or Case Closed, so when Lucci talks about his childhood love, it's an actual character from One Piece- Marguerite, is a Kuja pirate, look it up. One last thing, I appolgoze if the last chapter was too gorey; as I said, I'm not used to writing toture scenes, but I am proud of how it turned out. One last thing, Ussop finally appears, and I hope you enjoy! PLEASE REVIEW IF YOU WANT ME TO UPDATE FASTER!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or Case Closed

A smooth, gentle rocking roused the young detective awake, and he shot up from his bed from start. Bed? Why was he on a bed? Was that torture he just experienced just a nightmare? He moved an arm and winced; he looked down at his body and noted he was shirtless and practically looked like a mummy. Nope, not a dream. Looking at his surroundings, he was confused. Where was he? He suddenly felt something peck him in the forehead and he flailed his arms around in surprise. A pigeon flew from a top of his head, to the boy's surprise, and landed on someone standing outside the door to the room. Needing to know Sentomaru's and Franky's fate, he called out hesitantly. "H-Hello?" A tall, lean, muscular man with long hair appeared, he was wearing jeans and well as long sleeve white-button up shirt with casual brown work shoes. His hair was very long, and had handsome face with a small mustache on his chin. The pigeon rested comfortably on his master's shoulder, while the man analyzed the boy carefully. Deciding to try again, since he wasn't saying anything, Conan spoke. "Uh…what's your name? Where are we?"

"You'll have to forgive him, Lucci-san's not much of a talker to people he doesn't know." A tall, broad man who resembled a bull came in. "I am Blueno, member of Cipher Pole 9, in exchange for $200,000,000 beri, the Blackbeard pirates gave up custody to you, Sentomaru-san, and the Strawhat crew member. You were passed out for about four days, and we had to properly clean and disinfect your wounds, and your companions weren't in any better of condition, Mr. Franky is still asleep I'm afraid, and Sentomaru-san's in intensive care." The bull-man explained. "As for who this man is, his name is Rob Lucci, the best fighter in all of Cipher Pole, he wanted to talk to you after you had woken up."

"Uh…where are we?" Conan found it hard to keep up with all the man was saying.

"You are on a Cipher Pole vessel and we are currently heading to Sabaody, where you will be taken to Mariejois for judgment." Blueno explained. "We were ordered to keep you in good health instead of just executing you, so please be grateful and don't try to escape. We're in the middle of the ocean, and all of our lifeboats are securely fastened."

"The Blackbeard pirates just let us go?" Conan found that very hard to believe, all things considering.

"When faced with Lucci-san, you'd be surprised by how flexible things are detective." Blueno replied.

"May I see them? Franky-san and Sentomaru-san?" The detective asked.

"No. We know the tactics of detectives Kudo-kun, so even if that isn't your intention, we can't afford to risk it." He answered.

"Then blindfold me and lead me there!" Conan demanded, clutching his sheets.

"You're in no position to make demands, Kudo-kun. You still need rest, your wounds are still raw and you've lost a lot of blood; those Blackbeard idiots didn't disinfect your wounds properly. Have a good rest. We'll be arriving in Mariejois in two days." Blueno turned to leave, leaving Lucci, Hattori, and Conan alone.

Lucci observed the boy; he was clutching his sheets, his eyes were white and panicky, and tears were prickling his eyes. The detective was angry and most likely furious with himself for getting himself into such a position. Lucci couldn't blame him, it was pretty embarrassing; walking over to the boy, Lucci took out a black cloth and suddenly tied it around Conan's shoulder, and covered his mouth. "Don't speak, I'll lead you to your friends, but you must stay quiet." He whispered. The detective nodded against the hand, and Lucci tied the band fully around his eyes. Lucci then lead the boy off the bed, out of the room, and down the hall.

Just two minutes later, the blindfold was taken off, and Conan collapsed to his knees. There were Franky and Sentomaru in the same recovery room, with IVs attached to their arms, and covered in bandages to the point where it's almost recognizable. "Will they be okay?" Conan's voice was slightly cracked.

"Yes, their injuries were severe, but they'll be fine." Lucci reassured the boy. "There's no reason for you to crack now; you gotten this far, don't let this stop you."

The detective's head shot up. "Why are you telling me not to give up? If it wasn't for me, neither of these men would've been-"

"Whether or not that's true, it isn't something you can help. Even time travel doesn't exist in your world, now stop griping about the past and figure out your next move." Lucci said firmly.

Conan rubbed his eyes. "W-Why are you telling me this?"

"…I heard you were good at figuring out mysteries, I heard that you were also good at finding people." Lucci looked to the side awkwardly.

The detective blinked, what was he implying? "What exactly do you want from me, Lucci-san?"

Lucci walked forward and picked Conan up from the front end of his shirt, and glared into the scared detective's eyes. "You are to tell no one of this! Whether or not you choose to accept my deal, you are to tell no one! Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yeah." Conan nodded and was dropped.

The fighter ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. "I've contacted some revolutionary ships that are near this area, they have the equipment so both men will survive, as well as what they need to be properly recovered. I will help you and your companions escape under the obvious condition that my assistance was anonymous…along with a certain condition."

"Which would be…?" Conan was suddenly afraid to ask.

"…About fifteen years ago, there was an incident on an island called Water 7; it's an island dedicated to the art of craft and ship building. The finest shipwrights in the world are produced there, and the finest was born there- Big Tom. He made ship building an art, able to give the tiniest piece of scrap metal the love and attention it needed to become a piece of gold. He could build anything, and it would last forever; he was the most beloved shipwright in Water 7. However…he committed a terrible crime." Lucci started.

"What?" The detective asked.

"He was the very shipwright who built Gol. D. Roger's ship." Lucci answered.

"The pirate king's ship? He built it?" Conan was surprised, but he didn't see how that was illegal. "Lucci-san, what was the crime exactly?"

"He coerced with a pirate; that is considered second-degree terrorism, and he was originally tied and found innocent." Lucci explained.

"I don't understand." Was the detective's response.

"One of Big Tom's apprentices was obsessed with ships, and particularly favored war ships, and made many of them. The World Government ordered CP9 to take over the wat ships and attack the Navy vessels in Water 7." The assassin confessed. "After Big Tom's trial, he was obviously sentenced to death, but they tried to stop it- his apprentice actually allowed himself to be run over the sea train of Water 7."

"Sea train?" The detective repeated.

"Upon his condition of aquital, Big Tom agreed to build the Sea Train that made trips between Water 7 and Enies Lobbey, the Cipher Pole headquarters. He did so successfully, and his aquital was set." Lucci gave a regretful sigh.

"But then you guys took the war vessels and framed him and his apprentices." The detective clenched his fists. "There's no end to this corruption, is there?"

"I heard that you found out our whole system from Blackbeard." Lucci responded neutrally. "The way of Absolute Justice is-"

"I said it that t=damned pirate, and I'll say it to you- don't you dare call what the World Government is doing justice. It's just oppression and fear-driven tyranny that's hurting everyone involved, including the innocent civilians that you're supposed to protect. How can you call yourself a soldier when all you do is hurt people weaker than you?"

"I don't call myself a soldier, I call myself an assassin. I'm fully aware of my crimes, and I don't hesitate to eliminate the targets as they're assigned to me. I didn't go into the Cipher Pole organization with the intent of protection; it was purely for my own desire and ambition." The assassin explained.

"So you don't even give a damn about your comrades, do you?" Conan sighed.

"Not particularly, but that doesn't mean I don't care about anything." He admitted, causing Conan to look up. "Would you believe me if I said I was actually in love with someone at one point, and still am?"

"No." Conan replied bluntly.

"Well, I am." Lucci ran a hand through his hair awkwardly. "This must remain secret; I won't tolerate blackmail like you did Aokiji, is that clear?"

Making a mental note about how he knew that, the detective nodded. "Fine. "

"The reason why I told you the story of Big Tom is because he helped raise me when I was a child." The detective's eyes widened at that statement. "I was an orphan and only child of Water 7; my parents had been slaughtered by raider pirates before I could walk, I was found by one of Big Tom's workers and was taken in. I had no interest in shipwrighting initially, but I learned basic and advanced carpentry to make myself useful to them. One day, I found a baby bird in his nest on a piece of drift wood out in the ocean. I took in the baby bird and kept it secret in my room; I wasn't allowed pets you see."

"He took good care of me." Hattori spoke, surprising the detective.

"Yes, Hattori has been with me since childhood, and will forever remain with me, so long as I live. One day, I was found out, and they were about to throw Hattori out the window before he could fly; he would've drowned in the ocean. That was when I finally met her, she stopped the worker and told him to leave. She was a strange girl, and would look at me straight in the eye, an action I was used to only seeing with Big Tom. I had seen her around the workplace, but honestly hadn't taken much notice of her. After she saved Hattori, we became friends, and eventually became closer." The assassin turned away, allowing a hidden smile come on from the memories.

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"She was Big Tom's daughter, the mother apparently lived on another island, but didn't wish to take her with her. But one day, I went to see her, and she was gone; a Kuja pirate ship had left the dock earlier that day, and I was told her mother demanded custody of her, and she was taken. She and I were only ten years old, and I felt like I had lost half of myself when she left. Big Tom was distraught over the loss, and explained to me there wasn't anything I could do. That the Kuja pirates had no mercy on men or boys." Lucci continued.

"Who are these Kuja pirates?" Conan asked.

"They are the strongest female pirates in the wordl, and come from an exclusive women-only island called Amazon Lilly. The must leave the island in order to conceive children, but must stay off until the child is born, in the case that their child is born a boy." Lucci explained.

"So they don't risk tainting the island after the child is born." Conan finished.

"Anyways, when I learned that, I promised Big Tom I'd join the Navy in order to retrieve her from the Kuja Piratres, but he told me that I'd have to be at least a Shichibukai level, for theyh were actually allowed to attack men that just came near the island." The assassin sighed.

"So…what do you want me to do exactly?" Conan asked.

Lucci then turned around, and handed Conan a picture of a little girl. She had fairly pale skin, short blonde hair, reddish-brown eyes, wore a white undershirt, and brown cargo shorts. She had a dirty and ruffled appearance, but grinned at the camera, making the victory hand sign. "This is the only picture of her I have, so I will kill you if it isn't properly returned to me. I want you to find her, and make her remember me; make her remember beyond that accursed island. It is her choice of whether or not she stays or leaves Amazon Lilly, but I want her to remember me at the very least."

"So you want me to give you her answer." Conan concluded. "As well as bring her to you, if she agrees to come."

"Exactly. In exchange for finding her, I will allow you, the Strawhat member, and Sentomaru a safe chance to escape. However, I expect a response by the time you reach Mariejois, regardless of how short the timespan is." He glared at the child. "I will also kill you if I even find a dent on that picture, is that understood?"

"Perfectly." Conan nodded.

"Good. Do you accept?" Lucci asked.

"I've made too many deal with the devil to pass one up now." Conan answered. "By the way, what' her name?"

"Marguerite. Her name is Marguerite." Lucci couldn't stop himself from smiling; he hadn't said her name in years.

5hrs Later

Conan looked around anxiously as he was lowered into the life-boat by Lucci. Franky and Sentormaru had been lowered down before him, so he was getting last minute directions from Lucci. It didn't help the fact that it was dark, but it was also a bit stormy. The young detective was nervous; he had almost no experience at sea like this. "Keep yourselves centered and you'll be more stable; I'm dropping you off at a good point, stay here until the Revolutionaries find you. It shouldn't be more than ten minutes."

"A lot can happen in ten minutes, Lucci-san!" Conan exclaimed, trying to cover his injured companions.

"You'll have to bear with it!" He yelled. "Move out!" He cut the rope that was keeping the life boat to the ship, and in no time, the waves swept Conan and his partners in catastrophe away. The young detective tugged his Navy-slicker tighter, to protect himself in the rain. They had to disguise themselves as corpses they getting rid of to lighten the boat's load. Despite what Lucci said, the detective felt grave anxiety. The waves were getting rougher, and the rain was getting heavier.

"Bear with it! Easy for him to say, his ship's above the waves!" Conan exclaimed to himself, trying desperately to steady the dingy. Suddenly, Conan felt a sudden jerking movement on the boat, he managed to look down in the water, and gasped in horror and confusion. A whirlpool had suddenly appeared, and they had just got sucked into it. "How the hell does that work? Just what is it with this universe?" Having no paddles, or any sort of cover, Conan tied himself and his companions together; if they were going to die, they shouldn't be alone.

With Lucci

"Wonderful Lucci! I can't believe that kid bought that! Can you believe it?" Spandam laughed as he saw the boat get sucked into the whirlpool.

"A little too easy, if you ask me." Kalifa spoke up. She gave Lucci a suspicious glance. "You were awfully convincing in your story Lucci, you didn't even need Hattori-san to speak for you."

"I did the job as assigned to me, I can't help it if he only buys into one personality act." The fighter shrugged.

"Hmph." She pushed her glasses forward. "Whatever you say." She turned back to the scene; not one person in CP9 caught Lucci's confident smirk.

Revolutionary sub-ships

Inazuna and Izo watched in absolute horror as the small dingy got sucked helplessly into the whirlpool. They had volunteered to go out to pick up the refugees when they noticed from binoculars, they had escaped somehow. But they were obviously too late, as they saw the little detective, the pirate, and the engineer get sucked to their doom.

"This is war Izo-san." Inazuna sipped his wine calmly.

"Indeed, Inazuna-san." The Whitebeard commander's eyes flashed dangerously. "Let' prepare for war, shall we?"

Near a Carnivorous plant Island

It was a peaceful storm that was passing through their island, it was nothing new; their plant loved the feeling of the rain, and they welcomed it. But what they weren't expecting was a dingy to suddenly shoot up from the bottom of the ocean, and crash-land in the middle of their square. A small, old, man approached the destroyed ship; seeing a child, a man in a speedo, and an oddly-shaped obese man with puny legs. The old man almost resembled a stag beetle and was caught be surprise when someone suddenly shoved passed him.

"Hercules-san, we need to get these guys help!" A man with a long-nose said.

"Why Ussop-kun? Do you know these people?" The old local asked.

"Yeah! Or at least one of them!" Ussop exclaimed, looking Franky over, horrified by his nakama's condition.

"What about the other two? We probably could just feed them to-"

"Just save them all, you old bastard!" Ussop yelled indigently.